Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2268: Ashes go out?

Chapter 2268: The Flying Smoke Is Extinct?

Lao Lao, the Sixth Heaven Realm!

A true **** dual sky can constantly resist the attack of the old man, and the secret treasures used must be the peerless secret treasures.

The King of the Gods and the Five Eyes has entered the Seventh Heaven peak a long time ago, and has been unable to break through the trance and enter a higher realm.

When he heard the secret treasure that Xin Gongzi talked about, he even looked forward to it, maybe he would enter a higher level of opportunity, and it might not be in that human race!

In Dongyue Shenzhou, if you want to become the king of Dongyue, you must have the ability to look at Dongyue's living spirit!

If he wants to look down on Dongyue, at least, he must enter the realm of the Eighth Heaven!

Even if you can't step into the realm of the Eighth Heaven, but after all, it is a dual Heavenly Human warrior, which can block the treasure attacked by the Sixth Heavenly strongman. If he wins, the strength will surely increase greatly!

The God of the Five Eyes of God Yu secretly sneered and guessed that the one sent out in person and said that he would avenge the war witch under his seat, but the real purpose is probably the same as himself!

The Sea Witch tribe is a race that has always had great ambitions!

Followed by, King Shen Yu turned his head again, looked at the other side not far from him, and then secretly said, "That guy, ran here from the capital of Mo Luo, presumably for that thing come on!"

Not far from their **** feathered Wumu tribe, standing proudly among a group of dark-skinned, five-headed creatures, headed by the one, wearing dark battle armor, dark faces are extremely peerless, mighty, and domineering, straight and imposing Like the sky.

Behind him was a dark cloak, which rolled violently with the winds between heaven and earth.

He is the master of the capital of the magical Luo, domineering!

It is rumored that Dongyue Shenzhou is the most powerful creature!

"The news from Nie Er, that tribe has devoured God Wang Dan to advance, making the sky fall so violently!"

"At that time, take that human race back to the capital of Mo Luo, and refine him by the means of the capital of Mo Luo. Perhaps, it is not necessary to be able to refine the **** of heaven!"

Looking at the dark thunderstorm, Luo Badao said secretly.


Overcast Forest.

The tyrannical thief robbed the thunder and swallowed the sky, making the four aliens who were watching wait and see more and more scared.

He Jiang had originally thought that if Shi Feng did not die, he would draw the blood from his body, but now it seems that the physical body is long gone.

"This person must be dead!" At this time, Luo Nie, the master of the Mora capital, said coldly to the three around him.

"Yeah!" Hearing heard Ronnie's words.

Then He Huo said, "But he died like this, but it was cheap for him. This man relied on the strength of others to seize the dead circle of my Hemo dead. I originally planned to wait for the thunderstorm to end. He grabbed it and tortured him to death! "

"It's true, it's cheaper for him." Ronnie nodded secretly.

When Gu Yan heard their words, his eyes were exposed outside the black bandages, and he said quietly, "He really is like this, is he dead?"

He also felt that it was difficult for that "person" to survive.

This thunderbolt is estimated to be the peerless existence of the true God Nine Heaven Realm, which is difficult to survive.


The forest of Yin Lei, all beings outside the Yin Lin, began to wait quietly.

As time goes by, it's eleven days by now!

The peerless mad thunder finally began to change from strong to weak under the gaze of all living beings.

At this moment, seeing this peerless magic thunder, there is gradually a tendency to recede.

"Father Wang, it looks like this black thunder will disappear sooner or later!" Among the Shenyu Wumu tribe, the son Xin said, and said to the Shenyu Wumu Wang.

"Hmm!" Upon hearing Xin Gongzi's words, the Shenyu Wumu tribe nodded secretly, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

"Now the heroes are gathered. It seems that the secret treasure is difficult to belong to me. It is a pity, a pity!"

In the Shenyu Wumu tribe, in addition to the visit of King Shenyu Wumu, followed by Xin Gongzi, the strong man of the Shenyu Wumu tribe, Lao Lao, has also arrived.

At this moment, Lao Lao's heart was unwilling.

Once in Yuan Yu City, although he could not hold Shi Feng, he secretly left a unique mysterious mark in Shi Feng's body.

With that mysterious invisible mark, even if Shi Feng ran to the ends of the earth, he could feel it when he was old.

A few days ago, Lao Lao has been secretly convening the strong, and has already convened several strong and reliable strong who have the same strength as him.

At that time, he had been pursuing Shi Feng with that mysterious mark, but he did not expect that the King of Gods and the Five Eyes had dispatched himself.

King Wuyu of God feathers has led the gods of Wumu tribe to come here by his means of heaven.

And here came the sea witch tribal god, the Lord of the Mo Luo capital, and domineering.


"It's gone! That crazy thunder, it's gone!"

Just then, I didn't know who suddenly called out.

They had already seen that the black robbery mine that had been invincible, and finally dissipated.

In the void, there was a gigantic rift that looked huge.






Drinking and whispering, outside the yin grove sounded constantly.

I saw the sea witches, the gods and the five-eyed clan, and the capital of the Mo Luo.

In the forest of overcast thunder, the eyes of the four aliens also gazed at the world where the black thunder disappeared.

"Sure enough, that guy posing as a corpse is dead." He Yi looked at the empty world and said.

Then, he immediately remembered something, and then exclaimed: "That man is flying out of smoke, why can't I see the death silence of my Hemo dead? Isn't my death silence of death dead?"

"No!" Just after He's voice had fallen, He Jiang immediately denied: "It's impossible for my family to die in silence!"

"I have sensed, there is a dead silence circle!" When he said this, He Jiang bowed his head slightly, and his eyes followed, staring at the land that had become extremely messy and extremely embarrassing. on.

There, the old cyan altar has disappeared. It seems to have been turned into ashes under the bombardment of the peerless mad thunder, but there is a huge pit like an abyss, which is bottomless.

"Go!" Followed, He Jiang drank again, stature, and rushed towards the deep hole.

The death silence circle is even a change of ownership, but after all, it is their Hemo dead who inherited the things of endless years, and He Jiang has always had a mysterious response to it.

At this moment, He Jiang no longer cares whether the tribe posing as a corpse is dead or alive, or if he first retrieves the artifact that belongs to him before he talks about it.

As soon as HeJiang moved, Hexu followed suit, and Luo Nie, the capital of Mo Luo, also caught up.

Only the genius of the bone family was bone-bound, and his body remained in place.

(End of this chapter)

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