Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2235: Cooperation? You are not qualified.

Chapter 2235 Cooperation? You are not qualified.

"Only dead souls can enter that dangerous ancient land. Can I go in?" For a time, Shi Feng was thinking about this problem.

After a while, he said secretly in his heart: "Let's take a look at it again! A dangerous place that can make the six gods of the true God be moved is definitely an extraordinary place."

At this time, Shi Feng opened her mouth to the mysterious creature next to her: "So you want to cooperate with me to explore the fierce danger together."

"Cooperate with you?" At this moment, Shi Feng could clearly hear that this mysterious creature spoke these four words with a touch of surprise.

Then, he sneered and said, "The corpse, you think too much! You really deserve yourself and cooperate with you. Do you think you have this qualification?

The reason why I am looking for you, I just feel that there is some useful value in the death of the true God dual sky. After entering the forest, I can explore the way. "

Upon hearing what he said, Shi Feng's shameless face suddenly became even colder, turning his head slightly, glaring at the black bandaged face.

If he really wanted to cooperate with himself and explore the ancient and dangerous place, he would also be sincere.

And since he said such a thing, then he would blame himself when the time comes!

Later, Shi Feng turned her head, looking at the endless night sky ahead, and then lowered her head, looking at the seemingly endless jungle underneath, and in secret, heard the roar of the ferocious beast.

For a moment, he was silent, as if thinking something secretly.

"Why the corpse, unhappy in my heart?" Just then, the somber voice beside him sounded again, with a disdain in the voice.

Shi Feng ignored him and he said:

"Here are the weak and can only obey the orders of the strong! This time entering the forest, if you obey my order and have no heart, I will naturally protect you. If you have a different heart, I will let you understand, Where does my ferocious name come from! "

This last sentence is a threat to Shi Feng. Shi Feng can clearly sense it. When he said the last sentence, his tone became extremely cold and cold!

Shi Feng remained silent, only sneering in her heart.

He, this time found himself, he will not let him down!

Subsequently, the two continued to shuttle in the night sky, and shortly after, the darkness between heaven and earth receded and the rising sun rose.

Until noon, the mysterious creature flying next to Shi Feng moved again and dived down to the jungle below.

Immediately after, Shi Feng heard another voice that sounded like a command: "Below, follow me!"

After hearing that voice, Shi Feng also began to dive downward, his eyes were already coldly glaring at the black figure.

If he didn't need him to lead the way, if he didn't think he could enter that shade of wood, and he might have some use value at that time, Shi Feng really wanted to hit him violently.

Now, the power of this strange source of all things doesn't seem to want to retreat from himself!

Suddenly, Shi Feng rushed into the jungle, and it was still transparent. When entering this jungle, the world in front of him was instantly darkened.

Although it was noon, the sun was the most intense, and the temperature between heaven and earth was the hottest in the day, but Shi Feng felt that a force of coldness came from all directions, raging on himself!

This is an extremely overcast place!

Suitable for you, suitable for the extremely overcast place cultivated by dead creatures!

The dark jungle, the gusts of wind, the dead silence, in all directions, the silence was silent, without a sound.

Shi Feng and the mysterious creature stood between this gloomy jungle, and the golden light shining on him was covered by the darkness of this jungle.

However, this extremely overcast place, for them, not only did not produce a slight discomfort, bathing in the meantime, but like a spring breeze.

Inhaling a mouthful is equivalent to directly consuming the pure elemental force in Needy Yuanshi.

Shi Feng did not expect that here, there is such a treasure land for cultivation!

But then, his brow was locked up again. This extremely overcast place is not hidden, and it should be able to attract a lot of souls who cultivate the cold power to come here.

However, now he feels in all directions, without feeling the breath of a living being.

There are no living or dead souls, nor ghosts!

Later, Shi Feng immediately remembered the land that the mysterious creature had said to him, the ancient fierce land, the yin lin!

"Here is what you call the yin forest?" Shi Feng asked, asking him.

The creature with bandages on his face did not answer for a while, and the two eyes revealed in the bandages began to scan this gloomy jungle.

After a while, he said, "This place is the entrance to the forest!"

When finished, his eyes continued to glance through the jungle.

"Entrance." Shi Feng murmured these words softly.

An extremely overcast place turned out to be the entrance! So what kind of area will that shade of forest be?

And this entrance, no other living beings, is absolutely full of unknown danger.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the one glancing at him, his body was in the southwest direction, and he said with certainty, "Yes, this is it!"

Hearing his words, Shi Feng turned around and faced the southwest.

To be honest, gazing at the southwestern jungle, with his keen soul perception, he didn't sense anything abnormal.

Then he heard the low voice again: "You go, lead the way!"

Hearing that, Shi Feng turned her head and looked coldly at the black bandaged face again.

At this moment, he saw that the face was also turning, and the eyes hidden in the black bandages were glaring at him, and said, "How? Any comments?"

Shi Feng didn't answer. She turned her head and stared at the southwestern jungle. Her feet started to move slowly.

Step by step, after seeing Shi Feng walking towards it, the footsteps of the mysterious creature also followed, behind Shi Feng.

However, even in the realm of the Sixth Heaven of the True God, he did not dare to take it lightly when he moved forward, his eyes began to look around, full of vigilance.

As Shi Feng marched towards the southwest, he could clearly feel that the surrounding atmosphere was extremely overcast, and it became colder and colder, making him feel more and more gloomy, and even a touch of heart rose Intense anxiety.

"Woo!" At this moment, a violent gust of wind blew, as if a creature was crying.

"Huh?" Shi Feng's face moved suddenly, he found that the gloomy jungle had suddenly disappeared, and he entered a cave inexplicably.

This cave is also dark, but it is filled with a colder atmosphere than the jungle. The cold wind is blowing constantly, and it can not sense which direction it comes from, and it feels as if it comes from all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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