Chapter 2463 Challenge!

"Ha ha!"

Shi Feng's "he" echoed with a smile.

But this sound of laughter left countless suspense to everyone.

"What does Tianhuang Shengzi mean when he laughs?"

"Don't know? Isn't this heavenly Son not able to put Na Wushen in his eyes at all?"

"Then ... no! That Wushen, talent is against the sky, luck is against the sky, how can you see that Wushen is stronger than him!"


"What are you laughing at?" The man among the three of the Southern Emperor Dynasty screamed in a loud voice at Shi Feng.

The other two people beside him, although he had not spoken, had frowned.

Then, everyone saw Shi Feng slowly speaking, saying, "A triple king of the King of Gods came to challenge me! Do you really have a face?"

"That's the same! It is said that the Son of Heaven, the martial arts realm is only in the King of God, and it is far from Na Wushen, but the two realms are far behind. This battle cannot be fought at all!"

"That's it! Obviously losing, what's the point of playing? If I were a Son of Heaven, I wouldn't fight!"

"Indeed! This Wushen is so challenging, but it is a bit bullying!"

"Yes, God King Yizhongtian battles God King Triplex, how can this fight?"

In fact, where do they know that the "Sacred Son of Heaven" in their eyes, the real martial arts realm is only in the Five Realms of True God!

"Your Nantian Dynasty really has a face!" At this time, a young and beautiful woman of Tianhuang Shengzi also spoke to the three of the Nantian Dynasty.

Later, another young female disciple said, "What a shameless Taipao!"


Hearing the bursts of discourse, the man of the Southern Emperor Dynasty who was already gloomy became instantly gloomier.

Even the two beside him were a little uncomfortable.

Afterwards, just listening to the man screaming again and again, saying, "When I came here, our eldest daughter had already explained something. He would not rely on the realm to pressure you!

If you dare to fight a battle, then our Dataibao will suppress the martial arts realm to the King of God's heavy realm and fight against you! "

"Suppressed in the King King's realm?"

"Suppress God King!"

"Suppress Realm Battle!"


When the words came out, exclaimed again and again, an individual, and then appeared in shock again.

In this case, it can indeed be a battle!

I just do n’t know what this Heavenly Son is doing?

Immediately afterwards, all eyes gazed at Shi Feng again.

Seeing that Shi Feng didn't answer, the man in the Southern Emperor drank again: "Son of Heaven, you say, in the end, dare you?"

"Son of Heaven, you say, in the end, do you dare?"


The high voice reverberated for a long time, and then spread again.

"Fight then fight!" Just then, Shi Feng spit out coldly.

The simple three words echoed the world immediately.

"Fighting! Heavenly Sovereign is fighting!"

"The Emperor of Heaven Saga battles the head of the 13th Emperor of the Southern Emperor Dynasty! This battle is interesting!"

"It's really an exciting battle!"


After hearing the three words answered by Shi Feng, they followed the discussion one by one.

And everyone in the Tianhuang Sacred Land learned that Wushen suppressed the realm to fight this one, but they did not persuade him.

"Okay!" The Southern Emperor immediately issued a "good" to Shi Feng, and his face also showed Shi Feng a cruel smile.

As if it was him, he could teach this heavenly Son who had previously humiliated him.

That look was as if the plot had been defeated.

He said coldly again: "Dare to fight that one! You will regret it! Son of Heaven, you will soon know that it offends the end of our Southern Heavenly Dynasty!"

At this moment, he was not afraid that the person in front of him would repent.

In his capacity, there were so many people present, and since he dared to fight, he would not regret it.

Even if you know that you will die, you will not!

Otherwise, who else can look down on him in the future.

"Sacred Son of Heaven, at noon tomorrow, fight with our Taipao Plaza!"

"Let's go!" Then, the Emperor of the Southern Emperor Dynasty said to the two around him.

The next moment, the three turned around and went outside the other courtyard.

Everyone in the sky was staring coldly at the three figures entering the crowd.

"Okay, there's nothing going on, you're all gone!" At this moment, coldly, he said to the crowds watching.

Leng Ruo, came to the city of magic fall, although the light was completely covered by that "Sacred Son of Heaven", but more and more people knew him during this time.

His words still had some deterrence. After hearing his words, one by one began to recede.

Here, there were a lot of people left in Tianhuang Holy Land soon.

"Holy ancestor, although Wushen is willing to suppress the realm to fight with you, you must not belittle it!" Another middle-aged warrior in Tianhuang Holy Land opened his voice and said to Shi Feng.

"You can't belittle it! Shengzu, you must not take it lightly!" Said the old man who spoke earlier.

"I remember a few years ago, when the martial arts realm of Wushen was still in the second time of the King of God, I met him once. At that time, I was following the Five Guardian Ling Yunzi.

Na Wushen, at that time, happened to fight fiercely with a big demon! "

He was speaking to an old woman in the heavenly holy land.

When the old uncle's words came out, the others immediately looked at him.

"And then?" Someone asked her immediately.

"At that time, the five guardians had judged this person personally, and said that if this person successfully entered the triple heaven of the King of God, the ordinary triple heavenly spirit would not be able to match it!" The old man's old face was full of solemn answers.

"I didn't expect that the Five Guardians had such a high evaluation of this person that year!" Someone said with emotion, and increasingly felt that Wushen was not simple.

Then, their eyes turned to Shi Feng again.

"Well, you can rest assured! At that time, I will do my best to fight, I will have to see, how deep is this Wushen!" Shi Feng said to them.

Then he said, "Okay, I'm going back to the room, you guys, you can take care of it, as long as you don't enter the magic fall city easily."

When Shi Feng said such a word to them, he walked straight ahead, towards the room where he lived.

With Shi Feng's body moving, all eyes looked at him again.

Until he pushed the door and entered, he banged softly and the compartment door closed again.

"You said, Shengzu, can you defeat that Wushen?" As soon as Shi Feng entered the room, someone spoke again.

"That's for sure! The strength of Shengzu, we saw it with our own eyes that day! That Wushen, dare to suppress the realm and fight with him, isn't it to kill yourself?"

"Indeed! That Wushen is indeed a little too conceited! However, this person has too many powerful legends like myths. I still hope that the ancestors should not underestimate the enemy at that time!"

(End of this chapter)

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