Chapter 2477 Swear!

Among the stone maple rooms.

Those people, who can cultivate to their realm, are naturally the most intelligent.

They realized that a God King triple strong was missing. So, how many strong sects did that dark cult arrange in this magic fall city?

What are they going to do?

Today, ten warriors have disappeared in the magic fall city!

Do not! In addition, the strongman who disappeared not long ago is already eleven!

When everyone was surprised, however, many people turned their heads and looked at the yin-yang sage, Ye Zifei.

Seeing them looking around, Ye Zifei nodded slowly and said, "Traditional Sage Son is absolutely true! The one who disappeared from our Yinyang Church is my master, Yi Xiu!

Many of you here must have heard of my uncle's name. "


"Senior Yixiu!"

"Senior Yi Xiu is missing?"


Immediately afterwards, a loud cry came out of several people's mouths.

It seems that Yi Xiu is quite famous, and many people have heard of her.

But it is not unusual, after all, it is a triple-level existence of a **** king.

"It is rumored that Yixiu's predecessor, the hidden martial arts world is unparalleled, can be compared to the hidden art of hell!" Someone said again.

"Yeah! I heard the name of Yi Xiu's predecessor many years ago. She actually disappeared after sneaking into that place! Is this ... was she discovered by the dark cult?

Dark cult, what kind of character has come this time! "


The more they thought about it, the more they realized that the situation was bad.

"This magic fall city is, after all, the site of Tianyuan Holy Land. We still need to inform the Elder Hao of Tianyuan Holy Land as soon as possible! Let them Tianyuan Holy Land, and send some more powerful people here as soon as possible!"

Someone proposed.

The proposer is a handsome young man wearing a purple dress and holding a paper fan!

His name is Juesha, from a force called Salomon!

This person, Shi Feng, saw him when he fell to the temple, and even looked at him at that time.

His martial arts realm, like Ye Zifei, is also a strong man in the half-step **** realm, with extraordinary talent.

Compared to others, the absolute sand at this moment looks still calm and calm.

And Salomon, who has been staying in this residence these days, has not seen any military men missing.

Shi Feng had long expected that someone would say this proposal.

He didn't speak, and Ye Zifei said in a deep voice: "In this case, don't tell Tianyuan Holy Land, especially the elder Hao Li."

"Huh?" Hearing Ye Zifei's words, Zhang Junyi's face suddenly moved and his brows frowned.

Jiesha didn't speak, and then someone else asked, "Girl Ye, why is this?"

"Why can't you tell Tianyuan Holy Land?" Some people wondered.

According to their understanding, the Tianyuan Holy Land and the dark cult are deadly rivals, one bright and one secret, fighting endless years.

It is most appropriate for Tianyuan Holy Land to dispatch the strong to eradicate the dark cult in this magic fall city.

"Yeah, why can't you tell Tianyuan Holy Land?" At this time, the absolute sand also spoke, asking Ye Zifei.

Ye Zifei's cold and beautiful face gradually became heavy, and she slowly opened her mouth and said in a deep voice:

"The news that came back before my uncle disappeared, that dark cult man had contact with Elder Hao in Tianyuan Holy Land!"





Daodao exclaimed, and then echoed in this room.

With Shi Feng's previous words to pave the way, and then heard Ye Zifei's words, one by one, it seems like a thousand waves.

The dark cult has a powerful force to enter the fallen city, and the elders of the Tianyuan Holy Land come into contact with their dark cult!

This ... this thing is getting more and more difficult!

This is to prepare a big conspiracy!

And, obviously, the gathering of the magic fall city is for them!

"Girl Ye, you can't say that!" Another middle-aged warrior spoke to Ye Zifei.

"This matter is true, Hao Li did have contact with the dark cult. If it is false, Ye Zifei must not die, never live!" Ye Zifei swore directly in public.

Everyone who was almost convinced at the time, when they heard Ye Zifei's vow, they were even more convinced.

"It seems that this matter must be discussed in the long run!" The middle-aged man said just now.

"Yeah, there is nothing wrong! We must be careful! Everyone must be careful." An older man said, after saying this, he remarked:

"Next, everyone told their fellow teachers and brothers that they must be careful!"

"In this matter, I believe that we should directly enter the Mohist school and fight against the dark cult!

Kill them before they can succeed! "Shi Feng said at this moment, and said to them.

"Yi Xiu's seniors are missing in that place, how can we compete with them." A young woman said.

Her name is Han Qingyuan, and she comes from a faction called Bingfeng Mountain.

This time, the Frozen Mountains did not follow the strong, so she naturally thought that how could they be the opponent of that dark cult.

After Han Qingyuan said these words, Shi Feng's soul power had been felt for a long time, and many people had a strange look.

It seems that many people are followed by elders.

Shi Feng ignored the Hanqing Garden, but suddenly smiled and said:

"If I'm not mistaken, the way we left the magic fall city should have been sealed by them already! Even if it is not sealed, if we alone want to leave the magic fall mountain, we will definitely be attacked by those strong forces!

What we need to do now is to gather our strength and surprise the dark cult!

It's best not to drag on anymore. The more we drag on, the more likely the enemy will be more and more. At that time, it will really be destroyed by the evil force. "

"The Son of Heaven is right!" As soon as Shi Feng's words fell, Ye Zifei said immediately, echoing.

Followed by, she said again and again: "We must never wait any longer! My uncle has disappeared, and the strength of the other party must not be simple!

And let us not think that there will be strong men in the Tianyuan Holy Land to resolve the crisis here. There is the Elder Hao here, and the Tianyuan Holy Land is bound to be under his control. "

"The Heavenly Son and Ye Ye are right!" It was the unique genius of Salomon who spoke at this time.

After hearing so much, he naturally realized the seriousness of the matter.

If they wait and wait, they will really become more and more dangerous.

"Well! Now that we know that the Dark Cult is in that Mohist school, we really should gather our strength and kill the Mohist!" Another said.

(End of this chapter)

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