Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2476: All forces come together!

Chapter 2476: All Forces Gather!

A strong man who understands the hidden ways, even Shi Feng can't find it, the martial arts realm is in the triple king of gods!

Actually ... disappeared in the Mo family!

Shi Feng got the news from Ye Zifei's mouth, and she was shocked.

Ye Zifei told him with certainty that with that ability, even Hao Li and the dark cult person found his trace, and with the power of those two people, they still wanted to keep him.

In other words, the strong yin and yang religion is likely to meet three, even more and more powerful.

The Mohist is really unusual!

"The Son of Heaven, the Holy Land of Heaven, and your reputation are very important in people's hearts!

If you shake out the story of Hao Li and that of the Mohist and the Dark Cult, many people will believe it!

At that time our major forces will join forces and go straight to the Mo family! "

Ye Zifei looks a little panicked now.

After all, they were missing, but they yin and yang taught a **** king triple heavenly powerhouse.

Moreover, it is the Yin and Yang predecessor who supported him to become the Virgin!

This, but an extraordinary force, how could she not worry.

"Using the name of Heavenly Sacred Land and Heavenly Sage Son, to say that his Mohist collusion with the dark cult?" Shi Feng frowned, thinking about this issue.

In fact, this is not bad!

Behind those forces, several of them were followed secretly by the strong. Now that they are rushing to the Mohist and blocking the Mohist, maybe they can really find something there.

Even if the Mohist could not find anything, did the little Mohist want to bite himself?

After seeing the magical power displayed by the Mojia master that day, Shi Feng originally felt that the Mojia had an inseparable relationship with the dark cult!

What's more, the disappearance of Yin Yang taught that the strong man had insinuated himself and sneaked into the Mohist school.

"Okay! From now on, I called up all the forces and told them about the Mo's collusion with the dark cult!

Tell them again that the disappearance of those warriors these days is related to his Mohist and dark cult! "

Shi Feng said to Ye Zifei.

Regardless of whether it is really or falsely related, anyway, it is to gather the forces of various forces and kill the Mohist!

As for Hao Li, Shi Feng didn't think he could be slandered.

After all, he Hao Li is an elder of Tianyuan Holy Land, with a high weight.

Moreover, there is a grudge between the heavenly sacred land and him, and others will think that he intentionally framed him.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Ye Zifei breathed a sigh of relief slowly, her face anxiously, calmed a lot.

Now they want to rescue that one, they have to do it!

"God bless, I hope the master uncle does not get into trouble!" Ye Zifei secretly prayed for the man.

With a look of gratitude, she said to Shi Feng, "Then you will have a workman!"


Next, to gather forces from all sides, in order not to be known by Hao Li, Shi Feng and Ye Zifei went in secret.

Shi Feng, dispatched a disciple of the Heavenly Sacred Land, Ye Zifei dispatched a disciple of the Yin and Yang religion. The warriors from both sides entered the residences of the forces, and met the leaders of the forces, saying that the Heavenly Sacred Son please!

Today, a total of thirteen forces gather in the magic fall city.

Tianyuan Holy Land, Shi Feng naturally will not invite.

There is also the Southern Emperor Dynasty, the little prince Duan Mu has a holiday with himself, and Shi Feng can see that this person is narrow-minded, and also ordered the people in the Tianhuang Holy Land and Yinyang religion to not invite him.

What's more, the Southern Emperor had never followed the strong. Otherwise, the "War God" would not appear in the magic fall city after Duan Mu was beaten by Shi Feng for a few days.

Moreover, he had heard that Wu Shen was stunned by himself at that time. After waking up, he left the magic fall city and went back to his Southern Emperor Dynasty.


The sacred place in the sky, in the room where Shi Feng lives.

At this moment, in addition to Shi Feng and Ye Zifei, there are also nine men and women gathered!

This is the nine leaders who came to the fall of magic.

"I don't know what the Heavenly Emperor asked me to wait for, what the **** is it? Now it looks like it's not as easy as getting together!" A middle-aged warrior began, and said to Shi Feng sitting cross-legged on the top floor.

Although his age seems to be a lot older than Shi Feng, his tone of speech is still respectful and even a little humble.

After all, strength is respect!

The middle-aged warrior who speaks comes from a faction named Zixu Palace. His name is Yuding!

Now everyone can see that the Heavenly Son has invited them to come, there is no intention of hospitality.

Don't say that there is no delicious wine in the room, that is, there are no seats, one by one sitting cross-legged, looking casual.

However, the more this happened, the more they felt that this Heavenly Son had something to do!

After Yu Ding said that to the top one, the others nodded silently.

Pairs of eyes still stared at the one above, waiting for his answer.

They could see that at this moment, the expression on that face was a little dignified.

Shi Feng glanced at the people below, and then said, "In recent days, I have been investigating the sacred place of the heavenly wilderness regarding the disappearance of the warrior."

After hearing the words, the faces of the people below immediately followed.

It turned out to be this!

"What could the Heavenly Son know?" Immediately afterwards, the imperial palace of Zixu Palace who spoke just now asked Shi Feng.

He really cares about this!

They were in the Xuxu Palace, but two disciples were missing in the magic fall city!

It was also the first two people missing in this incident.

Now it seems that there is more evil than good.

However, although he said something to Shi Feng, in fact he had realized that now that this had called them here, he must have found something.

Then, everyone saw the one sitting on top and nodded slowly.

Shi Feng spoke again and said to them:

"I have found out that this disappearance is related to the dark cult! I saw with my own eyes that a strong cult of the dark cult appeared in the magic fall city. That person, I have seen him before!

So, I told the girl Ye Yin of the yin and yang religion, and the yin and yang religion immediately dispatched a strong man from the triple king of God to follow that person!

It turned out that the dark cult man had entered a house of the Mo Family in the Falling City, and heard their secret conversation, which made them more sure of what they did!

When the strong man returned the news, I asked him to continue to monitor the Mohist and the dark cult. As a result, not long ago, the strong yin and yang religion lost contact with us!

Already, mysteriously disappeared! "


"A **** king, triple heaven, lost contact?"

"No, it's not a trivial matter!"


When he heard Shi Feng's words, he immediately stunned the waves, and his face changed one after another.

They realized that it was not easy!

(End of this chapter)

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