Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2286: This relationship, Shao Ben write down!

Chapter 2286: This Human Relationship

Shi Feng refined the power of the soul, and now the power of the soul has stepped into the true god.

With his power to control the soul, even if a soul destroys the soul in front of him, he has the means to keep it.

But at this moment, he was suffering from the evil curse in his body, and was suffering extremely painfully. He had no strength to stay in the soul of the living soul of the capital of Mora.

However, he was still thinking about the death force and blood of a true god, the sixth heavenly level, surging at him.

He ... still did not give up any energy.

This time, Shi Feng did not devour the power of death and soul, and then sealed it with a secret method, and then sent it to the space of the Blood Stone Stele for the outbreak of Thunder God of War.

Although he once sealed a large amount of energy in the blood stone monument, with the improvement of the realm, every time he uses the energy of the Thunder God of War, it is not comparable to what he used to.

With the constant strengthening and constant fighting, the death force and blood in the blood stone monument are about to dry up.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Ah! Destroy me!"


The screams of sorrow and the cry of desire for destruction continued to be heard from Shi Feng.

Shi Feng said that he was tortured by such an inferior life than death, all of which he asked for.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng thought, and above her palm, the dazzling blood flashed, and then fell.

He has inhaled the **** flame and the soul in the flame into the space of the blood stele.

He wants to let that blood fire continue to burn like this forever, and let the soul suffer the burning of that blazing blood forever.

Eternal life! Never go out!


"Eh!" When Shi Feng had just finished those, a painful moan rang in his mouth again.

And then, "vomit!" A mouthful of bright red blood spewed from his mouth, and the blood was actually a dark blue.

In addition to blood, Shi Feng's body was dark blue.

The angry King Yuexie looked at Shi Feng and said in a deep voice, "Now, the sea evil curse has infiltrated his physical body, even the soul has not escaped. If he continues to do so, he, at best Only one hour! "

Yue Jie's voice was not low, and it immediately passed into Shi Feng's ears. Upon hearing that, Shi Feng's dark blue face changed again, turning her head to look at Yue Jie, whispering softly:

"One, hour!"

But immediately afterwards, the face I saw saw suddenly and suddenly changed fiercely, and he was unwilling to speak to Yue Xianman:

"No! Impossible! Ben Shao is pregnant with an undead monster, Ben Shao is already immortal! Shao Ben, it is impossible to die! Shao Ben, cannot die!"

With these remarks, Shi Feng was shaking with excitement, and his will to live was extremely strong.

Looking at the person in front of him, for a moment, Yue Ming didn't say anything, his eyes were a little froze, and he saw hesitation suddenly in his face.

He ... seemed to be hesitating, looking at his appearance, it seemed to him that there was something difficult to choose.

At this moment, Yue Xie's face must be certain, revealing a very tenacious look, saying: "Only ... this way!"

As he said this, Yue Mi suddenly moved his hands, and immediately concluded a fingerprint.

Suddenly, a strange breath rose from his body.

"King of Heaven!"

"King of Heaven!"

"King of Heaven!"

After seeing the fingerprints concluded by Yue Xie and the rising breath of him, Xuan Qing and the other seven Heavenly Sacred Holy Land Powers screamed in surprise.

Followed by, each figure flashed constantly, but in an instant, they all flashed in front of Yue Xie.

"Tianwang, please think twice. If you do this, the price you paid for him is too great!"

A strong man in the sky said to Yue Xie with a persuasive tone.

"Yeah, King of Heaven!" Xuan Qing, the heavenly powerhouse, also persuaded:

"King of Heaven, it ’s really worth the trouble! The evil curse of the sea in his body is dead. No doubt you can do this, and you can only continue his life for a month.

A month later, he ... still will die, but you ... have paid such a big price for him! "

"Yeah, this isn't worth it, King, please think twice!"

"King of Heaven! Since he is destined to escape this disaster, everything is a fate, let him, let it be."


Then, one by one, the persevering strongmen persuaded the angry king.

"No, the king's mind is determined, you don't need to say any more!" Yue Xian looked at these people, Shen Sheng said.

"King of Heaven ..."

The strong men shouted in unison, seeing what else they would say, Yue Yi immediately drank at them: "You guys, stop talking!"

Drink, as if ordered.

With his applause, they shut their mouths and said nothing.

Yue Jie's eyes still looked at them, slowly speaking, saying:

"My King came to Dongyue Shenzhou to pick up this ancestor of the ancestor! Now that he has become like this, it is my King's inadequate protection. My King, it is hard to blame him!

"Today, the King can only do this, extend his life for a month, and bring him back to my heavenly wasteland. With the power of the ancestors, he may be able to solve the sea evil curse on him."

The heavenly deity ancestors have great powers. In the hearts of the heavenly deities, they can do everything!

But when it comes to resolving the evil curse of the sea, Yue Xian only said that maybe ... it can be solved.

Not even him.

He Yuexie can only do this. As for how it is, everything depends on his own creation.

At this time, the eight strongmen in the Tianhuang Holy Land did not say anything, but just nodded slowly to the angry king.

They have followed the King of Fury for many years, knowing that as long as he really decides, it is useless to say anything.

Followed by, Yue Ming's handprint that had just stopped and moved again, the strange breath rose from his body again.

Although Shi Feng was still suffering, but the words of the angry King and these people listened to his ears.

Unexpectedly, the King of Wrath will perform a secret method that pays a great price for himself.

Shi Feng, among the nine secret methods created once, although there are several secret methods to seal life.

Just as he had been seriously injured in Yin Sha, he used Jiuyou's life and death array to seal Yin Sha's life, and he could remain in a state of false death within one month.

But Jiuyou's life and death array, as well as several other secret methods, are after all only emperor-level peak means.

This ... But even the angered King of Heaven, who has to continue his life for a month, needs to pay a great price for the sea evil curse.

"You!" In pain, Shi Feng spit out at the angry King: "Today's ... humanity, less of this ... remember ..." ...

Push a friend's book, "Tiandi Bajujue", the author is stubborn.

(End of this chapter)

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