Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2234: Ferocious creature.

Chapter 2234 Ferocious creature.

Soon after, the maple wines that Shi Feng needed were also served.

Smelling it, there was a strong scent of wine in the altar, this wine is strong enough!

Dish is a vegetarian.

This amaranth does not know what meat it is.

But Shi Feng can be sure, this is not human flesh.

Later, he ate and drank.

"You are a corpse?"

Just then, Shi Feng, who was eating and drinking, heard a low voice coming from the front.

Eating the meat in the dish in his mouth, when he heard the sound, Shi Feng slowly raised his head, his gaze, and then stared forward.

The sound was from the creature with black bandages on its face.

"What?" Shi Feng frowned suddenly when he heard that, and asked him instead.

"After eating, follow me!" This mysterious creature spoke to Shi Feng, and he continued to lower his head to eat the meat on his plate.

Shi Feng frowned even deeper, looking at the guy in front of him, and murmured in his mouth, "What is he doing?"

But no matter what he wants to do, now that he has the protection of the source of all things, Shi Feng, he is not afraid of what he does.

Then, after stuffing a piece of meat into his mouth, Shi Feng grabbed the wine jar directly and drank a sip of wine into his mouth.

"He still hasn't shot at this glowing creature?"

"Yes, shouldn't it?"

"What did he seem to say to that glow just now? Couldn't these two be understood?"

"Maybe ... really know it ... the cold air that emanates from the two of them is quite similar ... perhaps, they really know each other!"

"So ... even if this glowing creature sits opposite him, with this fierceness, he can live in peace! That's it!"


Then, the sound of quiet discussions continued to quietly rang from the mouths of other aliens.

At this time, Shi Feng saw a sudden change in front of him. The mysterious creature had finished eating the flesh on the plate, then stood up and said to Shi Feng, "I'll wait for you outside!"

This low voice seemed to be high above him, with a commanding tone, as if Shi Feng had to go.

After saying this, he stopped paying attention to Shi Feng and walked to the counter with a gaze.

It seems, go checkout first!

"It turns out that these two really know each other! No wonder, no wonder! No wonder this glowing thing, dare to sit opposite him!"

After hearing the bandaged mysterious creature, after talking to Shi Feng and waiting for him outside, the discussion sounded again.

"I said long ago that these two knew each other! Otherwise, how could that person make him at the same table!"

"You said it long ago, did you? Did you say it?"


However, it can be clearly heard that after the black bandaged face left the lobby, the voices of these aliens discussing a lot louder.

They jealous of that one, as for Shi Feng ...

Soon after, Shi Feng had already eaten and drank, and came to the counter to settle a Chinese-style yuan stone, then went outside the restaurant.

Out of the restaurant, Shi Feng looked up, and immediately looked at the top of the building opposite, standing alone with a black figure, his head bowed, as if looking down at himself.

That figure is naturally the mysterious creature with black bandages on its face.

Shi Feng's body flickered immediately. When it appeared, it had already appeared on the top of the opposite building, looking at that one, and said, "Say, what do you want me to do?"

"Hmm!" This unexpected corpse spoke to himself like this, moving his eyes, as if some surprise.

Then he asked, "Don't you belong to Dongyue Shenzhou?"

"So what?" Shi Feng asked again.

"Oh!" He smiled coldly when he heard Shi Feng's words, "It's no wonder that you are a true God-dual creature, dare to speak to me like this!"

Shi Feng could hear the laughter of this mysterious creature with a touch of pride.

The peerless momentum emanating from this person is on par with that of the first day's proud Luo Nie, and it must have entered the existence of the Sixth Heaven of the True God, with proud capital!

At this time, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and said to him, "Cut less nonsense! Come on, you find me, what the **** is it!"

Shi Feng doesn't care what status he is in.

"Follow me, while walking, talking!" At this moment, the bandaged creature opened his mouth again. After speaking, he moved, flew west, and quickly hurried through the night sky.

At this moment, Shi Feng immediately felt an eerie power covering her body. If she did not follow the past, she would probably attack herself at any time.

For the eerie power that envelopes her body, Shi Feng has no fear, nor does the mysterious creature.

However, he wanted to see what the **** he wanted to do with this thing.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng's figure flickered, and then disappeared on the roof of this building, and chased away towards the figure that broke through the night.

The mysterious creature was waiting for Shi Feng intentionally, and the breaking speed was not very fast.

Then, when Shi Feng rushed behind him, he suddenly speeded up.

"Presumptuous! Dare to break in my Muxu city ..." It was not long before Shi Feng shuttled through the night sky, and suddenly a voice of anger was heard from the city below.

But then, the sigh stopped abruptly.

They don't know the glowing creature behind, but how can they not know the one who flew in front of the glowing creature.

In Muxu City, the existence of the city dare not offend.

All of this is naturally seen in Shi Feng's eyes. The flesh is weak and the food is strong.

In Dongyue Shenzhou, as long as you have reached the realm of the Sixth Heaven of the True God, basically, you can walk sideways!

Although Shi Feng has heard that Dongyue's highest state of being is the Seventh Heaven of the True God.

But there are several powerful creatures in Dongyue Divine Land.

Not long after, Shi Feng followed the mysterious creature and left the range of Muxu City. At this moment, under them was a lush forest, as if extending to an endless distance.

"Where do you want to take me? Now, can you tell me?" At this moment, Shi Feng flew to the side of the mysterious creature, spoke again, and asked him.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the mysterious creature uttered: "An ancient land, an overcast forest!"

"Yinlin", two simple words, but these two words fell into Shi Feng's ears, but it gave him a dark feeling.

Then, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and asked him, "Dangerous place?"

"That's right!" The mysterious creature replied, followed: "It's an ancient and ferocious land that only death creatures can enter. Now, you should know why I'm looking for you!"

Upon hearing what he said, Shi Feng naturally understood instantly.

Because he turned the corpse into a corpse, he found himself!

However, although he is now transformed into a corpse, he is, after all, a human race!

(End of this chapter)

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