Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2269: Sad Hejiang!

Chapter 2269 Sad He Jiang!

For Gu Yan, even if the dead silence circle is not destroyed, it has nothing to do with him, and will not belong to his bone family at all.

Followed him to look up at the sky, looking at the sky where the black thunder came before, and at this moment, there was a huge rift in the sky.

"So peerless black thunder, destroy everything, it seems that even space can be destroyed! That rift should be connected to the outside world!" When the bone Yan secretly said this sentence, the body immediately moved to the piece Nether flying.

"Huh?" And just before the bone Yan Gang flew out, a shocked "um" sounded suddenly, and the shape of the storm flew, his eyes still staring at the other side.

Gu Yan saw that there were a series of figures flying out of the huge rift, and rushed into the forest of overcast thunder.

"That's it?" The pair of eyes revealed from the black bandages moved again, and Gu Yan exclaimed in shock: "The sea witch **** of the sea witches! The **** feathers and five eyes of the gods and five eyes!" The Lord of the Capitals of the Mora, Domineering!

The three of them even rushed here with the strength of their power! "

"They were all attracted to it by the peerless robbery?" When Gu Yan secretly said these words, he slowly lowered his head again, and his eyes looked at the abyss again. Like a deep pit.


"Huh? How?" And just then, just listening to another burst of loud shouts, sounded through the forest of yin and thunder.

The cry came from the mouth of the Lord Luo Luo, the young master of the capital of Mo Luo.

The three of them, Ronnie, saw a cracked and broken body bursting out of the deep pit they were about to rush into.

"You haven't died yet!" Then Huxue sang coldly at the broken body.

He had already seen that this broken body was the body that had previously experienced Peerless Thunder.

"It's not dead! Under such a thunderstorm, you have survived!" He Jiang also sighed in excitement, and then he said, "But not dead, it's all right! Give my family's death silence circle, and give it up. ! "

When he said the last sentence, He Jiang had a commanding tone.

He already thought that this man who had suffered such a thunderstorm could no longer resist himself!

Although the dead silence circle is on him, in this state, he cannot be urged at all.

And just as He Jiang's voice had just fallen, his face suddenly moved again, "Huh?" He frowned, looked up, and said, "These guys, are they here?"

For the appearance of those figures, He Jiang looked a little gloomy. For him, it was not a good thing for these people to come at this time.

"Father!" As he looked at the Taoist figure appearing in the sky, Luo Nie, the young master of the city of Mo Luo, also exclaimed.

Not only these aliens, but at this time, the body was a broken stone maple, and he had also noticed the figures above the sky, and he spit out coldly:

"Damn sea witch tribe! God feather five-eyed tribe! Then what is the capital of Mo Luo!"

After all, it was the horrific thunder and calamity. After all, there were scars on the body. At this moment, Shi Feng's voice was full of husky and weakness, and even gave people a sense of dying powerlessness.

At this time, He Jiang drank again at Shi Feng: "Give up my dying silence circle, I will let you die happily! Otherwise, you will definitely die!"

After all, the dead silence circle is the device of the Eighth Heaven of the True God. Which creature in the world does not want to own it?

The **** circle has not yet returned to his own hands, and He Jiang is really worried that other accidents will happen.

While drinking the words, He Jiang was already unable to wait. When he was in shape, he flickered to Shi Feng, leaned out with his right hand, and rushed to Shi Feng.

"Hmm!" When Shi Jiang caught him, Shi Feng snorted in anger, and then, a bright silver light shone.

"Silent Circle of Death!" He Jiang and Hexun shouted at the sight of the silver **** light.

At the sight of the Dead God Circle, He Jiang immediately expressed his joy, and then said to Shi Feng: "Give him!"

At the same time, he grabbed Shi Feng's right hand, and instantly grasped the deadly circle of death.

"That's it, here you!" Shi Feng spit out these four words coldly to him, and then saw the broken hand holding the dead silent circle suddenly shocked.

A peerless divine power was instantly generated on the deadly **** circle, and then, shocked to He Jiang's right hand.

"Boom!" But in an instant, the death silence circle collided with He Jiang's hand.

"How ... how is it possible ... you ... how is it possible!" At this moment, He Jiang's face changed again and again, showing great shock and incredibleness.

That man suffered such thunderstorms, how could he have such power! how is this possible!

The next moment, he saw that He Jiang's body was shocked by the power of the circle of God and flew backwards.

"Father ... Father!" When He Jiang was knocked down and flew, Hu Yan immediately screamed in exclaim, eyes widened, and the expression on his face was full of extreme shock.

It wasn't until he flew a hundred feet away that He Jiang's figure was violent and stopped, and at this moment, his face looked pale.

Death Silent Circle, after all, is Death Silent Circle! After all, it is a true **** of the eighth heaven!

Suffering from the shock of the death silence circle, it seems that he Hejiang, is not comfortable.

And immediately followed, He Jiang's face that had just receded didn't last long, and then another shock changed, yelling at the front: "Oh! No! Don't! Livestock, you dare!"

On that side, after Shi Feng shook He Jiang to the ground, she held the dead silence circle in her hand, and then shocked He He, the son of He Jiang.

Hexun, immediately feeling a peerless divine power coming to his own assault, his already wide eyes widened extremely, his face extremely terrified.

The divine power that struck him, he already felt that it was not the strength that Hexel could resist.

This power, but even his father He Jiang was shocked.

Huxue's body collapsed, but could Shi Feng let him escape, and in a moment, the broken body flew to Huxu's body.

"Father ... Father save me! Save me, Father! Father ..." He shouted in horror when Shi Feng came after him.

I saw a wave of death and silence in Shi Feng's hands, and in this way, the violent bombardment in the heart of Hexun.

"Oh!" There was a loud bang, and then it rang again.

Along with the loud noise, there was Hull's painful roar: "Ah!"

At this moment, Husband only felt that his entire body was about to be shattered.

"Yi'er!" In the distance, He Jiang's sorrowful roar was sounded. He Jiang's figure was rushing full force in this direction.

However, it was late.

"Oh!" Under the gaze of all eyes, I saw He Yan's whole body. Really, a violent blast occurred.

(End of this chapter)

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