Chapter 2451 Mo! Mi!

Mo Qun, really afraid of the "aunt and grandma" in front of him, killed himself with a sword.

In his heart, he kept praying that his mother Mo Mi hurried up, but as time passed, he still could not see Mo Mi.

And at this moment, Mo Qun saw the white and beautiful face in front of him, and frowned suddenly, as if showing impatience.

Seeing her like this, Mo Qun spoke again immediately, saying, "Grandma, please wait for a while, wait for a while! My father just sent me a message and came soon."

Mo Qun said this just to continue to delay.

He sent an urgent message to his Lao Tzu, but at the moment, he didn't get any response from Mo Mi.

"Huh!" Zi Luoer nodded to Mo Qun.

Then, the sword of the star that touched Mo Qun's throat immediately moved into his throat.

With a bang, a splash of bright red demon blood splattered, and the sword of the stars pierced through Mo Qun's throat, then penetrated through his back neck.

"You ... you ... you ..." On the painful face of Mo Qun, his eyes widened so much that the girl in purple in front of her eyes stared.

He really didn't expect that she suddenly started to kill herself at this moment.

Just now ... just in the token, I just received a reply from my father, and my father said ... he will be there soon.

He also said that he invited a big man to come along.

With father, with that big man, maybe ... maybe just wait a second and you can get out of danger.

But ...

Mo Li knew that he would never have that chance again.

At this moment, life is constantly flowing, and consciousness, like the tide, is constantly receding from the mind.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Qun's head was lowered forward, and then the body was motionless.

The second group of Mo group, Mo Mi, the master of Mo family, has fallen!

"Father! Father!" Seeing Mo Qun's death, an extremely sad young roar rang out among the crowd behind him.

Son of Moqun, Mo'an!

Seeing the power of the woman in purple before, Mo An followed the crowd and kept back.

When he saw his father was held against his throat by a sword, he didn't dare to make a slam, for fear that the other party would know his identity and then start to attack himself.

Mo Kai, who grew up with himself, just died like that just now!

At this moment, seeing his father was killed, Mo An couldn't control the sadness in his heart, and yelled at the sound of his exhaustion in front.

But despite yelling, Mo'an didn't rush forward, he didn't dare to rush forward.

My father was killed by this "cruel" woman, let alone myself.

Rush yourself up, but just to death.

Until now, Zi Luoer has killed two Mo family.

And killing these two, there is no ripple in her heart.

They deserve to die! Especially that ink group!

On the way from the deserted land to Houshan, Zi Luoer had heard the old and new man say that the person who entered the orphan's house that night and instructed his son to kill the orphan's mother alive was the son of the Mo family head Mo Mi.

Although I don't know which son of Mo Mi, Zi Luoer has planned to not let Mo Mi and each of his sons.

In her impression, Mo Mi had four sons at that time!

"The orphan died tragically in the hands of these desperate people. These people have to die! They all have to die!" Zi Luoer uttered in anger.

The next moment, I saw the sword of the star piercing Mo Qun's throat.

"Ah!" Everyone in the courtyard heard suddenly, and another painful roar rang.

This painful roar came from the mouth of Mo An, the son of Mo Qun, and the disappearing star sword penetrated Mo An's throat at this moment.

Mo An, as before Mo Qun's death, stared so horribly, staring at Zi Luoer.

But soon, there was no sound.


"Mo ... Mo An is dead too!"

"This ... who the **** is this!"

"It's ... young, but it's so hard to start!"

"Shhh, whisper! Don't you want to live?"

"Can we still live? Didn't you hear that? She said just now that she was the one who destroyed our Mo family! She is planning to destroy our Mo family to the door!"

"Extinguish ... destroying the door!"


The sounds of surprise startled from the lips of everyone.

They are really scared of the "devil head" in front of them.

But at this moment ... but no one dares to act lightly.

They didn't even run away!

In the Divine War Continent, they have heard of it, and many people have seen it in person.

If someone dares to escape with such a heart at such a moment, he will be hit with the brutal blow of this "female devil" at the moment of moving.

Then, she must say something similar to "who dares to escape again is dead."

At this moment, it is best to wait for the homeowner to end!

This strong enemy, they already know that only that powerful homeowner can handle it!

"Pop! Pap" two times, Mo Qun and Mo An's body fell to the ground.

After killing the two fathers and sons, Zi Luoer didn't move anymore, just like that, stood quietly.

She began to wait, silently sensing the Quartet.

At this moment, this world suddenly became silent and quiet.


"Ah! Qun'er! An'er! Ah!" However, at this moment, everyone heard suddenly, and a loud roar suddenly rang through the sky.

In the void, a man with white hair and white beard, with an unusually rough appearance, appeared like a lion-like old man, screaming angrily and angry below.


"It's the owner!"

"The homeowner is finally here!"

"We are saved! We are finally saved!"

"As long as the owner is there, everything will pass quickly."


The old man who looked like a lion seemed to be the Mo family owner, Mo Mi.

Seeing the arrival of Mo Mi, the Mo family who had been languished just now seemed to see hope instantly.

Mo Mi, their homeowner, is the powerful existence of the Seventh Heaven of the True God. In the entire magic fall city, no enemy can make five people!

Although the little girl in purple is powerful, she is so young, in their opinion, it must not be the rival of the owner.

With a loud bang, Mo Mi's body fell to the ground with a powerful blasting sound.

The entire courtyard was shaken violently by his arrival.

"You! You dare to kill my son! Kill my grandson! Old man, you must let you die!" Mo Mi, who fell to the ground, yelled angrily at the purple drop in front of him.

Looking at the bodies of his son and grandson with his eyes closed, and sending black hair with white hair, the feeling that life is not as good as death has made him insane.

At this moment, he really wanted to tear the woman in front of him to pieces.

Do not! Before tearing her alive, I still want to make her unbearable under my crotch! what!

"Mo! Mi!" Looking at the tall and mighty white-haired old man in front of him, Zi Luoer slowly spit out the name.

To say that in the Mo family, the person who was most impressed was this person!

(End of this chapter)

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