Chapter 2330: Absurd!

"Wait for me!" Walking from the bustling street, a shout came from behind Shi Feng.

Hearing the coquettish shout, Shi Feng's footsteps walked suddenly.

That coquettish voice was naturally the voice of Aoi Kui. Shi Feng did not expect that the woman chased after herself.

Turning her head and looking to the rear, Shi Feng saw the Hai woman, who was very aggressively crowding in the crowd. Anyone who stopped in front of her was pushed away with her hands.

The black lion followed her, and burst into beasts at the crowd ahead.

Those who were pushed away by her saw that she felt extraordinary and unfathomable at the first sight, and followed by such a ferocious beast that she dared not anger.

Yuhai City, after all, is a small border town. The people living here are not strong enough. How dare you provoke this sea-seeing woman who cannot see through the realm.

Although Yuhai City is the site of human races, they know that the sea races in the endless sea are not easy to offend.

It is rumored that many years ago, some people offended the Hai clan, and the Hai clan launched thousands of troops ...


"What's wrong?" Shi Feng asked when she was approaching.

"Why are you walking so fast and don't wait for me." Xu Kui walked up to Shi Feng and said angrily.

"Waiting for you?" After hearing her words, Shi Feng frowned, and said, "Now that I have arrived in Zhong Ao Shenzhou, I have also broken the mark on you. From now on, we will not We owe each other and part ways. "

"Uh ..." After listening to Shi Feng's words, Xu Kui said "Uh" softly.

Today they are, indeed.

"I'm not familiar with this place, and I don't know where to go. Since you and I know each other, you can take me here to take a better look at the proud Chinese state!" Said Aoi Kui.

"I don't have that time." Shi Feng flatly refused.

Now that I'm pressed for time, and I can't find Leng Aoyue in the heavenly sacred place, then ... I'm really going to die.

Now, at this moment, Shi Feng's feelings become clearer. The power Yue Yue has left in his body will be destroyed in these days.

It lasts for a maximum of three to four days. If it is fast, it may be in these two days!

"Take me around in Zhong Ao Shenzhou, you won't die!" But Kui Kui said angrily, and her voice was a little cold.

And she was really wrong. If Shi Feng really wastes time on her, he is really going to die.

When she heard her bustling words, she saw Shi Feng's face, and immediately cooled down.

"Goodbye!" After saying this, Shi Feng ignored her completely, turned around, and continued to follow the crowd, moving forward.

Although Yuhai City is just a small city, it has a large space teleportation array. Now it is the fastest way to go to the heavenly desert sacred place and take the teleportation array between the cities.

"You!" Seeing that Shi Feng ignored him, he just left like this, and Kui Kui snorted coldly at his figure.

However, she still hurriedly pursued him with the shape of the blond black lion behind her.

"This man is really arrogant. Huh, I'm following him like this. He should be heading for his power at this moment. When I know what power he comes from, he will return to the sea and let me be The army is coming! "

"When that day, my army of sea spirits is above his power, his expression will be very exciting!"

Thinking of this, Kui Kui grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a sneer.

At this moment, she seemed to have seen that wonderful scene.

The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't wait, and the more she wanted to know the "real power" of the man ahead.

But at this moment, Xu Kui's attention was all on Shi Feng's body, but he didn't realize that there were many eyes behind her that looked like poisonous snakes, and were staring at her.


"The sea fishing city delivered the altar!" Shortly afterwards, Shi Feng came to the central square of this sea fishing city and looked at the old and worn altar in the center of the square.

And at this moment, the eight parties transmitting the altar were lined up with long lines.

"According to the map, my next city should go to that Baiyu City!" Shi Feng said.

There are eight teams in all directions of the teleportation altar, and the seemingly unreal white characters are floating in the mid-empty in front of each team.

"Baiyucheng!" Three twisted, seemingly unreal white characters, reflected in Shi Feng's eyes.

With a murmur, soon, Shi Feng walked over and was behind the team.

Although the team is long, but the teleportation can transfer the whole team's souls to the next city.

At the current speed, and then to the order, Shi Feng predicts that he probably only needs to wait for a joss stick time!

"Huh?" And at this moment, Shi Feng's complexion suddenly moved again. Although his head did not turn to the back, the strength of his soul had been sensed. The sea woman and the blond black lion were in line. Behind himself.

"I said, so don't follow me!" Shi Feng said coldly, and said to Aoi behind him.

"Huh!" And just as Shi Feng's voice sounded, the disdainful hum sounded immediately behind him, and Aoi said disdainfully, "This road is not your home, I go wherever I want, you OK? "

"Also!" Shi Feng said lightly when she heard her words.

No longer care about her, no longer care about her, waiting silently.

Soon after, it was finally their turn to step up to the teleportation altar.

Shi Feng once again moved forward with the popularity of the people, and then paid the expensive stone to the administrator in charge of the transmission altar. He finally stepped on the altar.

Jian Tong, who had been following him, stood beside him at this moment.

Shi Feng, still did not look at her.

However, at this time, the power of Shi Feng's soul swept across several familiar faces on the teleportation altar.

Here are the people from the previous clay figurine workshop!

Unexpectedly, these people even came here.

"They are, did they have the idea of ​​this Hai woman?" Shi Feng secretly said.

However, he did not intend to be nosy.

And with the skills of these people, you can't take this Hai woman.

Find her, they're asking for it.

"No!" Followed, Shi Feng shook her head secretly, and said in her heart: "This sea woman has no momentum of convergence at all. These people should know that she is much stronger than them, but they still follow her secretly."

"It seems that these people must have some means!"

"And they, the hidden means, always give me a very familiar feeling, as if ... where I've seen it."

"It's true that I've seen it. But ... where is it?"

"Coordinate alignment, Baiyucheng! Teleport! Start!"

At this moment, I only heard a majestic drink, and suddenly it resounded in this square, and the drink sounded for a long time.

Suddenly, I saw a white light bursting out from above the altar, instantly swallowing hundreds of people above the altar.

Bai Guang rushed upward, towards the boundless sky!

(End of this chapter)

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