Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2398: Battle for Power!

Chapter 2398: Battle of the Strong!






A dense volcano, blasts of blazes of fire continued to gush out from the crater in the earth.

Above the earth, the flowing rolling magma is like a fiery red river.

Entering a new world, the three of Shi Feng are still advancing against the flames!

And in this world, among the rolling magma, the fierce beasts will constantly be rushed out, and they will continue to swoop at them to stop them from moving forward.

Under the obstruction of the fierce beast, the way forward became extremely slow again.

The ferocious beast born in this flaming world is really, very strong!

Earlier, they even encountered a fire monster in the realm of God!

To this day, after they enter this Phoenix ruins, time has almost passed ... ten days!

"Shengzu, it's been ten days since we arrived here. The road ahead is boundless. We don't know how long it will take!

From the subordinate's perspective, let's retreat from this ruin first, and then meet the ancestor of the Heavenly Desolation, and let him accompany us to break into this ruin. "

At this moment, the King of Dragon Blood Shen Shen said to Shi Feng.

He began to worry about the sea evil curse in Shi Feng's body!

It is about twenty days before the time when the sea evil curse hits.

It took them ten days to enter here. If they return now, it will take another ten days ...

If you evacuate now, it's too late! But if we continue to move forward, I am afraid that it will be too late to leave here.

"Already, it's been ten days!" Upon hearing Long Yan's words, Shi Feng's complexion gradually became more dignified and he sighed.

But then, he saw that he shook his head and said to Long Yan: "Let's take a closer look!"

"But, if we ..." When Long Yan spit out the five words, he was immediately interrupted by Shi Feng.

Shi Feng said, "Well, no need to say anymore, I have my own mind!"

"Uh, okay!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, Long Yan nodded and said nothing more.

In fact, he had already guessed in his heart just now that it was not easy to want this person to turn around.

Saying this to this person is also considered as a reminder!

Time is already a bit nervous!

But now, they didn't see a glimmer of hope about the Phoenix blood!

Who knows this Phoenix ruins, in the end, is there any Phoenix blood!


After beating and killing the fierce beast another way, after walking for a while, Shitian reopened and said:

"In fact, if we encounter that humanoid flame again, we can ask it about the Phoenix Blood and the like."

At this time, they also found that at present they are encountering a highly intelligent creature, that is, the human flame that spit out the voice of a woman.

"You're not afraid to encounter it again, it will hit us again when it comes!" After hearing the words of the split sky, Long Yan said to him with a smile.

"Don't be afraid!" Li Tian responded coldly to him.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the three of Shi Feng suddenly heard a peerless blast, and suddenly came.

Immediately afterwards, a force of turbulence and chaos raged from the front right.

"Good energy!" Feeling that energy, all three of Shi Feng were surprised at the same time.

Then the three of them immediately gathered their strength to resist.

However, despite their collective strength, their bodies are still stirred in that energy!

And this power, however, arrived here from a great distance, and it was ... that made them so!

If the three of them are in that energy center ... this ... it's almost ... unthinkable!

"This is like the energy produced by the collision of two forces!" At this moment, Long Yan's mighty face was full of dignity, and he said.

Immediately afterwards, the raging violent energy gradually subsided, and the three men's turbulent figures gradually calmed down.

"Nothing wrong!" At the moment of the split-day, he stared tightly at the side where the energy came from, and nodded after hearing Long Yan's words.

Followed, Li Tian opened his mouth again and shouted Shi Feng: "Holy Ancestor."

Split day wants to look over. Shouting Shi Feng, he wanted to seek his opinion.

The forces that can produce such a collision are definitely not simple!

The battle for power is sometimes an opportunity.

Watch the powerful creatures fight and see the stronger forces, you can get a deeper martial art from it.

However, at this moment, it is very likely that two powerful beings are fighting. If it is in the past, it will be very dangerous.

"Look at it!" Shi Feng replied to Shitian without hesitation.

He also wanted to see what kind of creatures still existed in this Phoenix ruins.

He also wants to see more powerful battles and see if he can feel something.

"Go!" Followed, Shi Feng sighed again, and took the lead in front of him, violently rushing in the direction of raging energy.






When the three of Shi Feng went to the place where the energy came, there were violent bursts and a burst of energy on the way.

Soon after, they finally saw the place where the source of rage was.

A sea of ​​raging flames, almost, swept through a large void.

At a glance, it was full of flames!

An extremely hot force, rolling heat waves, suddenly rushed towards the three of Shi Feng.

The three statures, at this moment, will not move forward.

Shi Feng knew that if he got closer, I was afraid there would be danger.

Staring at the billowing blaze, Shi Feng said, "This blaze seems to be the blaze that two powerful flame creatures fought!"

"Yeah!" Shi Tian answered, and he said, "If I read correctly, one of the creatures is the powerful creature that I learned shortly after we entered this ruin!"

"What!" When Shi Tian heard the words, Shi Feng's complexion suddenly changed, not only Shi Feng, but also Long Ling, and his face changed.

Then, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and asked Li Tian: "What you are talking about is the one who can be colder and prouder than the moon?"

"Well, it's him!" Shi Tianying replied, his complexion became extremely dignified.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that the powerful creatures cold and proud of the moon were fighting!

And another creature fighting him, naturally, is not easy!

There is such a powerful creature again. How many such powerful creatures exist in the Phoenix ruins?

"Well!" At this moment, the three of Shi Feng suddenly heard, and a sound of drumming sounded.

This drumming sound, the three of them heard in their ears, are extremely familiar.

This is ... the sound of the flame drum!

And the sound of drumming came from the billowing flames!

(End of this chapter)

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