Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2289: Tayun Beast!

Chapter 2289 Step on the cloud beast!

Ghost Purgatory!

The ghost princess in the mouth of the ghost will be Shi Feng's sister, Shi Ling.

After learning that his brother Shi Feng had a name called Nether, in Nether Purgatory, Shi Ling also gave himself a name called Nether.

As soon as Shi Ling hit the blue shirt, thousands of blue silks fluttered in the wind. After hearing the words around the ghost, he nodded firmly, and replied:

"I had a dream last night. I dreamed that my brother was in danger. I'm going to find my brother, my brother, maybe I just need it!"

"Princess, you may be more attentive! The emperor is stronger than we imagined, the emperor will be fine."

Beside Shi Ling, the ghost and ghost also said.

Hearing the words of ghosts, Shi Ling still said firmly, "I ... Anyway, I must go to that wild continent."

"It's been almost a year since my brother went to the Manghuang mainland, but I haven't heard from him. The more I feel uneasy in my heart, I must go to him. Don't persuade me any more."

Although it is an eleven-year-old girl's face, at this moment, it is full of stubbornness.

When traveling to the wild continent, in addition to looking for his brother Shi Feng, Shi Ling also wanted to take a look at the wider sky.

My elder brother once said that only a wider world can become stronger.

Nowadays, although I am much more powerful than before, I must be older and stronger!

You must constantly strengthen yourself to catch up with your brother in martial arts achievements.

"Which is the case, then let me two accompany the princess to the barren continent." At this time, Guiling said again.

"Huh!" When the ghost's voice fell, Ghost nodded.

They are really worried about the safety of this ghost princess. If something unexpected happens to her, how should she explain it to the emperor when she returns.

Following the ghost, said: "At present, the situation in our Tianheng continent has been basically stable! In addition to our ruthless people who are all in the same vein, Zhongqiang has also been born one after another. The race that claims to be a protoss has basically been expelled. You can also accompany the princess to the wilderness. "

After listening to the ghostly words, hesitation appeared on Shi Ling's pretty face.

After a while, she nodded again and responded softly: "Huh!"

Subsequently, one man and two ghosts walked slowly towards the martial arts tower ahead.


Divine war on the mainland, Dongyue Dizhou!

After leaving Fengyin Forest with Shifeng and a group of strong men in the sacred land, Shi Feng returned to the city of Muxu, the city closest to the Yinlin.

Then between the cities, they continuously took the space teleportation array. A few days later, they came to a small seaside town called Haiwangcheng!

Haiwangcheng, near the endless sea!

From Dongyue Shenzhou to Zhongao Shenzhou, there is no space to transfer large arrays across domains, and they can only reach through the endless sea!

Dongyue Divine Land, although there are few human races, along the way, Shi Feng did not see any other human races except the woman rescued by Meteorite City and the nine Heavenly Desolates.

But here in Haiwang City, he did meet some people.

Some are vendors, some are adventurers ...


In order to act in a low-key manner, all the powerful men in the Tianhuang Holy Land have hidden the breath of martial arts.

And Shi Feng, also hides his breath in the realm of true God.

Soon after, they came to the endless seaside, blowing violent sea breeze, rousing long hair and clothes flying wildly, looking at the vast sea, the turbulent waves continued to undulate, and the sound of "rushing waves" continued to sound.

This is a vast and boundless sea, and it is regarded as an endless sea, which really gives people a sense of endlessness.

"A few of you want to cross the sea and go to the Continent?" At this moment, an old voice sounded from behind them.

After hearing that voice, Shi Feng turned around with a crowd of strong men and looked at the speaker.

This is an old man in a commoner's clothing. He looks ordinary, with a wrinkled face, holding a tobacco rod in his hand, and smoking dry tobacco in his mouth.

After seeing these people looking at themselves, a spit of smoke slowly spit out of his mouth, and the smoke was suddenly lingering. Then, he slowly spoke again, saying:

"Since it appears here, you must also know that the endless sea is called the endless sea, because this sea is really endless! If ordinary creatures want to cross this sea by their own strength, no one From half a year to a year, it is almost impossible! "

In fact, the old man was right. Shi Feng showed that the endless sea is really endless according to the stone of the world.

At his current breaking speed, it would take four months to reach Zhong Ao Shenzhou.

The old man took another spit of dry smoke, and then spit out a thick smoke, grinning at Shi Feng and others suddenly, revealing an unpredictable look, saying:

"In the world, there is a strange beast named Tayun Beast. Every time you step on Tianyun, you can travel thousands of miles. As long as there is a Tarou Beast, it will take three months to go to the South Barren State. Month, it takes only one and a half months to go to Zhongao Shenzhou! "

When the old man talked about stepping on the cloud beast, it was obvious that a proud look appeared on his old face.

His appearance was already obvious. He had the strange beast in his mouth, the cloud beast.

According to World Stone, there are nine states in the Divine War Continent.

They are the places where they are, Dongyue Shenzhou, Southern Barren Wasteland, West Indian Wanzhou, North Hanyi, Zhongao Shenzhou, Guling Qizhou, Taiting Yinzhou, Changwu Qiongzhou, and Tianshui Minzhou.

The old man's southern barren state and Tianshui Minzhou are two states close to Zhongao Shenzhou.

"Tayun beast?" When I heard Tayun beast, I saw those strong men in the heavenly sacred place, and a smile was evoked at the corner of his mouth, like, a little disdain!

However, it only takes a month and a half to reach Zhong Ao Shenzhou from here, and it is indeed a very fast pace.

"Huh?" After seeing these people hear Tayun Beast and Tayun Speed, they didn't show that shocked expression, and the old man suddenly felt a little surprised.

Tayun Beasts, these strange beasts with strange speed, are rumored to be less than a hundred in the whole world.

And this speed is supposed to be shocking enough.

"I see them, deliberately pretending not to be shocked?" After thinking about this, the old man immediately sneered in his heart, followed the ten people in front of him and said,

"Which state do you want to go to? As long as you pay the husband the corresponding compensation, the husband will let you step on the beast to take you there. There is nothing wrong, the husband is raising a strange beast, step on it!

When it comes to the last three words, the old man uttered a word, and slowly spit out at Shi Feng and others in front of him. The proud look on the old face became worse and worse, even evoking a touch of cold. Natural smile.

(End of this chapter)

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