Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2355: Let Leng Aoyue come out to see me!

Chapter 2355 Let Leng Aoyue Come Out to See Me!

Seeing that the pillar of all things was about to hit the fate, "Hmm!" Shi Feng's face suddenly changed suddenly.

At the next moment, the pillar of all things in his hands violently exploded on Yuan Xiao's body.

"Boom!" The roar sounded again.

However, this pillar was like a blast on a very hard material.

Once again, someone shot and blocked his attack!

Previously, he wanted to kill the Yue Sheng, Yuan Xiao shot and rescued him.

This time, he wanted to kill this fate, and as a result, someone shot again.

At this moment, Shi Feng felt three peerless divine powers from Xiao Yuan's body!

"Ah!" However, there was still a painful roar, roaring from Xiao Yuan's mouth.

Although there are three divine powers that suddenly appeared on him, he blocked the attack of the pillars of all things for him, but he still felt the pain full of his body, his own body, as if about to explode.

"Hum!" A heavy hum hummed from Shi Feng's mouth, and then the pillar of all things was lifted up again by him, and again by him, violently blasted to Yuan Xiao.

Oath his life!





Seeing Shi Feng's action again, Sandao shouted and sang immediately behind him.

At this moment, the three peerless beings finally moved and rushed towards Shi Feng.

The God-headed King, the black eye above the forehead, burst out a dark divine light and rushed towards Shi Feng.

Dragon Blood King, right hand into a claw, move!

Suddenly, I saw a huge golden dragon claw appearing in the sky above Shi Feng, and then stormed down towards him.

At the same time, Lingyun Zi, the five guardian, also followed his shot, condensing his sword with his right hand.

A peerless sword, exuding peerless sword power, stood on top of Shi Feng's head, stabbing wildly!

"Good time!" Feeling that three unparalleled powers came at the same time, Shi Feng shouted these three words.

The next moment, the pillar of all things that had been banging at Yuan Xiao suddenly moved, a fierce sweep!

The pillar of all things was first swept over the peerless sword that stood on top of his head. I saw the sword and it collapsed instantly!

Then, banged on the golden dragon claws, the huge golden nine claws, and also burst fiercely.

In the end, he greeted the impact of the black **** light.

"Boom boom boom boom!" The roar resounded again and again in this world.

And Shi Feng, with the pillars of all things in his hands, blocked the dark divine light from the black light of the divine eyes.

"I rely!"


"No way!"



Daodao's shouts were extremely shocked and kept echoing.

At that moment, the young man holding the golden pillar could use his own strength to fight the four peerless existence of their heavenly holy land alone.

This kind of thing is simply shocking.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes today, they wouldn't believe it.

"I depend!" At this moment, that God-headed King, all directly leaned out.

The peerless attack launched by the three of them was broken by that pillar of God.

"What the **** is this!" The dragon-blooded king said again.

Shi Feng, who had blasted himself on three previous peerless attacks, was forced to defend.

And this one resisted, taking advantage of this momentary opportunity, to make the three guardian fate happy, escaped the disaster by chance.

At this moment, the three-protection method, who seemed to be extremely embarrassed, flashed behind the three, and spoke weakly, saying:

"Fortunately, a few of you guys shot in time, otherwise, I really have to explain there!"

"Boss, who the **** is this? What holiday do you have with him? Let him carry this big pillar to kill you in the heavenly sacred land." At this moment, the five guardians Ling Yunzi said, and asked the fate behind him.

Yuan Xiao said angrily: "Where do I have any holiday with him! I saw him trespassing into the heavenly wasteland, and wanted to kill our heavenly disciples, so he shot! Who can think that this guy took out such a thing Fetish!

I rely! "

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng moved her hands and pointed the pillar of all things in her hands to the four people in front of her. She said coldly, "Leng Aoyue came out to see me!"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the dragon-blooded king asked: "Who are you, and what about seeing our ancestor?"

Today, Shi Feng has displayed a peerless divine power in front of them, and now they look at Shi Feng's eyes, completely different from when Yuan Yuan Xiao appeared.

At this moment, this kind of look and attitude seems to be treating the strong men at the same level.

"My name is Nether! As long as Leng Aoyue hears my name, she will understand!" Shi Feng said again to the Dragon Blood King.

At this time, he did not rush to do anything.

Everything, it is important to see Leng Aoyue first.





Hearing Shi Feng's words, Dragon Blood King, God Eye King, and Five Guardians Ling Yunzi all murmured these words.

Then, the Dragon Blood King frowned suddenly. He felt that the name was familiar to him, like he heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"It's a very familiar name. In the end, where is it?" Dragon Blood King Wang Long said secretly in his heart.

"My ancestor of the family is not in the Heavenly Sacred Land now. If he wants to visit, he will come again someday."

"Leng Aoyue is not in the Heavenly Sacred Land? Where did he go?" Shi Feng asked.

"My ancestor's whereabouts are inconvenient to disclose to outsiders!" God Eyed Tiantian added.

"Oh, is it?" Shi Feng spit out these three words lightly, and then, when he saw that his face was cold again, he spit out coldly at the three people in front:

"Regardless of where Leng Aoyue is, now, summon him back to see me!"

When the cold voice of Shi Feng sounded, the pillar of all things in his hands suddenly shocked again, a peerless divine power, shaking out towards the four people in front, killing raging!

Now that he has arrived, he must be brought in by Leng Aoyue! No matter where he is!



"Sacred ancestor of my family, can you see it if you want to see it! And, still call him back, really, do not talk!"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the atmosphere that had originally eased a little was exploded again.

Drinking and shouting, they immediately drank from the mouths of the three peerless powerhouses.

Three peerless divine powers rose from their bodies.

For those who are disrespectful to the ancestors, they must not be tolerated!

"Since you don't comply, then fight! Kill!" Inducing the three rising peerless divine powers, Shi Feng sang coldly again.

Aoli's figure immediately moved again, grasping the pillars of all things, and rushed to the four barbarians alone.

(End of this chapter)

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