Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2290: Tian Jinlin Beast!

Chapter 2290 Tian Jin Lin Beast!


In front of the endless coast, after hearing the old man's words, I don't know who among the heavenly strong men made a disdainful hum.

Then, they simply ignored the old man, and all the desolate strong turned back together, looking at the endless sea.

When Shi Feng saw this, he looked at the old man in front of him, followed, and just like them, turned away.

He knows that these people must have any means, and the speed must be faster than the old man said.

The angry king said, but within a month, he hurried back to the heavenly sanctuary.

"Oh, I know." Looking at the figures who turned back, the old man suddenly smiled, as if he figured something out, and said with a smile, "They must know that riding the cloud beast must pay a great deal. The price! They don't want to pay that price! "

"Oh, in fact, this is normal." The old man grinned, and yanked two dry cigarettes, then slowly spit out the smoke, shaking his head and sighing.

In recent years, business has become increasingly difficult.

枉 He has a strange beast that walks on the cloud, but this beast on the cloud can't afford ordinary creatures.

The heavenly desolate people were looking forward to the endless sea, and at this moment, a heavenly desolate man suddenly lifted up to the sky and issued a strange noise: "Oh!"

The sound was rolling, weird, and the world resounded.

"Huh? What is he doing?" When he heard the strange howling, the old man frowned suddenly and murmured secretly.

"Oh, it should be!" Then, the old man seemed to have figured out something again, and the frown on the old face slowly stretched out, saying:

"I know that my husband has a stepping cloud beast, and they want to sit but they do n’t have to sit. It is estimated that they are hating themselves. Why aren't they such characters who can sit down and stand up to such strange beasts, so Yangtian issued this burst. Unwilling to growl. "

"Hehe, life! Sometimes it's so unfair! Some people, born of great power, or have great opportunities, things in the world, are at your fingertips, step on the cloud beast, want to sit and sit!

And some people, even if they work hard all their lives, are still mediocre and mediocre! "

"Hey, my husband has lived so long. No one has seen anything. Hey, forget it, don't waste time on these people, don't want to.

Let's go and try your luck again. The old blind man next door told me early in the morning, saying that I have great luck today, maybe I can really have good luck, and meet a big employer who is willing to pay a lot of money. "

There was a murmur in his mouth, and the old man slowly turned around, following the people in front of him no longer.

"Oh!" But the moment the old man suddenly turned around, he heard a howling sound over the sky in the distance, and it shook the world.

"Huh? What the hell?" When he heard the howling voice, the old man's brow suddenly frowned again, then turned back.

His eyes glanced at the ten figures in front of him. He also looked at the endless sea of ​​rolling waves, then raised his head, and he also looked at the sky.

"This ... this is ..." The old man followed for a moment, followed closely, only listening to a scream of incomparable shock, and uttered from his mouth: "This ... this! This is! If I didn't If you read it wrong, this is ... Tianlin Beast! Nine ... Nine heads ... Tianlin Beast! "

At this moment, the old man was startled, and his voice was shaking.

Celestial beast, rumored to be the legendary beast, descendant of ancient unicorn! The noble blood flow of the **** beast Kirin!

It is said that Tianlin Beast has less than twenty heads in the entire Divine War continent, but did not expect that there are nine heads in this sky.

"Tianlin beast! God! You see what I see, but, rumored Tianlin beast!" Not far away, followed by a commotion, a sound of exclamation, and then continued to sound, for a while Then, like waves, one after another, the waves were rough.

"Tianlin Beast! I didn't expect that it was really Tianlin Beast! Moreover, nine heads appeared at once! Really, a great battle!"

"The appearance of Tianlin Beast here must be a distinguished figure coming across the sea! What kind of character is it?"

"The Nine-Headed Celestial Beast must be the peerless figure who has waited for the whole **** to fight the continent! It is really spectacular! If one of them is mine, how wonderful it is!"

"Heaven ... Tianlin Beast ..." At this moment, the old man who smoked dry cigarettes still had his eyes widened, and said, "Seeing the nine-headed Tianlin Beast at once, really, it was like being in a dream."

The Tayun Beast he keeps, he is proud of the Tayun Beast, the speed of stepping on the cloud can be thousands of miles away!

And Lin Beast that day, but has the name of a thousand miles! The two beasts cannot compare at all!

"That one!" And at this moment, the old man was suddenly shocked, and he suddenly saw that one of the celestial beasts, covered with gold and glittering, was as imposing as the king of beasts.

"This ... this is the mutant Tian Jinlin Beast. It is rumored that there is only one in this world ... Tian Jinlin Beast! Tian Jinlin Beast!" At this moment, the old man was already shaking with shock.

"That's right! That's Tian Jinlin Beast! The best in Tianlin Beast! God! God!"

Shouted in shock, and then echoed in this world, in this small seaside city.

The creatures in Haiwang City, all eyes, gathered in the distant sky.

"I remember, the golden scale beast seems to be the mount of that day, right?" An alien creature, as if remembering a legend, said slowly.

As I remembered that one, the expression on my face gradually changed.

"Which one? It's the peerless existence of the Heavenly Haram!"

"Heavenly sacred place, one of the six heavenly kings, angry battle, heavenly king, Yue Jie!" Another creature slowly opened his mouth and spit out this peerless name.

"But I seem to see that there aren't any living creatures on this Tianlin Beast and the Golden Scale Beast?"

"Not long ago I heard a rumor. It is said that the King of Fury came to our Dongyue and killed the four peerless Supremes of Dongyue. Could this rumor be ... really?"


"Angry ... King of Heaven! It's King of Dragons! It has landed on our Dongyue Divine Land, and has landed on our sea city."


"Tianlin Beast? Tianjinlin Beast?" Shi Feng's ears were sharp, and the distant road exclaimed, and also continuously passed into his ears.

He guessed that there was nothing wrong with it, that this sacred place is strong, and they really have their means.

Then he saw the nine celestial beasts rushing down in the sky, swooping towards the sea where they stood proudly.





The sound of howling and howling still echoed in this world.

"This ... this celestial beast is coming down here?" Then, the old man looking up at the sky and holding dry smoke in hand was startled again.

(End of this chapter)

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