Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2208: World Stone

Chapter 2208 World Stone

"Boom", as if a thunderous roar exploded in Shi Feng's mind.

The next moment, a shocking scene appeared in his mind.

It was a huge, magnificent and magnificent world.

At this moment, even he felt extremely shocked.

Just a stone-sized material, it can contain a picture of such a big world.

For example, the Dongyue Divine Land, the Haijing City in which it is located, and the surrounding large cities and surrounding areas, are clearly visible in the mind, and the place names all naturally emerge.

At the same time, at the same time, Shi Feng's soul felt this strange world, and at the same time, he felt a strange feeling.

The soul was trembling, and he was immediately sublimated. He reached the peak of the soul of the five-star demigod and suddenly became a six-star demigod at this moment.

This is completely unexpected!

Originally, he thought that the advancement of the power of the soul should take some time to realize.

But did not expect that watching this great world of war on the continent caused this sudden change in the soul!

After a while, Shi Feng removed the mysterious stone pressed on the brow's heart, and the world in her mind disappeared.

Looking down at the white object in his hand, this ... is definitely a treasure.

Shi Feng just wanted a map, but he didn't expect that it was such a map.

He is very satisfied.

"Looks like you're very happy?" At this moment, Jian Tong came to Shi Feng, saw his smile on his face, and said to him.

Upon hearing Jian Tong's words, Shi Feng grinned again and said, "I am very happy."

In Haijing City, the middle-aged Shenyu Wumu tribe secretly sighed helplessly in his heart. He was naturally distressed when such a baby was taken away.

That mysterious white stone, named World Stone, is rumored to have been made a long time ago by a powerful divine master, and it was less than a hundred in the entire Divine War continent.

But it is said that there are actually four pieces in this sea crystal city!

When Shi Feng talked about the map of the war with the continent, this middle-aged man of the God's Eye and Wumu clan immediately knew why he came.

At the beginning, he hesitated. He looked to see if other people would surrender this world stone, but in the end, when the time limit given by the wicked man arrived, the three of them remained motionless.

For the children, he eventually had to surrender the world stone.

And many **** eyes and five eyes in Haijing City have similar thoughts in their hearts.

Although there are still many **** eyes and five eyes who do not know the world stone, it is natural to think that this evil man is so aggressive, so naturally, it is not as simple as an ordinary map.

They naturally understand who in the world threatens 23 children for a map.


It's just that these god-eyed Wumu people really think wrong, think too much.

What Shi Feng wanted just now was a map, looking for an ordinary map of the continent.

"Let's go!" Shi Feng said again at this time, speaking to Jian Tong and the evil demon.

In addition to the world stone showing the entire world, several famous buildings in this sea crystal city are also displayed, including the area where the altar of transmission is located.

At the same time, Shi Feng and Jian Tong moved arbitrarily, and instantly returned to the evil demon, followed the evil demon with these two figures, and rushed towards the center of Haijing City.

Under the gaze of all eyes, the eyes of the Gods and the Five Eyes suddenly saw this man and the fierce demon flying in the void, and each one of his faces moved and looked puzzled.

Did these wicked leave like this? He killed the strongest Lord of the City and the Second General of Heaven and Earth. Shouldn't he massacre Haijing City and all ethnic groups?

Didn't he threaten to destroy his own God Wumu tribe? Why did you leave like this?


As his body flew towards the center of the city, Shi Feng's stronger soul power now began to glance.

Although he has not yet reached the teleportation altar, he already has a goal for the next city.

According to the map, it should be more appropriate to go to Crescent City.

"Well, indeed Crescent City is suitable!" Shi Feng secretly said, having made a decision.


Soon after, the news of the human race killing the Lord of the Sea Crystal City in the God Wu Gou Clan has begun to sweep.

Haijing City has been relatively special since ancient times, so the masters of the defenders of Haijing City are more powerful.

Just like the one killed by Shi Feng this time, the realm is the Five Gods of True God!

Suddenly, panic spread among the Shenwu Wumu tribe, especially the city and city leaders, secretly praying to the wicked man who slaughtered the Shenyu Wumu tribe, not to come to their own city.

However, not long after, the Shenyu Wumu tribe received an order, which was the order given by their king.

When encountering a human race, don't provoke it, take the initiative to avoid it, and never fight with it.

And the owner of each city even received an order to discover the human race and treat him with hospitality.

At this time, one of the five members of the Shenyu family was puzzled.

Their king, their supreme and powerful king, are they afraid of that person?

But ... how is this possible! How could their king be afraid of that human race! With the power of the king, it is not instantaneous to kill that human race.


The entire Shenyu Wumu tribe is full of doubts and puzzlements.

I do n’t know why the king issued such an order ... This is the Shenyu Wumu tribe, showing weakness?


Shi Feng, Jian Tong, and the evil demon are already in a city called Ye Yucheng.

Along the way, Shi Feng they gradually discovered these gods and Wumu tribe. After seeing themselves, their attitude was not the same as before.

When walking on the road, the "bird people" saw themselves and avoided them at once, and they looked like they were very afraid.

"Did the Lord of the Five Gods of Heaven in Haijing City be killed, and these birds have been deterred?" Shi Feng secretly said.

But then he said, "But it won't be that way."

Ye Yucheng has two ancient space-transporting altars that have experienced many years of age.

The two space altars have lost some of their functions due to old disrepair.

One of the altars can only receive teleports, and cannot transmit outside, while the other altar is just the opposite.

At this moment, Shi Feng and they were heading to the space teleport altar that could be teleported but could not receive it.

Wherever they go, those god-eyed Wumu tribe really seem to have seen the plague, avoiding them far, even those patrolling **** feather guards.

Gradually, Shi Feng didn't care about these either. This way, he could make his actions faster and leave the territory that the birds ruled earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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