Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2452: The power of Mo Mi!

Chapter 2452 Mo Mi's power!

In the fifteen years, although it was late at night in the Mo's hall, it was brightly lit.

On the first seat of the main hall, sits a mighty white-haired old man with a solemn face, full of majesty, and looks like an emperor on earth.

Below, there was a four-year-old girl kneeling down. The girl lowered her head deeply. As a young girl, she did not dare to look up at the person who was looking upwards. This petite body was even shaking.

She just feels lonely and helpless!

As a young woman, she already knew that she would never see her father and mother again in her life.

In the future, someone will bully himself, and no one can protect himself.

"Ink drop, Mo Yan's daughter!" The white-haired man looked at the petite body below, and said quietly.

"Natural waste, my Mo family does not support idlers! Come here, send her to the deserted land!" The old man uttered a voice, and this alone determined the fate of the four-year-old girl.

"Homeowner, how to deal with the legacy left by Mo Qiong's death? Or give her a part ..."

"No need!" The white-haired old man forcibly interrupted before the words of the man next to him were finished.

Immediately after, he said: "A waste is a waste of those things. Just leave her in an abandoned place and let her live on her own."

"Let her understand that from now on, she will not be our Mo family, and her waste will never be related to our Mo family."



"Mo! Mi!" Time returned to the present moment.

Zi Luoer, looking at the white-haired old man in front of him, spit out the person's name word by word.

He said that year, from now on, he will never have anything to do with their Mohist.

When he was very poisonous, the Mo family thought of himself, and wanted to drain his whole blood for him.

When he couldn't find himself, he killed the orphan-in-law alive!

Such a vicious Mohist, such a vicious person!

"Damn!" At this moment, Zi Luoer spit out the two words coldly in front of Mo Mi.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a light of stars sweeping out of her, like a storm, rolling towards Mo Mi, looking abnormally violent.

"Okay ... so strong!"

"OK ... so scary!"


Zi Luoer attacked again, and the sound of surprise came again.

The faces of the Mo family changed dramatically.

Especially Mo Mi and the Mo fighters behind him, they only felt an unbeatable force rushing in. This was not the force they could compete with at all.

"Ah!" However, at that moment, when I saw the Mo Mi, I suddenly yelled out loud from the sky.

As this roar rang, I saw Mo Mi's body suddenly shining a golden light that was extremely ancient, extremely dazzling, and even extremely mysterious.

The whole person of Mo Mi, just at this moment, became golden and bright, and it seemed to feel extremely solemn and solemn.

"Huh?" At this moment, Zi Luoer's white and sweet face suddenly changed.

She didn't expect that a warrior who was only in the Seventh Heaven of the True God would urge such power.

At this moment, the star storm that swept madly contended with the bright golden light.

"Uh!" Immediately, a painful hum came from Mo Mi's mouth, and his burly body shuddered.

Against the light of the stars, on the face of Mo Mi, there is a very hard look.

"Ah!" Another crazy roar roared from his mouth, and at this time, the golden light shining from him turned out to be even stronger than before.

He Mo Mi, the storm that swept the stars, completely blocked it.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light and the star light disappeared at the same time.

Mo Mi's body trembled fiercely again.

However, the trembling body settled down instantly. At this moment, Mo Mi looked at the purple shadow in front of him incredibly, and said with a deep voice, saying:

"Who is your Excellency? Why should you be against me?"

After the collision of forces just now, Mo Mi has long realized that this girl in purple is not easy.

Even the reason lost due to the death of his son and grandson was sober, and even shouted that the enemy who killed the son was "the Lord."

This woman is so young, she has such cultivation, Mo Mi knows that the forces behind her are definitely not simple.

Less than a last resort, Mo Mi really does not want to be an enemy of such a character, although now there is a hatred to kill children and grandchildren.

"The waste you were thrown into the deserted place in the past, today, come back to take your dog's life!" Zi Luoer spit out in front of him again, coldly.

"I was left in the deserted place ..." Mo Mi said.

"She! It's her! It's her!"

Just then, someone in the crowd immediately remembered something.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged warrior of the Mo family spoke again: "Fifteen years ago, the orphan of the Mo Qiong family!"

"It's Mo Qiong's house!" After hearing that sentence, someone cried out again.

But soon, someone said, "How is that possible! That little girl in Moqiang's house, Dantian can't hold the vitality of heaven and earth at all, that's a waste body, how could it be her!"

"Did you not hear her just now? She said it all herself, she was the waste that the owner had left in the deserted land!"

"Nothing wrong! There should be nothing wrong! The little pendant at Mo Qiong's house seems to be so big!"

"That is to say ... she ... is she really, the one in the Moqiang family? She ... has grown to such a degree now, come ... come to our Mo family, is the accounting coming?"

"Just because our Mohist abandoned her in the deserted place, so as soon as she came today, would we kill the three of us?"


"You really, Mo Qiong ... daughter?" Just now, Mo Mi realized what Zi Luoer had heard.

At this moment, when he heard the words of the family members, he became more and more certain that the young girl in purple was the little girl of the year.

Not to mention, her eyebrows are indeed similar to the ink dome of that year.

"Yes! It's me!" Zi Luoer said coldly again, confessing his identity.

"It's gone! It's my turn!" At the ear of Zi Luoer's admission, Mo Mi said with a sad face.

Then I said, "It's me who sees me, we all see the Mo School! You are not waste, you are, you are a genius! If Grandpa Mo Mi is not mistaken, you're called Xiao Pinger?

Xiao fall, you were abandoned in the abandoned place, Grandpa Mo Mi was indeed wrong! But you can't kill the family once you return to the Mo family, killing the same blood family members as you! "

(End of this chapter)

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