Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2444: Into the city!

Chapter 2444 Entering the City!

Later, Shi Feng turned around and faced the girl in the purple dress.

The woman had snow-like skin, was extremely fair, and looked very sweet.

Shi Feng's face moved slightly and he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Are you going to the Fallen City?" The girl in purple said, and asked again.

"Just walk around," Shi Feng said.

"Oh." When she heard Shi Feng's words, the girl in a purple dress gave a soft voice, followed her and said:

"Walk away casually? If you go in this direction, you should go to the magic fall city," the girl said again.

"Are you going to the magic fall city?" Shi Feng asked her back.

"Well, yes!" The girl nodded.

"Oh!" Seeing her answer, Shi Feng responded lightly.

Seeing that he was so "oh" for a moment, it seemed as if he had nothing to do with himself when he went to the magic fall city.

"I'm going to Magic Falling City and I have to do something! But presumably you also know that the nearest Magic Falling City is not very peaceful. If you also go to Magic Falling City, we can work together for a good care.

After hearing what she said, Shi Feng knew that this girl in purple is about to go to the magic fall city, but she was afraid that she would disappear in the magic fall city like the seven warriors in those days.

So, I want to partner with myself.

"Since you know that the magic fall city is not peaceful, then you should not walk around the city as well." Shi Feng said.

Even if it matters, is it more important than life?

"But no, I have to go to the magic fall city! Okay, it seems I misunderstood. Listen to you, you should not go to the magic fall city!

Since you are not going to the magic fall city, then I continue to find out if there is anyone else. "Said the girl.

Having said that, she looked away from Shi Feng and began to look around to see if there were anyone else.

Later, Shi Feng stopped paying attention to her, slowly turned around, continued to walk in the square, and continued to walk forward.

The girl in purple clothes looking around saw Shi Feng walking around again and saw that the Quartet did not see any other suspicious figures except the white armored guards patrolling in the distance.

She looked again, and then her eyes fixed again on Shi Feng walking forward, and then she even followed him.

"Well?" Shi Feng hadn't walked long, and suddenly felt the purple shadow behind him: "Is he planning to follow me?"

"Forget it, just let her." After saying this, Shi Feng continued to move forward.

"Sure enough!" The longer she followed Shi Feng, the more certain the girl in purple.

The path he took at this moment was clearly towards the gate leading to the magic fall city.

"Hmm! Obviously, I want to go to the magic fall city, but I can't go to the city as I said!" The girl snorted softly as she looked at the man walking forward.

"Don't think that the realm of martial arts is hidden in the Five Gods of the True God, others will think you are really the Son of Heaven!" Said the girl dismissively.

She has heard about this period of time. Since half a month ago, the mysterious Heavenly Son has appeared in the realm of the true **** five heavens after the fall of the magic fall city, in this magic fall city, many people have , Hiding his martial arts realm in the realm of the true God Wutian, posing as that one.

During those days in the ancient building complex, she even saw several young male warriors with her own eyes, hiding the martial arts realm in the fifth heaven of true gods.

When she saw it once, she even really thought that the person was the mysterious Heavenly Son, but it didn't take long before she saw a fifth heaven in the true God.

To this day, she has seen a total of four people, plus the one just now, but the fifth one, she can feel numbness.

"Don't he think that he is posing as the Heavenly Son, that mysterious existence will not attack him?" The girl in purple thought again.

"Meet the Heavenly Son!"

When Shi Feng reached the end of the square, as he stepped into the gate leading to the magic fall city, the white armor guard guarding the gate immediately drank with a fist.

"Sure enough, even these guards thought he was the Heavenly Son!" Looking at the scene ahead, the girl in purple said again.

In fact, those white armored guards guarding the gate have not really seen Shi Feng, but they know that a supernatural sage child who appears to have only the Five Realms of True God.

Although they also knew that these days, there were several young people out of fun and posing as the wise son of that day, but they still felt cautious.

If this one is really the Son of Heaven?

Tianhuang Shengzi, who is the future heir of Tianhuang Holy Land, came to Tianyuan Holy Land, which is definitely a noble guest, and naturally cannot be disrespectful to him.

What's more, they have heard that the heavenly sacred place, as long as it annoys him, will destroy you!

The little prince of the Nantian dynasty is a living example ...

Now in the fall city, as long as people mention the mysterious Heavenly Son, they will naturally think of that little prince.

"Huh!" Shi Feng only nodded slightly to the guards, then passed through the door and entered the avenue outside.

This avenue near the area of ​​the magic fall temple is very quiet, and at a glance, there are no half figures.

Shi Feng, walking along this avenue, the power of the soul, then glanced in all directions, began to feel the whole body.

Soon after, he found that the girl in the purple clothes had also come out through the door, and then followed him in the direction of walking.

"Why does he follow me? I think it is useful to follow me?" Shi Feng said secretly.

"Oh, it should be!" Then he wanted to understand.

Now, here, they all consider themselves as the Heavenly Son, and they have a trick to defeat that little prince, she should think that as long as you follow yourself, if you encounter any accident, you will take it.

Shi Feng secretly said.

However, he was thinking wrong this time.

In her heart, he was not the Heavenly Son!

She must enter this magic fall city, and can only enter the city at the risk of rumors.

She just hopes that someone can take care of each other!

Although the girl in purple does not consider him to be the Son of Heaven, but regards him as being of equal rank with himself.

Both are true gods.

"When do you want to follow me?" As she walked, Shi Feng said again suddenly, and said to the girl in purple behind her.

"I!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the girl in purple was red.

What he said was a bit harsh! The tone seemed to follow him rottenly.

Although, he did follow ...

(End of this chapter)

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