Chapter 2209 Yu Ou

"Two, come from afar, why not come to our house and have a drink. Fine wine, ready!"

Just as Shi Fengsan was still walking in Ye Yucheng, all of a sudden, only an easy-going voice came from above them.

After hearing that voice, Shi Feng frowned suddenly, and immediately saw the void, a figure floating in the air.

It is also the God-Five Wumu tribe, martial arts realm, and in the true God Triple Realm!

Mao Yu's face was covered with a smile at this moment, facing Shi Feng them.

For a time, Shi Feng was a little surprised again. Looking at the demeanor, the origin of this birdman should not be simple.

I should be the enemy with the God-Five Gouges. When did I become so familiar?

But even if they had the best wine, Shi Feng would not drink it.

Who knows if that wine is a poison to intestines!

"No need." Shi Feng refused, waving to the void.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the Void man sighed: "Hey, I haven't invited your Excellency, that's a pity."

While saying these words, his face really looked like a pity.

Shi Feng no longer cares about the Void, moves his feet and walks straight with Jian Tong.

The huge evil monster followed behind them slowly crawling, looking like a moving black giant mountain.

The godless Wumu tribe of the void is the lord of this city of Ye Yu. With Shi Feng's movement, his five eyes have been staring at his figure.

As Shi Feng walked away, as Shi Feng gradually disappeared into his sight, I saw the face with a smile just now, suddenly, it became cold.

The face that seemed to be easy-going before was suddenly cold and terrible, and his fists were quietly held at this moment.

His name is Yu Ou, and Tian Jiang Yu Lian, who was shot and killed by Shi Feng in Haijing City, is his biological brother who is the same as his father and mother.

Brother is like a father!

At a very young age, their father died in battle on the battlefield. The two brothers have been dependent on each other, so in Yu's heart, his brother Yulian is like his father.

But he was killed by that **** human race.

For that human race, Yu Ou simply hated him!

Although the king issued a number of orders, he could only defeat him!

Shi Feng hadn't guessed anything wrong. Ye Yucheng's main feather Ou did indeed prepare a cup of poison for intestines.

The poison, called bone erosion, is colorless and tasteless.

But the toxicity is unusually violent.

It is said that even if the true God Wutiantian is strong, after eating bone erosion, he will feel that his whole body is bitten by all insects until he dies.

The taste before dying is simply worse than death!

The poison of bone erosion is rare in the world. The Ye Yu city lord also inadvertently received a packet this time, this time has been used to entertain Shi Feng.


Earlier Ye Yu showed regret, but in his heart, he really regretted it. He regretted that the person did not go to the city's main house with him, and drank the glass of wine with the poison of bone erosion.

Yu Ou then resentfully said: "No! Brother's revenge, I have to report! Despite disobeying Wang's order, though ... may lose my life!"

Although Shi Feng and the evil demon have traveled far away, Yu Ou's eyes are still staring closely at the direction of their departure.

Immediately after, I saw the figure of the suspended void, flashing fiercely, and disappeared.

"I didn't expect it, we Yehucheng city masters are all like that human race, hey!" Ye Yucheng sighed extremely helplessly.

"Yeah! A few days ago, Haijing City's Tianjiang Yulian was killed, the general Yulian, but the pro-brother of our Lord!"

"I know this too! But Wang gave orders to our entire Shenyu Wumu tribe! The king's orders cannot be disobeyed!"

"Well! The king has the king's command. The Lord of the City has the hatred of the Lord of the City. In my opinion, at this moment, our Lord of the City should have a hard time choosing, hey!


"In the past few days, I feel that these aliens are really getting different!" At this time, Jian Tong also said to Shi Feng.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded, answering.

He thought about it for so long, but still didn't figure out what was going on.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a monster." Shi Feng said.

Followed by, he also said, "Be careful with these birdies!"

"That's natural." Jian Tong said.

At this time, walking in the area dominated by this birdman must be careful.

In the past few days, I have been walking on the site of these birdmen, and I have seen these birdmen, Shi Feng, really want to change their taste.

It doesn't matter to see the human race, it is just to see those creatures that look similar to the human race.

If it wasn't for the sea witches to have a deep hatred with themselves, walking on the land of the sea witches and seeing those sea witches everywhere would be very pleasing to the eye.

People must be much more pleasing than these five-eyed birds.

"Everyone!" At this moment, Shi Feng heard another voice sounding in the void, which sounded familiar to her ears.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng raised her head again and looked into the void.

The arrival is still the same Ye Yucheng Lord, Yu Ou!

Shi Feng frowned suddenly again, and said, "Huh? It's you again? Is there anything else?"

"One more thing!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Yu Ou nodded seriously.

"Say!" Shi Feng said.

"Actually, it's not a big deal." Yu Ou said, and at that moment, his voice suddenly paused, and after a while, he slowly spoke again:

"Jun Zhe, since I came to Ye Yucheng, as the owner of Ye Yucheng, I won't take your dog's life underneath, then what ?!"



Hearing the words of Yu Ou, Shi Feng and Jian Tong's complexion immediately cooled down and became extremely cold.

And just at this moment, I saw a piece of blue object suspended above the palm of Yu Ou's palm, like a broken bronze, exuding a strange, mysterious, disturbing, and ominous atmosphere.

When Shi Feng saw the piece of bronze, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

That piece of bronze, not other materials, is derived from a bronze door with black hairs on the body.

And the bronze gate is related to that protoss!

"This piece of bronze is the gift of meeting that is given to you. I look forward to receiving it!" When saying this, the feather Ou moved his right hand, and the bronze immediately passed from his. Fluttering out of his hand, slowly falling down.

"Wild!" Then, just listening to an unusually weird, sinister, as if drinking from a dark world, sang from Yu Ou's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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