Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2342: Go to Liao Aoyue!

Chapter 2342: Reporting Leng Aoyue!


When the crisp sound resounded in the heavens and the earth, then, a violent roar of a woman was extremely loud: "You hit me! You! You! How dare you hit me! Ah!"

The sound sounded incomparable, incomparable, and insane.

A red five-finger palm print is clearly visible on the contorted face of Tong Kui. At this moment, the cold and charming princess is like a madwoman.

If Shi Feng just punched her, maybe she wouldn't.

Shi Feng, but slapped her hard.

Since childhood, no one has ever dared to do so to her.

She has never been subjected to such insults since childhood.

Moreover, still a dying person, or for a humble injustice!

"Dead! You will die! This feud, I will pay you back a thousand times!" Kui Kui yelled at Shi Feng fiercely.

Shi Feng withdrew her palm-slapped hand, snorted at her, and said coldly, "Huh! Come on! I'm waiting for you in the heavenly wilderness, waiting for your so-called sea-horse army ! "

After saying this, Shi Feng's figure flickered and disappeared in front of Xu Kui.

When he appeared again, he appeared in front of Jian Tong and said to her, "Let's go!"

"Go? Where are we going now?" Jian Tong asked Shi Feng.

Everything just looked at, Jian Tong naturally all looked at.

The alien woman was slapped hard by him because she said she was humble.

He was doing this for himself. Jian Tong's heart had already warmed up, and even the grievances he had felt before had been swept away.

"Of course, go to the heavenly wasteland." Shi Feng said to her.

Then said, "Let's go!"

After speaking these four words, Shi Feng went straight to the mountain gate of Tianhuang Holy Land.

"Oh!" Jian Tong responded softly and immediately followed.

As for the wild lion and the alien woman behind them, they had completely ignored them.

Kui Kui's left hand, tightly covering her face that still felt hot and painful, her eyes were extremely cold, staring at the two figures walking forward.

In the nose, anger was constantly humming, and my heart was constantly ups and downs with anger.

"This dying man treated me like this when he was about to die! Ah! Ah! I! Hate!"

When thinking of this person's imminent death, Xu Kui felt uncomfortable again.

Today's revenge, how do you report it in the future? Who to report to?

"Bitch! This bitch! Everything is her harm! After he dies, I will never make this **** better! I want her to be the cheapest **** in the world!"

Xu Kui spit out his voice fiercely.


"The young master was beaten, we now ... what should we do?"

There was a silent void that no one noticed, and a voice came out quietly.

"Here ... but the holy land of that human race! Everything, it is better to be careful! In this matter, it is better to report to the night lord before making a decision!"


"Well, that's all it can be!"


玥 Kwai, still standing proudly on the blond black lion.

At this moment, the golden-colored black lion should have sensed the angry emotions of Xu Kui. At this moment, it is very acquaintance, without making a slight roar.

In this way, Kui Kwai looked at the two figures, and walked further and further towards the sacred place of heaven, away from himself, further and further!

"Huh!" Another humming voice followed from Kui Kui's mouth.

"This jerk, with that humble injustice, this desolate holy land of this people, is it possible for them to enter this status!"

"If they can really enter the Heavenly Desolation Holy Land, previously, they wouldn't need this wrong soul, and kneel here!"

"I'd like to see how they would be expelled if they wished to enter the Heavenly Sacred Land! It would be better for the disciples in Heavenly Sacred Land to have something to do with him, and then the Heavenly Desperator would dispatch this person to that base , Kill together! "

Kui Kui said fiercely, in his mind, the picture of Shi Feng and Jian Tong being wiped out by the strong had emerged, and he was still painfully wiped out.

When thinking of this, Xu Kui's delicate body trembled involuntarily.


"Who are you? What's up with me in the wilderness?"

When Shi Feng and Kui Kui approached the gate of Tianhuang Holy Land, they only heard a drink.

In the eyes of the disciple disciples, from the perspective of his roots, this person should be eighteen or nineteen years old, but his realm is nothing more than a true fourfold heavenly realm.

These ages and these realms are not their disciples in the Heavenly Sacred Land at all, and if they are disciples in the Heavenly Sacred Land, they will have a waistband when they enter the Heavenly Sacred Land.

Shi Feng's eyes glanced at the arrogant martial artists in front of the mountain gate.

There are fifteen guardians.

All eyes looked at themselves, disdainful, disdainful, and plain, Shi Feng could see that in their eyes, they looked like they were not at all ordinary.

These eyes are like powerful creatures, looking down at the weak creatures.

Facing the eyes of these people, Shi Feng felt very uncomfortable.

And Jian Tong knelt there because of ... these people.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng's face was already a bit cold, followed by the cold opening, and said to these people, "Go in and report to your heavenly Lord, Lord Liao Aoyue, and tell him that the ghost has come to his heavenly place."

"Nether? Is this nether again?"

"Isn't this the name the woman kept saying?"

"So he is the nether?"

"Huh! Nether! Some time ago, because of his pity for that woman, San Hufa ordered people to go to the Lingxin Temple to find out if this nether is a disciple in our heavenly sanctuary. As a result, there is no such thing in our list of disciples in heaven A person."

"Oh, these ages are still in the quadruple heaven of the true God. How can we have such waste in the heavens and sacred places!"


"Give me! Immediately! Immediately! Otherwise, it is death!" Before the mountain, an extremely cold voice spit out from the mouth of a disciple in the heavenly wilderness.

Shi Feng saw that he was a disciple of the Sixth Heaven of the True God, who was only in his early twenties. At this moment, he was staring at himself tightly, his body full of murderous intentions.

Shi Feng ignored the sentence, ignored the disciple, and then spoke coldly at the people in front of the mountain gate, saying:

"I told you to report the cold and proud moon, and the ghost came to his heavenly sacred place to find him! Are you all deaf?"




"I rely on this one, I'm too tired to live!"

"A true God has four layers of heaven, even dare to come to my heavenly sacred place for wanton pretensions! This is simply, looking for death!"

"And he, in that tone, called the name of the ancestor!"

"Huh! Death!" Then, just listening to the sound of cold drinking, sang from the mouth of the disciple who stared at Shi Feng just now.

The next moment, he saw a flash of this disciple's figure and disappeared instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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