Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2399: Little Phoenix!

Chapter 2399 Little Phoenix!

"Oh!" Then the drumming came again.

"Can it be ... with another decisive battle, is it the humanoid flame we encountered before?" Long Yan said, saying.

The three of them saw it with their own eyes, and the flame drum was taken away by the human flame.

And here, I heard the drumming of that flame drum again ...

"Impossible!" Hearing Long's words, Shitian said categorically, "Impossible! It is powerful!

Now, the other breath I have learned is also very powerful. The two powerful flame creatures can be said to be quite equal! "

After hearing Tian Tian say this, Shi Feng said, "So, is it the flame **** drum, then fell into the hands of another soul?"

"It should be so!" Li Tian nodded earnestly.

The blaze there was still raging.

The three of Shi Feng, staring at the other side in a blink of an eye, sensed the powerful energy in it, and realized the deeper martial arts.

Dragon cricket and split sky are both powerful kings of the triple heaven of the King of Gods. They have reached such realms. It is really difficult to go further!

The opportunity to see the power of peerless collisions like today is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Looking at the side like this, the faces of the two have become extremely serious.

"Boom!" Immediately, there seemed to be a blast of utterly violent sound that would ruin the entire ruins.

The sky was trembling, the earth was raging, and the three of them really felt that this world was about to collapse!

Immediately afterwards, a fierce flame energy that was fiercer than before was rushing towards them.

"Retreat first!" Shi Feng immediately drank, screaming at Long Yu and Shitian.

The three statures immediately retreated violently at this moment to escape the hot force.

But not long after, they were still hit by that hot force.

It was just that the force of the flame arrived here, and it had collapsed countlessly, and was quickly blocked by the three forces of Shi Feng.

At this time, the three of them found that after the sound of the peerless violent burst just now, the raging flames of the void had disappeared without a trace at this moment.

"That!" And at this moment, Shi Feng's complexion suddenly changed.

They saw two peerless figures in the void ahead.

Those two figures exuded a breath of powerful flame.

One of them was raging with flames burning all over his body, clutching the flame drum in his right hand. It turned out to be the human-shaped flame they had seen before.

The other figure was an old man with messy red hair.

There is no trace of clothing on his body, his body is covered with red fruit, and his face is full of wrinkles. This is a human race that has lived endless years!

"How is it! How is it!" Immediately, Shi Feng heard the murmur in Li Tian's mouth, and said something inconceivable.

Previously, he said with absolute certainty that it could not be "it."

But the human-shaped flame did grasp the flame drum and appeared in front of them.

However, at this moment, the breath of this humanoid flame was completely different from what they had encountered before!

"If you hit me again, I really will, kill you!" At that moment, the familiar woman's voice rang again.

Hearing this voice can be more certain that this humanoid flame is indeed the previous humanoid flame.

"Ugh! Ugh!" And when I heard the cold woman's voice, an extremely old and extremely husky laughter emanated from the old man's mouth with red messy hair.

This sound is as if eating sand, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

It seems to have arrived here for countless centuries.

Immediately after that, the ancient hoarse strange sound sounded again:

"Well, little Phoenix, do n’t you know, my ancestors, but I have been waiting here for how long you have been waiting for you to regenerate Nirvana recently! Now, it ’s hard for you to be Nirvana, ancestors and me, naturally grow up in you You were conquered before! Hey! "


"Little Phoenix!"

"Little Phoenix!"

"Little Phoenix!"

When hearing these three words, the three of Shi Feng were shocked!

"Nirvana rebirth! Little Phoenix! Listen ... Mom ... Mr. After the death of that phoenix, countless years have passed. Nirvana has been reborn! And it is after the rebirth of Nirvana, Little Phoenix! "Shi Feng said again in shock.

This is really shocking and surprising!

If that's the case ... wouldn't it be possible to get rid of the venom of the sea in its own body, just by getting its essence and blood?

"Sacred ancestor!" Long Yan said, shouting Shi Feng.

"Yeah!" Shi Feng nodded secretly, and said in a deep voice, "Let's watch it change!"

Now, even if they knew that "Phoenix Essence" was right in front of them, it would be of little use.

That human-shaped flame could have been abused by them before, let alone now!

Now this humanoid flame has reached the level of Leng Aoyue!

"It's better to let these two fight for you, and then, let's pick up the cheap." Li Tian said in a low voice.

"Well, it's best to do this!" Shi Feng nodded secretly.

He thinks so too!

"What little phoenix, what nirvana, I don't know what you're talking about! If you don't go back, I'm really going to be angry!" At that moment, the cold woman's voice sounded again.

Phoenix is ​​actually the collective name for this ancient **** and beast!

Phoenix is ​​divided into phoenix and phoenix, male is called phoenix and female is called phoenix.

And if that human-shaped flame is really a phoenix, it would be a female bird and a phoenix if it sounds like a woman!

"Oh! Little Phoenix, you have just reborn Nirvana, and all your memories have not yet returned! You do n’t have to think about that much. Following your ancestors, ancestors and me in the future, you will definitely return to the peak of the day, You enjoy the glory of the past. "

The old man with a furry groaned again.

This time, he spread his fingers with his right hand and leaned forward.

Suddenly, an extremely fierce rolling flame of flames burned on the right hand, burning more and more fiercely, rising into the sky, and instantly formed a sea of ​​flames from the sky.

And the shape of this sea of ​​fire is actually like a phoenix! As if flying high in the sky, overlooking the world!

"Well, little phoenix, after conquering you, take away your real phoenix **** flame, this phoenix **** flame recipe cultivated by my ancestors should be, and you can be done!"

With this remark, the old man with red hair moved violently with his right hand.

"Oh!" I heard only the sound of a phoenix crying, and immediately echoed in this world.

I saw the blaze in the shape of a phoenix, and suddenly swooped down toward that human-shaped flame, as if to burn everything!

(End of this chapter)

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