Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2285: Dead, a hundred!

Chapter 2285 Dead, a hundred!

"Ah!" Shi Feng's dark blue face already looked more and more distorted, more and more distorted.

"Ah!" Shi Feng roared, and the sea witch **** also yelled in pain and yelled constantly in the hands of Yue Xie, tormented with great pain.

Yue Jie actually knows that in this world, there is no antidote to the evil spell of the sea.

According to legend, there is only one deadly curse in the body.

But he can't die!

"Ah!" The angry king Wang Yue was so angry that he roared to the sky. At this moment, his left hand was caught suddenly, and he grabbed it on the sea witch god's shoulder.

Followed by, his hands moved together, a "sigh", instantly tearing the sea witch into two.

The red blood splattered wildly, and the scene looked abnormally **** and tragic.

Although the sea witch **** was torn, it was not dead, and the screams of screaming pain were many times worse than before.

The angry King of Heaven was furious, and it was as cruel as the legend said.

Immediately after, Yue Mi saw that the red blood spewing from the broken flesh in his hand was pouring towards the roaring young figure.

The blood was fierce and violent, and Yue Jie was torn into two bodies, and instantly became like a weathered corpse, and became extremely dry. At this time, the sea witch **** really died completely.

After the blood spewed out, next, the power of death and the power of the soul rushed towards Shi Feng, among which there was also a true **** war weapon, the Poseidon fork, and a storage ring, Shi Feng, which had not been let go.

Yue Jie threw his hands, and tossed away the two dry corpses in his hand, flying in the void and falling to the ground.

Then, he stared at the deep blue face, and said to Shi Feng:

"You kid, it's already like this, even thinking about devouring, even that guy's real artifact and storage ring will not be missed! Didn't you just hear that the evil curse in the sea will die!"

When she saw Shi Feng, she did not forget to devour, and she did not forget to take the artifact and the storage ring. Yue Xie was so angry that she suddenly dissipated a lot, and the heavy atmosphere suddenly became somewhat relaxed.

Hearing Yue Ming's words, Shi Feng looked at him and said to him, "Ben Shao ... will not die! Shao Shao, it is impossible to die!"

This word is full of perseverance!

When the voice just dropped, "Uh!" Another painful moan sounded from Shi Feng's mouth.

Yue Jie can feel that the boy is full of strong desire for survival.

The evil curse of the sea in his body, at this moment, he must be suffering from inhuman torture, but he still did not want to die like this.

This kind of endurance is very much within reach!

"If this boy is not dead, if he continues to grow in the future, it will be a character! It's just a pity!" Then Yue Yue sighed secretly.

He couldn't think of how the legendary sea evil curse could survive.

This is, however, the God of the Kings will be killed by the sea evil curse, and he is only in the realm of the Four Realms of God.

Yue Mi didn't speak any more, and Shi Feng turned his head back. At this moment, his eyes were fixed on his right hand, his hand was shaking, and that hand was holding a soul by him.

This is, the soul of the sea witch god, just sucked by him, compressed in the hands to the size of a fist.

"Let me go! Humble people, you, let me go! Ah!" The soul shouted fiercely at Shi Feng.

However, how could Shi Feng just let him go like this, and he was suffering severe pain at the moment.

He wants this evil barrier, and suffers so much from human suffering. He wants this evil barrier to live forever and never die.

"Originally ... Ben Shao's kindness ... Let's wait ... you can do it by yourself! Wait ... I don't know how to show up. Ben Shao will let you know how much ... Ben Shao ... kindness!"

When the word "kindness" fell, "Boom" slammed, an extremely glamorous scarlet flame, burning from his palm, instantly devouring the soul of the sea witch god.

"Ah! Ahh! Ahh!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The soul was directly burned by such a divine fire, which was extremely painful on the earth. Suddenly, the screams of stern, sharp, and violent sounds continued to echo.

"You will live in this pain forever and ever." Shi Feng said fiercely again at the scarlet flame in his hand.

"You! You will soon die in pain! Ah! Kill ... Kill me! Destroy me! Ah!" Under extreme pain, the sea witch **** can no longer bear the pain of this soul burning, talking and speaking, he made a noise Begging for mercy for Shi Feng, no, begging for death!

"Destroy you? Let your soul fly? Huh! Think beautiful!" Shi Feng had another look of fierceness when he said the last three words.

Not only did he not have the soul in his hand to destroy it, he saw the scarlet flame he burnt, which suddenly burned more fiercely and violently, and the scarlet fire light stained half of the sky.

"Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhh!" The roar of pain in the Scarlet Flame sounded even louder than before.

At this moment, the only remaining strong man in the void in front of the void is looking at the scene ahead, and the whole person feels not very good.

Regarding the sea witch god's situation at the moment, the decent death method he gave earlier is really ... very kind.

At that moment, the strong man in the capital of Mo Luo suddenly saw that the person in front of the void suddenly looked up and showed him a dark blue incomparable face.

He could clearly feel that at this moment, the man was looking at himself.

The horror of the wild and the sky is full of heaven and earth. He naturally knows that he is in danger of escape today. If he thought he could escape, he would have already run away.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth at the person in front of him and shouted, "I will kill myself! I ... immediately ... I will kill myself!"

At this moment, he was really afraid that person would treat himself like the sea witch god.

The kind of suffering that is better to die than to die, he doesn't want to experience it.

Then there was an evil, chaotic, and extremely violent force, which raged and shattered on his flesh.

"Eh!" A moan of pain sighed from the mouth of the strong man in the capital of Moro, and then he saw his body shake, his eyes closed, and then his body was motionless.

No sound!

Just now, he directly destroyed his soul and completely disappeared.

Since death, only the destruction of the soul is the clearest death.

He was worried that even if he died physically, that person would still leave his soul, and then torture and torture himself cruelly.

This is dead, a hundred!

(End of this chapter)

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