Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2461: Something happened?

Chapter 2461 Something Happened?

At this moment, not only the daughters of Jiuxing Holy Land, but also Stardust who launched an attack on Shi Feng, but also face changed greatly, changed greatly, and filled with horror.

In addition to his impulse, he was also betting!

Bet this is not the Heavenly Son.

But I didn't expect that this was really the one!

I really kicked the iron plate.

The punch that Stardust blasted out had begun to shrink back, and the starlight suddenly became abnormally chaotic.

The figure is also about to start to retreat, but it is too late. The ancient sword with a hundred handles is here in an instant.

Flying swords fluttering, Dao Dao Jian Ying aspect.

"Ah!" A painful scream sounded, and in the face of Shi Feng's Hundred Sword God's killing tactics, the Stardust did not have even a little resistance, and was devoured by the ancient sword with hundreds handles.

That day in the Magic Fall Temple, the Nantian Little Lord, who was at the peak of the true **** Nine Heavens, was not the enemy of Shi Feng, let alone this person.

But all of a sudden, the stardust was swallowed up in the Baijian and Daodao Jianying, but the tragic pain did not stop, and it rang for a while.

At this moment, when the female disciples of the Jiuxing Holy Land looked at the young black figure again, on their faces, they suddenly showed an extremely jealous look.

Listening to the roar of constant roar, at this moment, these women were silent one by one.

"Son of Heaven, you ... let go of Brother Stardust." At this moment, Zi Luoer made a sound.

At this moment, she was already in her arms by the middle-aged beautiful woman.

And at this moment, they also knew the strangeness of Zipinger. It seems that the reason why she was held by that person just now is because her body is sick.

After Zi Luoer's voice, others, naturally, will not say anything.

His eyes continued to stare at the young figure, waiting for his "trial" on Stardust!

"Give you a face." Shi Feng said only to Zi Luoer.

Later, he saw the hundred swords that had swallowed the Stardust, flew back towards him in an instant, gathered back a sword in an instant, and then was stowed by him.

The flying swords and vertical and horizontal swords disappeared, and the wolverine young figure suddenly appeared in the sight of everyone.

Her black hair was extremely messy, and her nine-star jersey was in a shabby state, and blood was dripping from her body.

This is no longer seen as an extraordinary disciple of Jiuxing Holy Land.

"Brother Stardust!"

"Master Stardust!"


Seeing Stardust suddenly become so, one by one, I just felt that my whole person was a little bad.

Those who came to the Fallen City of Jiuxing Holy Land this time have similar combat power, which is between Bozhong.

However, it was not expected that Stardust became such a look under the man's one move.

The strength of this Heavenly Son is really, terrifying!

A few female warriors even secretly took a breath.

This one is really as powerful as the legend.

At this time, Shi Feng said to the purple pendant again: "In your face, I have reserved more. Since I will send you back here, let's go, I'm gone."

After saying this, he turned slightly again and walked slowly outside the hospital.

The women in front of Shi Feng had a sudden movement of their figures, and stepped aside to make way for him.

In this fierce role, they naturally understand that it is better not to provoke him.

"Wait a minute!" Just when Shi Feng had just taken a few steps, he just heard a coquettish sound suddenly.

"Huh?" Shi Feng's footsteps were suddenly heard again, and he turned again and looked over.

In this other courtyard, there was the courage to make a sound to stop him, and naturally there was only that little pendant.

Seeing him looking at him, Zi Luoer said sincerely to him again, "Thank you today!"

If I hadn't met him today, perhaps I would have been shrouded in that mysterious and weird black light, and I do n’t know what the situation is today.

If it were not for him, he might have died in the Mo family today.

And by the means of Mo Mi, before his death, he will definitely suffer inhuman torture.

Now, I can come back here safely, all this, really, thanks to him.

"Nothing!" Shi Feng only responded to these three words lightly to Zi Luoer, then turned around and continued to walk forward.

Every gaze stared at the black figure and saw him step by step out of the courtyard where they lived.

"Is he finally gone?"

"Finally ... left!"

One by one, there was a feeling in my heart that I had sent away the evil star.

I hope all this is over.

"Master Stardust, what's the matter with you?" It wasn't until Shi Feng left, that a few female disciples went out to observe Stardust's injuries.

The purple pendant held by the middle-aged beautiful woman still looked at the direction in which the man left, and looked at the arched stone gate.

"Girl, don't look at it, everyone has gone far." The middle-aged woman had been keeping an eye on Zi Luoer, and when she saw she was still looking there, she suddenly said.

Hearing the words of the middle-aged beautiful woman, Zi Luoer seemed to be seen through by her heart, her face suddenly turned red, she shyly lowered her head and didn't dare to look again, saying, "I ... sister, I don't ... I just……"

Seeing Zi Luoer look like this, the middle-aged beautiful woman smiled suddenly and said, "Well, don't explain it! Sister I am here, Sister knows!"

"It's just ... it's not it! It's not what Sister Shi thought." Zi Luoer immediately looked up and explained to her.

But she still looked like "I understand".

"Well, girl, you talk to us! Where did you go today? Then, how could you be with this Heavenly Son? How did you get hurt? What happened to you? ? "

Speaking of which, the face of the middle-aged woman suddenly became serious.

"Well, there's nothing wrong!" At this time, the beautiful woman, who was about thirty years old, also came over and said:

"Sister, where did you go today? Do you know that we are all worried, and I even heard about it, you entered the magic fall city! You know, today's magic fall city, you cannot ! "



Shi Feng returned to the other courtyard where the Holy Land was located, and it was dark.

But above the courtyard, a dazzling pearl hovered, shining the courtyard as bright as day.

"Meet the ancestor!"

"The disciples meet the ancestor!"


At this moment, the fifteen warriors of the Tianhuang Holy Land all gathered in this courtyard. When they saw Shi Feng's arrival, they all praised each other.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you here?" Shi Feng frowned when she saw fifteen people appearing, and asked them.

Usually at this time, most of them practice in the room. Occasionally a few people come out, but not all of them at once.

"There must be something happening." Shi Feng guessed.

(End of this chapter)

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