Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2462: Southern Emperor Thirteen CPIC!

Chapter 2462 Thirteen Emperors of the Southern Emperor Dynasty!

"Sacred ancestor, not long ago, the Emperor Nan Dynasty came!" A middle-aged warrior began to say to Shi Feng.

"Oh? Nantian Dynasty!" Shi Feng's face suddenly moved when he heard the words of the Nantian Dynasty.

Magic Fall Temple!

Xiao Duan Duan, the Southern Emperor who provoked himself!

Following Shi Feng, he said to them, "Must that Duan Mu of the Southern Emperor Dynasty have recovered? Want me to get revenge?"

With these remarks, Shi Feng's face was still full of disdain.

That Duan Mu, no matter how he jumped around and deal with him, still a trick!

Moreover, if he dare to find his revenge, the last lesson is not enough! Then this time! Huh!

"The Southern Emperor said that their eldest son Baowushen has come to the magic fall city and wants to fight you!" At this time, it was the descendant of Leng Aoyue who was cold.

When talking about that great wife Baoshen, her calmness has always been abnormal, her face became abnormally dignified, and even a hint of fear appeared.

It seems that the person he said was not simple!

Shi Feng had noticed the anomaly in Lengruo's face, and asked, "Which Dataibao is this? Who is this?"

Leng Ruo said, "The Southern Emperor's backing king Duan Tianya was rumored to have collected 13 righteous sons and named them the 13th CCP! And these 13 CPAs are rumored to be extraordinary martial arts. King of Realms!

Especially the great wife Baoshen, who is rumored to be very talented, none of them! Earlier in the year, he got another anti-sky adventure. At only 30 years old, his martial realm has entered the triple king of God!

Moreover, this person has great luck in his life. He has fought in his life and has defeated countless enemies in his life, but he has never failed!

Once threatened that our five guardians of the Heavenly Sacred Land and the six heavenly kings were not his enemies! "

"So arrogant!" Shi Feng said after hearing Leng Ruo's words.

Those who were in the sacred land of heaven, he had personally seen them. How could they have beaten them if they were not the source of all things.

"Wushen, the person is called Valkyrie! This person is really not easy!" Followed by, the middle-aged warrior who spoke earlier also spoke to Shi Feng again.

"There have been rumors that this Wushen, a trick, defeated a strong man in the triple heavens of the King of God!" Then, an old man in Tianhuang Holy Land also said.

After hearing the words "Wu Shen", the fifteen heavenly disciples present were all dignified.

"This Wushen is obviously for you, the ancestor! Disciples think, you, the ancestor, don't have to fight!" Leng Ruo said.

Everyone else nodded and agreed.

The King of Gods is triple, and he has a record of defeating powerful men in the same realm. He is indeed not his rival.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded to them.

This battle really does not make any sense.

Today's self, but in the true God Wuzhong, a **** king Triple God came to trouble himself, is it really face?

"Huh?" Just then, Shi Feng's complexion suddenly moved again, and then turned around.

And the moment he turned around, he suddenly heard a strange voice of yin and yang: "Oh, this Heavenly Son has really returned? I thought, our Da Taibao has arrived, and you have already dared to hide. It's over! "

As the nasty voice echoed, all eyes looked towards the gate of the other courtyard.

The three figures were slowly entering the other courtyard at this moment.

The martial realm of these three people is in the realm of the true God Nine Heavens!

People of the Southern Empire!

The one who made the nasty noise just now is the one in the middle!

The person's complexion also looked abnormally gloomy.

Seeing the three people coming, the complexion of the people in the sky was cold at this moment.

Shi Feng, also looked at these three people.

At this time, I saw the man walking in the middle again, and said to Shi Feng, "Son of Heaven, when you fell in the Temple of the Magic, you defeated Duan Mu, our little king of the Southern Emperor. Can't just let it go!

Therefore, our eldest son Baowu Shen, Qian Liyu came to the magic fall city, to seek justice for Xiao Wang Duan Mu!

Son of Heaven, you dare to fight our Da Taibao! "

"Son of Heaven, you dare to fight our Da Taibao!"


The high voice immediately resounded in the courtyard where the sacred places of the heavens were.

Not only echoed in this courtyard, but also echoed and spread in all directions.

"Is there something wrong with the Son of Heaven?"

"Dataibao? It is rumored that Wu Shen, the head of the 13th Taibao of the Emperor of the South Emperor, came to the magic fall city!"

"Which Valkyrie came to the Fallen City? Because Tianhuang Shengzi hit the little king Duan Mu a few days ago, did he come to get revenge?"

"Da Taibao to Heavenly Son? Interesting! Come and see!"


The voice of the Southern Emperor drew the warriors of all forces in an instant.

"A warrior of the true God Nine Realms made it look like a running dog!" Shi Feng looked at the talking Southern Emperor, with a face full of disdain, and said to him.

"You!" When he heard Shi Feng's words, a look of anger appeared on the face of the Southern Emperor.

He actually said such words to humiliate himself!

That kind of running dog! How can you compare with yourself!

Although his own life experience is not very prominent, his father, the official residence of the third grade, guarding a city, the title is absolutely against the gods!

It is naturally incomparable with Duan Mu's identity.

But I, by virtue of my own efforts and talents, have achieved today's achievements step by step.

Now throughout the Southern Emperor Dynasty, they are all famous geniuses. Otherwise, they will not be ordered by the royal family to come to the magic fall city.

The Son of Desolation, speaking so unpleasantly.

"Son of Heaven, I ask you, do you have the courage to fight against Tai Taibao of our Southern Emperor Dynasty?" He yelled angrily at Shi Feng again, his voice was full of coldness, and then he went in all directions Echoes away.

"Finally over here!"

"Southern Emperor Dynasty, once again challenged the Heavenly Son!"

"I don't know if this Heavenly Son is going to fight?"

"However, the talent of this Heavenly Son is extraordinary, but it is still a lot worse than that of Tai Wu Baoshen? After all, age is also there!"

"It is indeed! This Heavenly Son, but above and below 20, and Na Wushen is said to have entered the triple king of God. If this battle is really fought, it will be very unfair!"

"But he is a divine son! Is he afraid to fight?"


At this moment, one after another appeared in the gates of the other courtyards where the sacred land was living.

Suddenly, the sound of discussion and speculation kept echoing.

"Hehe!" Then everyone listened to the "Sacred Son of Heaven" and gave a grin.

(End of this chapter)

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