Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2493: Strongest blow!

Chapter 2493 The Strongest Strike!

In the void within the blood stone stele.

The figures are floating, which are the nine powerful men who were previously inhaled by Shi Feng into the blood stone stele!

Originally, it was the top ten forces except the Holy Land of Heaven, but the genius Hanqingyuan of the Frozen Mountain and the **** king strongman had been turned into ashes under the black magic of extermination.

"I'm waiting to be happy, but the Heavenly Son is not taking advantage of people. It seems that we all blame him!" Ye Zifei, the sage of Yinyang, said to everyone.

As soon as Ye Zifei's voice fell, someone nodded and said, "Yeah, we really blame him!"

Many people were ashamed to hear the words of the two.

"Yeah! He wants us to be happy, he wants to **** us into this mysterious space, to avoid the black thunder! But he himself is still fighting against the thunder." Also said.

"Just hope that he can compete with the peerless Black Thunder! Although we have entered this mysterious space, if he can't compete, we all have to bury him."

The end of Salomon's God-King Power also said.

It was the last blood stone monument space to enter. It was extremely hurt. Although he swallowed a lot of elixir, and even several **** spirits, at this moment, he still looks very embarrassed and feels weak. .

Although the final words were not wrong, but he heard those words in the ears of the crowd, still felt a bit weird, some harsh.

Obviously, although he took refuge in his mysterious space, he ended up with hostility.

The Heavenly Son, although he did not do anything dangerous to him at the end, he felt unhappy at all.

He felt that the reason he was causing the situation today was all done by that person. He made the robberies by himself and let the heavens drop the robberies, which almost cost his life.

He didn't want to live anymore, and he was involved.

When thinking of these in the end, they had already ignored their situation before the disaster.

He didn't think about it again. If it wasn't for the robbery, the heavens and the thunder, he was still making his living sacrifice. Perhaps now, the power of life has been swallowed up by the dark altar!


Among the peerless thunderstorms, Shi Feng is still suffering from the "baptism" of mad thunder. This flesh has long been broken.

Still, he is still alive!

Yes, he's still alive!

Shi Feng is still fighting against the thunderstorm, and his attention has been gathered not far away.

He Shi Feng is still alive, and the man in the black robe is still standing alive.

And the black robe on his body has not been broken under the mad thunder, and his whole body is still shining with black light constantly to counter the thunder.

When the black light around him disappeared, soon a new black light appeared, protecting him from beginning to end.

Despite the broken body, Shi Feng still felt very clearly that the dark light on this black robe man seemed to be stronger than before!

"Destroyer Black Thunder is destroying that dark altar, but the dark altar is constantly devouring Destroyer Black Thunder's power!" After seeing this, Shi Feng became full of surprise.

If this continues, the dark altar will use the power of Demon Demon Thunder to awaken the spirit of the evil demon god. After Demon Demon Thunder retreats, he Shi Feng will still die!

"No! The dark altar and the spirit of the demon must be destroyed! The man in black robe must die!" Shi Feng said secretly.

As he said this, I saw his body slowly moving, step by step, slowly moving towards the place where the man in the black robe was located.

"Huh?" At this moment, the man in the black robe not far away seemed to have discovered the abnormal shape of Shi Feng and made a soft "um" sound.

"Boy, what do you want to do?" A cold voice suddenly rang from the mouth of this black robe man, echoing in the thunder.

"To ... you ... die!" Shi Feng was very weak, uttering each word, and spit out the cold three words.

"It's up to you?" And the man in black robes uttered disdain to him.

It can be clearly heard from this voice that the condition of the Heipao people is much better than that of Shi Feng.

After all, Shi Feng directly resisted this physical body with the extermination black thunder, and this black robe has been urging the mysterious power of the spirit of the devil.

"Hum!" Shi Feng only hummed coldly, and then stopped talking nonsense to that guy.

The figure was still moving in that direction, moving slowly, approaching step by step.

"This metamorphosis! It's not dead yet!" But the black-robed man still felt shocked at Shifeng's perverted body.

He knew that if he hadn't had the power of the spirit of the demon god, he would have lost his soul in this black thunder, but the boy is still alive.

Somehow, looking at the broken body that was getting closer and closer, suddenly a feeling of uneasiness appeared in his mind.

Shi Feng, who was approaching slowly, finally came to the man in the black robe at this moment, but instead of rushing to attack, he just stared at him silently.

The Heipao people are still shrouded in an ancient and mysterious black light, constantly fighting against the magic thunder.

Shi Feng has been standing still, as if waiting for the opportunity.

With a slam, I saw that at this moment, the black light around the black robes suddenly burst.

Shi Feng still didn't do anything. He saw that just in a moment, there was another black light, which emerged from the whole body of this black robe man, and helped him to resist the magic thunder again.

"Pop", another sound, and the black light was broken again.

Shi Feng still didn't move his hand, he just looked.

Suddenly, the black light broke and rose again, and seven reincarnations had taken place.

The man in the black robe never saw that person, but felt more and more uneasy.



And at this moment, the sound of the broken sound and the thunderous thunder sounded from Shi Feng at the same time.

The black light of the black robe man's protection has just faded, and Shi Feng, carrying a thunderous punch, violently blasted to him.

Shi Feng's fist used the power of the black magic thunder in his body, and Lei Lei attracted each other. The power of the magic thunder on this fist also inspired the peerless mad thunder around him.

However, the power of his fist is the real power of the Black Devil!

The violent punch made the body of the Heipao people trembled violently, which was caused by the deep fear inside.

Shi Feng hadn't moved just now, just observing the trajectory that rose after the black light broke. After several observations, the trajectory has been completely captured by him.

At the moment when the black light disappeared, the strongest attack he could launch at this moment was launched.

(End of this chapter)

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