Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2329: Yuhai City!

Chapter 2329 Yuhai City!

After listening to Ye Bao's reports, Wu Heng nodded slightly.

As for what happened in Haiyin Yu, he already knew about it.

Unexpectedly, Haiyin Yu's proud family was so heartless that she wanted her daughter's life.

More than a decade ago, in a turn of events, Ao Jian's father once saved his father's life.

At that time, the owner of the sea spirit domain promised that, in order to repay his life-saving grace, his granddaughter Aoi, who was only six years old at that time, was assigned to the proud family, and the two sea areas were married.

When the proud family learned the true identity of the uncle's family, it was naturally extremely happy and agreed immediately.

Marrying with the sea power domain of the sea supremacy, it is the daughter of their sea power domain marrying to their own sea power domain, which is the glory of their power.

The marriage of the two seas is tantamount to an alliance between the two seas, but their Haiyin has become a stronger opportunity.

However, it was not expected that this marriage would eventually become the fuse of their proud homes to perish.

Really impermanent.


At this time, Heng Heng opened his mouth again and said to the night owl who was kneeling down, "You reported back earlier, that girl, who has taken the lead for that Terran boy? He also moved out of our sea area to deter those strong."

"Yes, my lord!" Ye Xuan replied, "The relationship between the lord and that kid of the human race seems to be something unusual."

"Oh, it's not unusual? How do you say?" When he heard Ye Yan's words, Xiao Heng's face moved again.

"Subordinate, not so easy to say."

"The subordinates didn't understand what the relationship was between them. But the subordinates always felt something unusual."

Died in the night.

"Listen to Lord Ye Yan, is it possible that our young master, who fell in love with the sacred place of the human race?"

"Look, it looks a bit like it!"

"Yeah! The young master has grown up now, and it is time to talk about marriage.

That Haiyin Yu was so ignorant of promotion, it was normal for the young master to find a better one. "

"I used to say to my lord, how could the young master marry them to Haiyinyu, even though it was the old master's decision."

"If our sea soul can marry that sacred place of the day ... this ... definitely 10,000 times stronger than that of Hai Yin Yu!"



After hearing the conversation between Ye Di and that one, the sea creatures below spoke secretly.

"That girl, and the boy from the heavenly sacred place!" And Hengheng whispered such words in his mouth at the moment.

"Ye said that the angry king Tian Yue Yue went to Dongyue Shenzhou to pick up the boy in person, and that boy's identity was naturally not simple.

If it were through that boy, my sea spirit area would have a relationship with that sacred place ... "

Thinking of this, I saw Lu Heng's complexion suddenly fixed, and then stared at the night owl who was kneeling down, and she said in a deep voice: "Night owl, you continue to pay attention to that girl's movement, and you don't need to rush to take her back to the sea monster area!

But if anything, report to me as soon as possible! "

Hearing Hengheng's words, Ye Ling lowered his head and drank in a deep voice at Hengheng: "Subordinates understand!"

After drinking these four words, the sea creatures in the hall immediately saw the black mighty figure kneeling in the hall, and at this moment was faded.

But in an instant, that night owl turned into air, as if it had never been here before.

The sea creatures, from beginning to end, did not see the true face of the mysterious existence, only his back.

But at this moment, they didn't care too much about that night owl.

Now they are all concerned about the human tribe in Ye Yan's mouth and their arrogant and wayward young master.

Can Haiyu Realm marry the Heavenly Haram?

This is a problem that emerged from the minds of the sea creatures in this hall.


Zhongao Dizhou, Yuhai City.

The original Aoi, who was interested in a long time, felt a different atmosphere immediately after entering this small city.

Eyes were constantly looking around, feeling the noise in the small city.

"This ... is the rumored city where the people live?" Aoi Kui said secretly: "It's different!"

Although Yuhai City is just a small border town, it has a large population. After entering the city, all of you can see people at a glance, and all the people are human.

Shi Feng finally returned to a territory belonging to the human race.

"Well, what's that? It's so interesting." Suddenly, the Aoi who walked beside Shi Feng suddenly shouted a shocked cry, and then turned around and walked towards a house.

Shi Feng turned his head and glanced at the house. This is just a workshop for making colorful clay figures.

It is said that there are countless treasures in the sea, and this sea woman has become interested in this little clay figure?

But it is also that for Shi Feng, it is not unusual to look at Shi Feng, but in the sea, it is probably not seen.

At this moment in the workshop, except for the sunflower, there are some children.

When she entered, the cold and beautiful face, the extraordinary momentum, and the pointed golden horn above her head immediately attracted all eyes.

"Roar!" When Xu Kui entered, the blond black lion that followed them came in immediately, sending out a roar, and the whole workshop suddenly shook violently at this moment.

"Ah!" The children screamed, and ran away.

The children of these divine war continents have practiced martial arts to a greater or lesser extent than their ordinary people.

Even if it was just the random roar of the white lion, if it was changed to an ordinary person, it would be extremely uncomfortable in that roar.

"Ah! You wicked beast!" Hearing the roar, seeing the human race children run away, Kui Kui turned his head and glared at the lion and drank it coldly.

At the same time, she could feel the surroundings with a bad look and cast her at her.

Feeling those glances, Aoi also glanced at them, followed by a disdainful sneer: "Hum! Weak people!"

After saying this, she swept the clay figure in this workshop again and said, "Who is rare!"

After saying this, she went to the layman and said to the blond lion that came in, "Animals, go! Blame you!"


"This alien woman's momentum is so terrifying! This woman, at least, is in the real state of God!"

Immediately after Xu Que left the workshop, someone whispered and said.

"Well, it should have reached the true god! Come to our site to make trouble, or should you report this to the one!"

"This alien woman is OK, maybe that person with some interests may not be."


"A clay figurine workshop, but there are three demigod-level folks doing clay figurines, wouldn't it be overkill! Hehe."

Shi Feng didn't care about the Aoi who entered the clay figurine workshop at this moment. At this moment, walking alone among the crowded people, murmured secretly, a sneer appeared on his face.

He had already seen that the clay figurine workshop was not as simple as it seemed.

(End of this chapter)

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