Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2354: Three strong come!

Chapter 2354 Arrival of the Three Strong!

There was a big movement before the mountain gate, and now more and more warriors in this world are gathered.

In the heavenly sanctuary, the heavenly disciples are constantly attracted by this great movement. So far, almost a thousand people have gathered, and the number is still increasing.

Among them, there are several talented disciples of the God of Heaven.

These characters, in the general forces, can be said to be the level of the lord, the suzerain, the elders, but in the Tianhuang Holy Land, they are just disciples of the Tianhuang Holy Land.

In addition to the disciples, some deacons, church owners, and elders also began to emerge here.

But when they saw the battle erupting in the sky, they were immediately shocked.

A young man who did not know where he came from, even fought with the three guardians!

"What the **** happened?"

"Today, why is there such a big movement?"

"Well? My third son!"


At this moment, the disciples of Tianhuang again saw that San Da exudes the power of a world-class god, from the distant sky, and flew towards this side.

"Five Guards!"

"God of God!"

"Dragon Blood King!"


The three names that struck the entire Divine War continent, then spit out from the mouth of the disciples in the sky.

However, I did not expect that the five guardians of the Heavenly Sacred Land and the six heavenly kings, three of them came!

"Who is this person? He was with Yuan Xiaozhan?" At that moment, the Dragon King said with a deep voice.

Dragon Blood King, wearing the golden dragon **** battle armor, majestic!

It is rumored that the Dragon Blood King is a descendant of Shenlong, and the body is filled with the pure blood of Shenlong!

"So young! Well, his realm, but what is that thing in his hands in the realm of the Four Realms of True God? So powerful!"

At this time, the God-headed King of Heaven followed suit.

The black vertical eye that grew on his forehead shone at this moment with a strange light of God, as if it could penetrate everything in the world.

This godhead king, it is rumored that this godhead on his forehead possesses ancient magical powers and possesses ancient power.

"The third child seems to be suppressed by that young man! In this world, there are such artifacts, and I have never heard of them before." The five guardians also voiced.

The five protectors, named Ling Yunzi, practiced sword repair throughout his life. Everyone in the world of Divine Warfare knows that Ling Yunzi, the five protectors of the Heavenly Sacred Land, has unparalleled Kendo.

With a sword, extinct the name of the sky!

Soon after, the three peerless figures from the violent flight stopped not far from the battlefield. Looking at the battle on the other side, they did not directly go to help the three guardians.


"Ah!" With a big drink, Shi Feng held up the golden light pillar, and once again went towards the three guardian fate, and blasted down fiercely.

"Drink!" A sound of cold drinking rang from Yuan Xiao's mouth, and the Tianxiao God Fan in his hand had been closed, and a fan straightened up toward the golden light pillar that was under the blast.

At this moment, the Tianxiao God Fan that points to the Golden Light Pillar, looks extremely small, and has a sense of shaking the tree!

"Boom!" The peerless blast sounded again.

People can't remember, this is the first burst!

At this moment, everyone saw that the young figure grasping the golden light pillar was as unwavering as Mount Tai.

The three-guard method shook his body, and his body looked a little unstable.

"Ah!" Then, Shi Feng screamed in anger again, the golden light pillar in his hand held up again, and then blasted again towards the three guardians below.

"Pillars of all things, kill!" Shi Feng shouted again under the blast.

Now the golden light pillar in his hand has been named by him as the pillar of all things!

This pillar is the condensed power of the source of all things!

Yuan Xiao's figure had just been forcibly stabilized, but felt that peerless force blasted down.

What's more, he felt that the smashing peerless force and power was more fierce than before!

Junlang's face changed suddenly again.

"Let's go! The third child, really, is going to be defeated in the kid's hands." At this moment, the Dragon Blood King said to the Five Guardians and Dragon Blood King beside him.

"But if the three of us go together, then the four of us will deal with that kid together. In this way, it's too much of an identity, I still won't go!" Hearing the words of the Dragon Blood King, the God Eye King said.

"That makes sense!" At this time, the five guardians, Ling Yunzi, nodded, agreeing with the word of the Godhead.

Let them wait for this kind of existence, and work together to deal with a young man who is only in the realm of the Four Realms of True God. If such a thing spreads, it would be too shameful.

After hearing what they said, King Dragonblood nodded for a while, and nodded, saying, "This ... you're right!"

Things are indeed as the Lord of the Gods said, not to mention, nowadays, there are still a lot of disciples in the sky.

And just at this moment, Shi Feng's violent attack once again collided with the Tianxiao God Fan of that edge.



Immediately, a muffled hum hummed from Yuan Xiao's mouth, only to see his shape, falling down under the power of Shi Feng.

This three-guard law, even ... has a defeat!


Seeing Shi Feng's great show of power, Jian Tong, who was suspended in the distant void at this moment, suddenly showed a smile. The nerves that had been strained from now until now finally relaxed, and exhaled softly.

He, what really can happen to him!

Such a powerful person has been bombed by him!

"How could this be! The prestige of the heavenly sacred land powerhouse is probably my father, but it is so! And he, under the strength of that person, fell!"

The Hai nationality girl Xu Que said that Leng Yan's face was unbelievable.

I thought that person would die.

It was not expected that the situation had such a big reversal.

"Why! How could he have that artifact? I have been with him these days, and I have seen him sacrifice countless artifacts, but I have never seen him sacrifice that **** pillar!"

"And if he owns this **** column, why didn't he show it when he faced the Aojian couple in Haiyinyu? Why did he let me take the lead when he faced the three Laoao?"

Xu Kui said in his heart.

The most important thing is that the person seems to be dead.

"What's wrong with him, why don't you die!" Aunt Kui said ruthlessly again, Jiao's body trembling slightly.


"Give me, die!" Yuan Xiao went down and crashed, Shi Feng naturally would not miss this opportunity, and the rushing body immediately chased down, and the pillar of all things in his hand stormed towards the white figure again. boom.

(End of this chapter)

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