Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2479: Mozart Hall!

Chapter 2479 Mo's Great Hall!

"what happened?"

"Someone breaks into our Mo family?"

"He ... who are they?"

"Okay ... so many strong men! So many terrible strong men!"

"The visitor is bad!"



Suddenly, there was a sound of screams among the Mohists.

A crowd of powerful men rushed into the void in a mighty manner, and they all felt that those characters were not the existence that their Mohist could compete with.

All of them seem to have stronger momentum than their Mohist.

What's more, it's not a little bit weak.

"What happened here?"

"Our Mo family, who offended this? Why ... how can there be so many strong people killed!"

"Ah! He! It's him! Heavenly Son! It's him, it's his Heavenly Son!"


Someone in the Mo family recognized the one in horror!

A few days ago, a "devil head" came from their Mohist school, and Elder Hao, the sacred place of Tianyuan, appeared before surrendering the demon head.

As a result, when the owner Mo Mi ordered the execution of the demon head, the heavenly saint appeared and rescued the demon head.

Soon, more and more people in the Mo family recognized the Heavenly Son who was rushing down.

More and more people also remember that when he left the Mo family that day, he said that the owner, Mo Mi, had to die!

"He ... he is today, this is leading the strong men in the heavenly sacred land to kill our Mo family?"

"Ah! No!" Someone shouted in horror before the powerful men in the void had arrived.

Heaven and sacred place, that is not the existence of their Mohist.

Some people even faintly saw the **** scene of the entire Mo family.

"Escape! Run away! I don't want to die! I can't die!"


There have been countless Mo family members who have been scared to start desperately fleeing. Just in an instant, the Mo family has become a mess.

At this time, Shi Feng's soul power has swept out, instantly covering the chaotic Mo family below.

However, he did not intend to kill, and the people here are basically innocent and innocent of him.

However, the last time the Mo family owner Mo Mi who dared to kill him must kill him!

And that Hao Li! If I can clean up, I'll pack the old thing together!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Twenty figures fell into a strong shape and fell wildly into the Mo family.

The entire Mohist shook violently at this moment, as if an extremely terrible earthquake had happened.

The Mo chaos that had been in chaos before became even more chaotic in an instant.

However, these people who fell into the Mo family did not do anything for a while. For them, these flustered Mo families were like ants, killing them wasting time and energy.

One by one, they began to sense this heaven and earth, capturing every breath.

Everything in the Mo family flashed in Shi Feng's mind.

He visited this Mo family last time, but that time, he didn't care much about this Mo family.

But it's totally different now! After all, one of the **** kings in the yin and yang religion, triple sky, is missing in this Mohist.

"The Mo's hall is weird, everyone follows me!" At this moment, Shi Feng said to everyone in a loud voice.

After saying this, his body was violent, and rushed to the Mo's hall.

His voice has echoed in this world.

When he heard his words, every figure immediately followed, and rushed to the so-called main hall of the Mo family.

Even those powerful men in the triple world of God flew towards the hall.

Although God King Triple Sky is proud, it is impossible to follow someone's words and follow suit.

But after all, the identity of the one is not so ordinary, and they all heard that the other day, this one defeated the martial arts god.

"This kid is famous, so it's okay to go and see first." This was the voice of Salomon's old man when he rushed to the Mo's hall.

Soon, every figure flashed into the Mo's hall.

At this moment, the hall was empty and there was no Mo family.

The hall is quaint and atmospheric, full of ancient charm, but for these great figures from all major forces, this is just a very ordinary building.

Then one by one began to glance and began to sense.

However, they did not sense the slightest anomaly in this hall.

"Son of Heaven, what are you discovering here?" The old man of Salomon said with a deep voice, and asked Shi Feng.

At this time, all eyes looked at him.

"It should be this thing!" And Shi Feng, the mural that has been staring at the deepest part of the hall.

It's a landscape mural, which is very common!

Followed by, Shi Feng ignored anyone and went straight to the mural.

"You! Heavenly Son!" Seeing that Heavenly Son did not bother himself, the old man of Solomon sank immediately.

To him, this kid is really too rude!

Count by generations, no matter how you say, you are also an elder!

"Hum!" A heavy groan hummed from the old man's mouth.

"I already checked that mural just now, there is no problem at all!" Someone said when she saw Shi Feng going step by step.

It was a middle-aged warrior who spoke with a cold breath all over him.

He is exactly the **** king from the Frozen Mountains!

"Oh, right?" When he heard the words of the Frozen Mountain, the old Salomon answered.

At this moment, there was even a sneer, and the corner of his mouth appeared, as if waiting for the kid's ugliness.

He just listened to the kid saying that it should be this thing!

"Be so serious, serious, dignified, and not even return to the old man's words! Hum!" The old Salmon snorted again.

He is the triple king of God. Just now, he has felt the mural with his powerful and extraordinary induction force, and he has carefully sensed the mural carefully. No abnormality was found at all.

"Looking at Tianhuang Shengzi, it seems to be what we found. We also went to see it." The old man said to everyone.

Then, everyone nodded and all walked over.

"The Heavenly Sage previously said that the hall was weird, let us follow him, and at this moment he walked towards that mural, and it seems that he should really have found something."

Someone looked at Shi Feng and thought he might have discovered something.

Soon after, Shi Feng stood before the murals in the landscape, but instead of taking the next step, he looked up and down again.

However, he just kept watching.

Subsequently, other warriors came here one after another, and they all began to look at this landscape mural.

"I checked the mural very carefully just now, and there is nothing unusual!"

(End of this chapter)

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