Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2341: Really should fight!

Chapter 2341 Really should fight!

The sound of roar shook the sky, Jian Tong secretly thought that the visitor should be a great figure in the heavenly wilderness.

He was thinking secretly, to see if he could touch that big man with his sincerity, and let him take himself to see the Heavenly Emperor.

Anyway, whether it works or not, everything, try again!

Thinking of this, Jian Tong's body was still kneeling, and turned slowly toward the rear.

Suddenly, she saw an extremely fierce mad lion, rushing towards this side.

On top of this crazy lion, there are two young figures standing proudly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Jian Tong's white and charming face, originally with a touch of expectation, and at this moment, I saw her eyes gradually widened, the bigger and bigger, both eyes, looking at both As if about to pop out of his eyes.

At this moment, her expression looked extremely incredible and extremely shocked.

She was so shocked that she couldn't believe her eyes, she couldn't believe everything she saw.

At this moment, she just felt as if she were in a dream, and felt that the whole world was illusory and not very real.

That mad lion is not another mad lion, it is the white lion.

And on top of the white lion, it is naturally no one else standing, Shi Feng, and the sea woman, Aoi.

Gradually, I saw Jian Tong's red body gradually trembled. The previous shocked face became extremely excited at this moment, and secretly murmured: "Shi Feng ... Shi Feng ... It is really Are you? Shi Feng.

You ... you ... are you really, aren't you dead? "

Until this moment, Jian Tong was still not quite convinced.

And just looking at the young and familiar figure, somehow, Jian Tong's heart suddenly appeared inexplicable grievances.

It's as if a child who has been aggrieved suddenly meets an adult at home.

Jian Tong's face changed, and Shi Feng's face changed fiercely at this moment, exclaiming in surprise: "Jian Tong!"

"Jiantong, you really!"

When he said this, Shi Feng's figure flickered, but in an instant, he flew to Jian Tong's body. He lowered his head and stared at her carefully, saying:

"Great! You're here, it's really great!"

Along the way, Shi Feng has been worried about her safety.

Although she has strange magical powers, she is really too fragile on this continent.

Shi Feng was really worried about what would happen to her.

But now, seeing her appearing here without incident, all her worries finally let go.

"Huh?" From the moment he saw Jian Tong, Shi Feng felt that something was wrong.

At this moment, he finally realized that Jian Tong was kneeling in front of himself.

Immediately, Shi Feng raised her eyebrows tightly, and said coldly to her, "You, why is this? Why are you kneeling here!"

Behind Shi Feng, Xu Que and the Xuan Xuan Lion have also arrived. The Xuan Xuan Lion stopped running, Xu Ai still stands proudly above this Xuan Xuan Lion.

Previously, she wanted to part ways with Shi Feng as soon as possible. Now, she seems to have a good show to watch, but she did not rush to leave.

"A humble grudge? Is her servant? Her servant is kneeling here, is he really a man in this sacred place?" Wu Kui pondered secretly in his heart.

"I ... I ..." As soon as Jian Tong said, her charming face was full of grievances again, and her voice was choked, and she felt a little grieved.

Seeing Jiantong look like this, Shi Feng's heart consciously realized something, and then spoke coldly, and said to her, "It's okay, you slowly say, tell me what happened!"

"You ... you ... you asked me to come to this desolate sacred land, find the desolate lord, and tell him your words.

And I have arrived in this desolate sacred place many days ago, and they will not let me in at all, let alone see the desolate lord you said! "Jiantong said.

"They won't let you in? Then why are you kneeling here again?" Shi Feng asked her again.

"I really can't help it, I think, maybe I can only do this, they can let me see the Lord of Heaven and Famine! But many days later, still, it has been useless!" Jian Tong said again.

"So it is!" Shi Feng sighed deeply at her words.

Unexpectedly, she knelt down here, completely ... for herself.

"Really, bitter her!" Sighed in her heart, Shi Feng looked at this fair and charming face, suddenly felt a little distressed.

This is a woman suffering a life.

"You, get up and talk! You don't have to kneel to them anymore." Shi Feng said to Jian Tong again.

"Well!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, Jian Tong nodded heavily and said, "I don't have to kneel to them at all now when I see that you are all right!"

Shi Feng felt another meaning from her words. If she had never seen herself appear here, perhaps she would have been kneeling like this.

Shi Feng reached out to help Jiantong.

"Haha, hahahahaha!" Just at this moment, behind Shi Feng, a loud laughter rang out.

Jian Tong was lifted up, Shi Feng turned around, looked at the laughing sunflower, and said coldly, "What are you laughing at!"

This sound sounded extremely cold, and even, it had revealed the intention of killing.

Jiantong knelt here for himself, suffering hardship.

And this woman turned out to laugh at this moment.

Hearing Shi Feng's cold voice, Xu Kui's face continued to smile, and she even showed such a mocking look, saying:

"Pretend to be in front of me, I really thought that you were the person of this desolate holy land! It turned out that it was the evil curse of the sea in your body.

Before you came, you sent your humble injustice, kneeling down here to see you, and this sacred place is not a bird at all! "

When Kui Kui's voice just dropped, listening to the voice, which was even colder than before, sounded at this moment: "Tell your words, please! Say! One! Sentence!"

Shi Feng spit coldly, meal by word.

"Don't you dare, this desolate sacred place doesn't bird you at all!" Facing Shi Feng's cold face and cold voice, Xu Que said this sentence again.

"I'm right, the previous sentence!" Shi Feng said coldly again.

"One more sentence before?" Wu Kui said, "Oh!" Blinking with her smart eyes, said, "You send this humble injustice, here ..."

"Slap!" Suddenly, I heard only a very crisp sound, and suddenly resounded at this moment.

Just before Jian Tong said the word "kneeling", Shi Feng flashed in front of her, raised her right hand, and slapped her face fiercely.

Jiantong has made so much for himself!

And this Hai woman, dare to scold Jian Tong and humble!

She, really, it's time to fight!

(End of this chapter)

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