Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2253: Deadly domain!

Chapter 2253 The Realm of Execution!

"... The Haiwu tribe, the race that wanted Ben Shao to die from the beginning, Ben Shao, really didn't want to see him again!"

The cold voice sounded from Shi Feng's mouth, and then, his body rose with a cold killing intention.

The Sea Witch tribe, his first enemy after he came to war against the continent, a race he will kill.

Looking at the cold face of the young man, the three Haiwu tribe only felt that the temperature around them suddenly dropped.

This Terran, he is, really moved to kill.

However, the three witch clan did not see a trace of fear in their strange faces.

It seems that they are ready to fall, and their faces are still facing Shi Feng fiercely.

"Destroy!" The cold word spit out from Shi Feng's mouth.

There was a violent blast again, and I saw the blisters of the three sea witches suddenly broken apart, and then their bodies burst at the same time, and the blood was splattered by bright red monsters.

One of the five war witches of the Sea Witch tribe, the sea has no heart, the sky city master, the strong one seeks the Lan, and thus falls in this shadowy forest!

"Boy, what about this feeling of powerful power?" At that moment, the ancient hoarse voice echoed in Shi Feng's mind.

"Very good!" Shi Feng answered with a smile.

The powerful force that dominates the enemy's feelings of life and death is naturally very good.

It's just a pity that this dead thought is absolutely untrue, but it's not your own real power, not yours.

The blood spewing from the three sea witches was rushing towards Shi Feng at this moment.

At this time, the old hoarse voice sounded again: "Let's enter the deep forest, wait for me to see the ultimate treasure in the depths, wait for my obsession and annihilation, and this dead thought will be yours."

"Really!" When hearing this ancient husky voice, Shi Feng was immediately shocked again, exclaiming directly.

If this is the case, in order to get this deadly thought, this yin lin must really break through!

A treasure that can stand up to the dead silence circle! Moreover, He Jiang, the Seventh Heaven Realm Power of the True God, launched the deadly **** circle.

Previously, Shi Feng couldn't see the rank of the death silence circle, but now feels that it is probably a true **** of the eighth heaven!

And this deadly thought was absolutely terrible, blocking the eighth heavenly apparatus!

If you really get it ... then in Dongyue Shenzhou, you can probably go sideways!

"Naturally take it seriously!" Replied obsessively: "I am only obsessed with one, I am only obsessed with what the treasure is, so I stay in this world!"

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded slightly, echoing.

When the matter of attachment is reached, perhaps, he can let go of everything and annihilate in this world.

The death force, blood, and soul of the three sea witches were completely swallowed by Shi Feng, and the storage rings they wore were all taken down unceremoniously.

At this moment, he turned again, his gaze, and once again looked at the bright red monster jungle, the blood monster forest.

He Jiang, He Yan, and Gu Yan have been in this blood demon forest for some time, and at the moment, it is very quiet in the forest.

I don't know what these three aliens are doing.

"Let's also enter this blood demon forest." At that moment, the ancient husky voice echoed in Shi Feng's mind.

"Okay!" Shi Feng nodded. Since he said so, he went!

His feet began to move, and Shi Feng walked towards the Blood Demon Forest.

Soon after, he entered the **** forest full of blood, with a strong pungent smell of blood, and even he did not know how much blood he had devoured, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Now that you are in the blood demon forest, your closed ears can be unlocked."

After hearing the sound of obsession, Shi Feng immediately thought of it. For a moment, she only heard the rustling sounds of rustling sounds in her ears.

Followed by, in his soul induction, he swept up something moving like a **** serpent, crawling rapidly on the ground, this should be a **** vine.

Immediately afterwards, he saw **** things appearing in all directions, coming towards him quickly.

The power of the soul sensed the Quartet, and Shi Feng said, "It seems that these monsters are preparing to attack me!"

Not only those scarlet vines, he found that every scarlet tree in this area began to move towards his own direction.

"It's okay, you just have to move forward all the way, and you will stop them forever! As long as the elder tree demon does not appear, you will definitely leave this blood demon forest unharmed." The ancient husky voice He said to Shi Feng again.

"Well! Then I don't care about them." Shi Feng replied.






Soon after, one after another, ringing in this blood demon forest.

Scarlet vines, scarlet trees, scarlet branches, scarlet tree roots ... These scarlet things, from all directions, constantly launched violent attacks on Shi Feng, like a storm.

This blood demon forest suddenly looked abnormally chaotic, as if a riot had occurred.

However, these attacks were not close to Shi Feng's body, so he was completely blocked by the invisible power of his body.

"Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!" There was a groan of pain, like a human.

Regarding these, Shi Feng didn't bother to go on, all the way forward, and under the protection of death and desperation, she was unimpeded all the way.

"The three aliens, why haven't you seen them? Is it already out of this blood demon forest?" Shi Feng murmured secretly while walking in the blood demon forest.

Now that he has almost reached the center of the Blood Demon Forest, he has never thought of the three alien figures.

And he Shi Feng, but came all the way "unobstructed", and the three aliens will inevitably be constantly attacked by the blood tree demon after entering the blood demon forest.

"Perhaps, what secret treasure they used, they have successfully separated from this forest of blood demon." Shi Feng murmured again.

In addition to his stone maple, those who entered this ancient and dangerous place should be prepared.

Shi Feng still walked leisurely. In the end, he walked out of this **** demon forest full of **** taste and entered a seemingly desolate dark place.

Although still living in the yin forest, this area is not the same as the areas that I have traveled before.

Shi Feng looked at it at a glance, there was a dead silence on the earth, and no grass was born, as if all living beings in this area had died.

Between this heaven and earth, it seems that there is a black poisonous mist, which gives a very ominous feeling.

At this time, the ancient voice sounded in Shi Feng's mind again, and the tone sounded abnormally solemn:

"This area in front of me, I named it the area of ​​absolute execution! Since the endless years, it can be said that it is the most ferocious land where the souls die!"

"Extreme, dead domain? How did those creatures die?" Shi Feng asked quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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