Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2343: Provocation in front of Tianhuang Mountain Gate!

Chapter 2343 Provocation in front of Tianhuang Mountain!

In front of the mountain gate of the Tianhuang Holy Land, the disappearing figure appeared in front of Shi Feng in an instant.

Shi Feng saw that the man's right hand had five fingers spread out, and an incredible mysterious power appeared on his right hand.

With one palm, if you can control the heavens and the earth, it is printed towards Shi Feng's heart.

"The warrior in the heavenly sacred place!" Shi Feng said secretly.

Along the way, the warrior of the Sixth Heaven Realm of the True God, he has seen.

It's the haiku woman Aoi who is far behind.

However, although they are also the Sixth Heaven of the True God, the attacks by Xun Kui and the other Sixth Heavenly Spirits are totally incomparable with the power of the palms in front of them.

This ... but it ’s just for a disciple who guards the mountain gate in Tianhuang Sacred Land that he has cultivated such a powerful combat technique and erupted such a powerful war power, which is enough to prove that the profoundness of Tianhuang Sacred Land is profound.

After the shot of this desolate disciple, all the other disciples were motionless, looking at the battle of unequal strength on that side with a touch of drama, disdain, or dull eyes.

The Sixth Heaven and Four Heavens of the True God, not to mention the use of this hand, Qian Qiankun, in their eyes, the man shrouded in the palm of Qiankun is no different from a dead body.

"Okay ... so strong!" Jian Tong felt the palm of the man's palm, and her charming face changed suddenly.

For her, it was the palm of her hand, too powerful.

Powerful enough to suffocate her and make her tremble, Jian Tong obviously felt that she and that heavenly warrior were not a level existence at all.

"He, can he take such a powerful attack?" Jian Tong said in his heart in shock.

However, she has quietly picked up her mysterious magical powers at this moment, and she has formed an extremely weird handprint in her hands. If there is any accident in Shi Feng, she will rescue him even if she has done everything.

In this part of the world, perhaps only Kui Kui and the blond black lion were clear. Although the trick of the barren disciple was very strong that day, it was not the enemy of that evil spirit.

I have to admit that the evil talent and combat power are really against the sky.

The palm of the disciple in the sacred and holy land knew that he could not handle it, but at this moment, he saw a smirk on the face of Leng Yan:

"I know, how can he be a disciple of the Heavenly Haram! Just how can he enter this holy land of the human race! Hmm, he has already dealt with the Heavenly Haram place. Whether he loses or not, he will , Miserable, miserable!

Those behemoths who are trespassing into the heavens and sacred places will inevitably ... have no good end! "

玥 Kwai Yue said at the end, the more 狰狞 on the face.

She really did, and missed Shi Feng and Jian Tong so much.

Perhaps only by seeing their tragic death in front of her eyes could she dispel her hatred.


"Go!" Facing the palm of the disciples, Shi Feng just spit out the word coldly.

The next moment, he saw the same palm shot, welcoming a five-finger palm.

"Huh, a cricket ant, can't help it!" This was the thought that came to minds of the disciples.

To them, the cricket ant is nothing more than a stubborn resistance.

However, at the next moment, "Oh!" A violent blasting sound rang out in front of the deserted holy mountain.

Suddenly, the sky was shaking.

"Boom! Boom, boom, boom!" The earth, with a continuous roar, constantly seemed to be extremely unstable under the attack of these two people.

Fighting in the Divine Power is really too terrifying.

But then, after seeing every look, a sudden and dramatic change took place.

The disciples in the sky, their eyes widened immediately, they simply couldn't accept all that they saw.

how can that be!

What the **** ...

It shouldn't be this way! This ... shouldn't be at all!

They saw that the sacred place where the palm of the hand was launched was flying under the might of Shi Feng's palm.

At this moment, the crazy figure, the young face was terrified, even more! Extremely shocked!

I, but a disciple of the Heavenly Sacred Land, my martial arts realm, but in the realm of the Sixth Heaven of the True God, was actually shot by an ant in the quadruple Heaven of the Real God.

"Why did Yi Qin become so weak? What happened to him?"

"Is it easy, Qin, the real combat power cannot be sealed?"

"Seal? Who seals it? Who dares to seal our disciples in the heavenly sanctuary?"

"The power that Yi Qin just launched is very strong! His power has not been sealed!"

"That ... then what are you talking about! He is easy to change, even a true **** cannot be beaten!"

"No!" At this moment, a Tianhuang disciple uttered a very low voice, "The problem is not with Yi Qin! I have noticed it just now, it is that kid! He has a weirdness!"

"That's right! That kid, the blow he just launched has already surpassed the True God Quadruple! It's him, hiding his true cultivation!"


"Huh! If it wasn't because you were a disciple in the Heavenly Sacred Land, you were so disrespectful to me, I just ended your life with this one palm!" He said.

After saying that, Shi Feng no longer cares about him, his eyes moved, and he turned to the remaining disciples, followed him and spoke with disdain, saying to them:

"Okay ants, all of them, let's go together!"

"What! Let's go together?"

"I depend! This kid really wants to die! This kid is really arrogant!"

"Kill him! Such a arrogant man, without killing him, will hardly resolve my hatred!"

"That's right! I just made a move on Yi Qin's half move, and then I uttered such crazy words, this man, **** it!"


Suddenly, an angry voice rang out from the mouths of the disciples.

"Let me come and kill him!" At this time, another cold voice sounded among the people.

This is a very tall and sturdy young man with a height of three meters. Between his hands and feet, he can move mountains like he can.

His name is Yuan Zhen, who is the strongest among the disciples who guard the mountain gate.

It is said that today's original earthquake has entered the realm of the Sixth Heaven of the True God, only half a step away from the Seventh Heaven of the True God.

What's more, in the past few days, the realm of the original earthquake has become more and more relaxed, and it is possible to enter the Seventh Heaven Realm of the True God at any time.

"Original shock!"

"Original shock!"

"Original shock!"


He is usually taciturn and doesn't talk to the people around him.

When the original quake struck at this moment, a series of solemn cries whispered from the mouths of the disciples.

They know the horror of the original shock.

It can be said that Yi Tan, who had previously provoked Shi Feng, could not compare with the original shock!

(End of this chapter)

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