Chapter 2254 Jin Mo?

"Inexplicable, die!" The old voice of obsession was ringing again.

Somehow died, that is, somehow died!

"Since endless years, countless beings have died here after entering this terrible execution area. Eight of us entered the place at that time, and one of them died inexplicably here." Dedication to Shi Feng again.

When he heard the words of obsession, Shi Feng's face changed again, and he exclaimed in shock: "A true **** Yae heaven, inexplicably ... died here!"

This is really shocking! That's the true **** Yae!

"Yes!" Obsessively answered.

"Dead without warning?" Shi Feng asked again.

"Well, there is no sign of it!" Obsessed again.

If this is the case, the heaven and earth in front of it is definitely a fierce land!

No wonder, it will be named by this obsession, the realm of execution!

"If there is death to protect me, can you protect me?" Shi Feng asked again.

Today, his feet haven't officially entered this terrible execution zone. Everything is better to be clear.

As soon as Shi Feng's voice fell, his obsession told him: "Not necessarily!"

Then, obsessively said, "It's not only you, but even me, who passed by here, are extremely likely to die without knowing it."

Shi Feng's complexion has become extremely dignified, saying: "After you say that, indeed, it deserves the name of the realm of execution."

"Why, are you scared? If you are scared, you can choose to turn back," Zhinian said.

"Look back, impossible!" When Shi Feng said these five words, she resolutely stepped forward and went forward!

Not to mention that in order to get the ultimate treasure deep in the yin forest, even for the mysterious and powerful death thoughts, this way is worth fighting for.

In an instant, Shi Feng really entered the dark world and walked alone. The lonely figure looked very lonely for a while.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!" The icy cold wind roared the world, screaming.

Pieces of black poisonous mist rushed towards Shi Feng, but they were completely blocked by the dead thoughts and couldn't get near him.

Shi Feng knew that the real danger of this deadly execution area would not be this poisonous mist at all.

These black poisonous mists simply couldn't kill an extremely powerful person in the Eighth Heaven.

"What is the real danger? In the end, how did you kill an avenger?" After entering this fierce land, Shi Feng basically thought about this problem.

Followed by, Shi Feng is walking faster and faster in this gloomy world!

At this time, his body flickered, and he began to shuttle in this area of ​​execution.

"Previously in the Blood Demon Forest, the three aliens must have used some secret treasures and passed through the Blood Demon Forest! I don't know if they are now in this terrible execution area, I don't know if they have encountered anything Dangerous? "

Shi Feng murmured secretly again.

The reason he remembered the three aliens was the three aliens, but the three cannon fodder he has today.

"Oh!" Suddenly, a frivolous sound suddenly sounded from Shi Feng's mouth.

I saw his complexion suddenly change at this moment, and it was a very special change. His face was extremely excited, and he sent out an incredible shock: "Jinmo!"

Immediately, Shi Feng's figure trembled, and the swift shuttle figure suddenly drew his eyes, staring at the front.

Not far from the front, Shi Feng saw a white shadow, and she saw that peerless face.

She stood in this gloomy world, facing her at this moment. She smiled at herself, and instantly became the only one in this world.

Everything between heaven and earth lost its luster instantly.

"Jin Mo, it's you! Really, is it you?" At this moment, Shi Feng was still incredibly embarrassed, step by step, and walked towards that white beautiful shadow.

"It's me! I've been waiting for you here all these years! I've been waiting for you for all these years!" The crisp sound like a silver bell echoed in this dark world, and instantly gave this deadly world, Bring life.

"Come here, come here quickly! I miss you so much, Shi Feng, I love you, come, embrace me, hold me tight, don't be separated from me anymore!" Peerless beauty, again voiced.

Shi Feng, speeding up the pace of walking, the body flickered again, and then quickly moved.

He has become impatient.

"Wake up!"

"Boy, you are evil! Wake up soon!"

Suddenly, just listening to two surprises, like two thunders, exploded in Shi Feng's mind!

"I!" Shi Feng, who was swift in shape, was shocked immediately, his eyes glaring extremely large, and then he glared forward.

At this moment, where is there any white shadow in his eyes, and where is the beautiful lady in white.

There, it's empty!

The place in which the beautiful lady in white just stood, although it looks nothing strange, but gives him a sense of extreme danger.

"What the **** is going on? I just had a hallucination?" Shi Feng's eyes still looked at the land with a stunned look and said stunnedly.

"Boy, you were just evil!" At this time, the solemn voice sounded in Shi Feng's mind again.

This sound is the sound of the flame.

Just when Shi Feng was rushing all the way to the area, two voices rang in his mind at the same time.

One is the sound of the flame, the other is the obsession.

And it was those two voices that made him recover from that strange state.

At that time, he saw the beautiful lady in white thinking day and night, and the whole person seemed to be out of control, and rushed towards the white lady without a second thought.

At that moment, it seemed that everything could not be controlled by ourselves, and all thoughts seemed to be disconnected and could not function normally.

"From the beginning to the end, there isn't your Jinmo here at all!" At this moment, the flame said again.

"What happened to you just now?" Then, the voice of obsession also rang in Shi Feng's mind.

"I had hallucinations and saw the most important person in my life." Shi Feng replied, following him again:

"Perhaps, this is the real danger of this utter death zone, so that the soul who enters here sees the scene he most wants to see, makes him run away out of control, and introduces it into the danger!

The hallucinations I saw just now gave me an extremely dangerous feeling. "

Recalling just now, Shi Feng felt that if he was not obsessed with the flame, he might have entered the area that gave him a sense of danger.

And how powerful his soul is, he will be deceived.

If you change to ordinary creatures, it is estimated that you will be more easily confused.

And they were not obsessed with the torch next to them, and discovered anomalies in advance and awakened them.

If it is true according to Shi Feng's guess, ordinary creatures enter this terrible execution area, it is really dangerous!

(End of this chapter)

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