Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2445: Purple pendant!

Chapter 2445 Purple Drop!

The girl in purple thought that although she was following him, his tone and his words were too bad.

Although it is true that he followed him, he did not seek his protection but joined forces with him.

If anything happened to him in the Fallen City, he would surely do it for him.

"Why are you talking so unpleasantly?" The girl in purple uttered displeasedly, yelling at Shi Fengjiao in front.

"Oh!" When she heard the voice of the woman behind her, Shi Feng said lightly, followed by a sudden footstep, then turned her head again, looking at the sweet-looking girl in purple, and asked her:

"Did I say something wrong?"

"You!" She was speechless when she heard Shi Feng's words.

After a pause, she said, "You're right, but you're too bad!"

"Is it bad?" Shi Feng said, then slowly shook his head: "I don't think so."

"You said that tone as if I was seeking your asylum!" Said the girl.

"Isn't it?" Shi Feng asked her again.

"Of course not!" Said the girl firmly, "I'm joining forces with you! There can be a mutual care between us, and maybe so, we will not disappear."

"Do I need to join you?" Shi Feng asked her again.

Although this may be a little unpleasant and may hit her, it is true!

With his current fighting power, there is no need to join forces with the true **** Nine Heavens warriors.

If it is really an existence that can make one disappear, adding so many people is just adding another missing person.

"Cut!" Hearing Shi Feng's words and seeing him look like this, the girl in the purple dress "cut" unexpectedly.

Followed her and said, "To this day, in front of me, you are still posing as the Son of Heaven."

"Oh!" Shi Feng opened her eyes when she heard her words.

"So, this woman, she has recognized that I am not the Sage Saint that day?" Shi Feng secretly said in her heart.

Followed, and said to the woman again: "So, have you seen the true Son of the Heavenly Holy Land?"

"I haven't seen it, but I know you're not!" Said the girl in purple.

When she heard Shi Feng's words, she was even more sure of this person, not the one people often talk about during this time.

It is even more certain that this person is still the same as the few people he has met before, posing as the true God Wutian and posing as the Heavenly Son!

Then, she said to Shi Feng: "Although I haven't seen the Heavenly Deity Son, but I've seen counterfeit goods like you suppressing the realm in the Five Realms of True God.

"Oh! That's it!" Shi Feng understood. Someone was posing as himself during this time.

"Well, you don't have to install it anymore! In fact, it doesn't make any sense to install it!

During this period of time, all those who were missing in the magic fall city were the warriors of our major forces, as if they were secretly aware of us.

I think that it must be the existence of this magic fall city hiding in the dark, which has already focused on us. You are hiding the realm in the true God Wutian. If he wants to shoot at us, he will still shoot at us.

Now in this magic fall city, you better join hands with me, we take care of each other and resist the existence in the dark. "

The girl in purple said to Shi Feng that the fair and sweet face looked serious at this moment.

"Oh, is that so?" Shi Feng said indifferently.

"This is the best way now!" The girl in purple clothing replied seriously.

"Oh!" Shi Feng laughed.

At this time, the girl in purple has stepped forward and came to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng had a head higher than him. She looked up, looked at Shi Feng and said:

"Let's go! I'll accompany you to where you want to go. After you've done your business, you can go with me to where I want to go! How about this?"

"Go there first." Shi Feng said to her.

"Oh, really?" The girl in purple didn't expect it, and he suddenly said so to himself.

It seems that this person is not so annoying.

"Really." Shi Feng nodded slightly.

"Okay, come with me!" Said the girl in purple, and she said, turning around.

It seemed that she was going somewhere, which happened to be the opposite of Shi Feng's previous direction.

"Oh!" Shi Feng nodded again.

Then he moved his feet and followed the girl in purple to walk all the way east.

Not long after, pedestrians gradually appeared on the avenue they were walking on, and then pedestrians gradually increased again.

Today the magic fall city is also quite lively.

It doesn't seem to have had any impact because someone disappeared these days.

Many people already know that those who disappeared were all the hordes of the great forces who came to the Fallen City.

With this girl in purple clothes, Shi Feng went all the way east.

"What forces do you come from? What's your name?" At this moment, the girl in purple suddenly spoke again and asked Shi Feng.

"A sacred place in the wild, dim." Shi Feng did not hide, and answered truthfully.

"Oh!" But when she heard Shi Feng's answer, the girl in purple was startled, "Oh", as if a little surprised, saying:

"You are a disciple of the Heavenly Sacred Land, even posing as your Son of Heavenly Sacred Land? Don't you be afraid that your Holy Son knows that you blame it?"

"He doesn't dare." Shi Feng still answered honestly.

The Sage Father that day, dare to blame him for this Nine Secret Ancestor?

"Don't dare? How come!" The girl in purple said, "I have heard about this period of time, your Heavenly Son is extremely cruel!

The little prince of the Nantian dynasty, but said something that made him dissatisfied, was met with his brutal hand!

I see, if you let that heavenly saint know that you are posing as him, you have to be severely punished! You better be careful. "

When the girl in the purple clothes said these words to Shi Feng, her white little face looked serious again.

Listening to her words and looking at her appearance, Shi Feng felt a little funny.

The "Son of the Famine" she said was clearly herself.

Blame yourself?

"Um! Thank you for reminding me!" Shi Feng nodded to him.

Then he said, "I will be careful!"

"Just know!" Said the girl in purple.

"What's your name? From what forces?" Shi Feng asked her at this moment.

"My name is Zi Luoer, from the Nine Star Holy Land!" The girl replied.

"Nine-star Holy Land!" Shi Feng's face suddenly moved when he heard the nine-star Holy Land.

Because of the word "nine stars", he reminded him of the nine stars on his chest.

"The name is Jiuxing Holy Land, and what you cultivate must be related to the stars!" Shi Feng muttered.

(End of this chapter)

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