Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2478: Rush to the Mo family!

Chapter 2478 Rush to the Mo Family!

All the people present were aware of it, as if they had a big, invisible mouth, slowly opening to them.

Eat them all!

Now, before the big mouth is bitten, the "evil thing" should be eradicated!

In the end, almost everyone in the cabin thought that if there was power, it would be better to kill the Mo family directly!

"Behind you, a strong one followed!" Shi Feng glanced at the crowd and asked them.

"I have an elder in Zixu Palace, and the realm is in the triple king of the gods!" Yuding, the middle-aged man, said to Shi Feng.

"I also followed an elder in the Jiuxing Holy Land, but the predecessor's realm was in the King of God!" The woman in the Jiuxing Holy Land spoke.

God King Yizhong is also very strong for them.

But she is far from the one who disappeared from the Zixu Palace and Yin and Yang religion, so she used "but ..."

This woman was the middle-aged and beautiful lady who delivered the purple drop to her at the home of Jiuxing Holy Land.

"We have an elder in the Black Forest, in the King of Gods Double!"

"We have an elder from Solomon, in the triple king of God!"

"My predecessor in the Frozen Mountains is a **** in the King ..."


Followed, said one by one.

In this eleven forces, except for the Heavenly Desolate Holy Land and Yinyang Religion, the nine great forces are actually followed by the strong elders.

It's just the difference in strength!

Zixinggong, Rosamund, Tongtian Mountain, Holy Flame Holy Land, Extinct Holy Land, these five major forces, all have the triple king of God coming!

The Black Forest and the Fallen Island each have a God King dual sky!

There is a **** king in Jiuxing Holy Land and Frozen Mountain!

Three God Kings Triple Sky! Two double sky! The two are heavy!

But just after these people reported to the strong man behind them, they looked at the Heavenly Son.

They felt that the heavenly sacred land had deep foundations, and this heavenly sage son might just be the strongest person who came to the city to fall.

Behind them, there must be another stronger existence.

Heaven is a sacred place, and the strong are like clouds!

Under the heavenly Lord, there are peerless existences that resound through the world, such as the five guardians and the six kings.

Shi Feng naturally felt that gaze, as if he could see what they were thinking.

Following him, he said to them, "Everyone immediately contacted the elders behind them, simply and clearly passed, and let them gather immediately outside the gates in this area, and we will kill the Mos!

At this moment, unconsciously, Shi Feng seems to have become the leader here.

After listening to their words, the people nodded silently.

Some secretly concluded handprints, some took out Yujian, some took out tokens, and they began to contact the elders by secret methods.

At this time, I saw the lonely sand of Salomon and asked Shi Feng: "I don't know which predecessor besides you, the Heavenly Sacred Holy Land!"

The others immediately stared at that one again, waiting for his answer.

"I don't know yet!" Shi Feng returned these four words.


"Not sure yet? What does this mean?"

"Doesn't the strong man show up and hides in the dark, even this Heavenly Son?"

"If there were elders to follow, why wouldn't he know? Could it be that he was in the heavenly sacred land, and no strong man came over? Is it really only his heavenly sage child?


One by one whispered in his heart, his face was weird.

But since that one said that, they guessed in their hearts and didn't say anything more clearly.

Soon after, one by one, they made a noise and told them that their elders had arrived!

Speed ​​and efficiency are fast!

"OK!" After hearing their words, Shi Feng got up and said "OK".

Then he said, "Let's go and meet them."

Subsequently, each of the cabins also got up, pushed the door and went out.

They came to the courtyard and saw the disciples all waiting in the courtyard. Shi Feng opened his mouth and said to the disciples, "They are all here. When I am away, do not act lightly!"

In that battle, he felt that only when he reached the level of the **** king, he could participate in the war. He didn't want these people in the heavenly holy land to participate, and it was good to go by himself.

"But ..." What an old man wanted to say, Shi Feng immediately opened his mouth and interrupted: "My order must not be disobeyed. I let you stay here, and you stay here!"

Hearing Shi Feng's words and hearing his powerful tone, the people in Tianhuang finally stopped saying anything.

"let's go!"

Followed by, Shi Feng and the other ten powerful disciples, the body directly broke, and rushed to the magic fall city at the fastest speed!

At the speed of his eleven, you soon appeared above the magic fall city, and there were still four guardians of the Heavenly Holy Land on both sides of the gate below.

But soon, they found the people floating in the void.

"Who are they?"

"It's him! Heavenly Son?" Others, they didn't recognize it for a while, but quickly recognized the leader.

A few days ago, the Heavenly Sage Son fought against the Valkyrie of the Southern Emperor Dynasty. The guard happened to be present and watched the thrilling battle!

"Sacred Son of Heaven? Are they from the Heavenly Sacred Land? What are they doing?" Someone muttered.

Immediately afterwards, they saw one after another in the magic fall city, and soon they met the eleven in the void.

"Who are they?"

"One by one, good ... so scary!"

"There are a few of them, but ... it's almost like the horrible existence of Elder Hao! Who are they ...?"


The eleven of Shi Feng met with the nine strong men, and then moved violently at the same time, rushing westward, leading by Shi Feng, and flying directly to the Mojia city.

When the body was broken, the people of the major forces looked at the nine strong men. They were the strong men of the nine major forces.

From beginning to end, no strong man in the heavenly sacred place has appeared.

Someone was more certain in their hearts. It seems that the Heavenly Sacred Holy Land, apart from this Heavenly Sage Holy Son, has not arrived.

"But now here, there are five **** kings triple sky, two double sky and two heavy sky, should be enough to control the situation in this magic fall city!"

Someone said secretly in his heart.

Unexpectedly, before entering the magic fall mountain, the forces began to join forces against the enemy!

"That's the Mo School, the yin and yang cult is missing here! We rushed straight down and started searching, but don't be careless!"

At the speed of the crowd, they soon came to the Mo family, Shi Feng pointed to the bottom and said to the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, Dao Dao peerlessly dived down, and rushed towards that Mohist!

(End of this chapter)

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