Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2494: Fiercely kill!

Chapter 2494 Fiercely Kill!

"This ... this ... this ..." Looking at the punch that Shi Feng blasted, the face hidden in the black robe, had undergone a drastic change, full of terrifying colors.

The black light of Houyou's flesh has not yet risen, he can only urge his whole body strength, the dark blue light shining on both palms, condensing the strong power of the Three Kings of God, and contending with that punch.

Immediately after, "Ah!" Roared in agony.

Shi Feng ’s fist carrying a peerless mad thunder directly blasted the palms of the black robe man into a residue, and then the fist continued to move forward, like a bamboo shoot, and a punch banged in the heart of this black robe man, even broke Opened his flesh and blasted into him.

The violent black thunder has spread rapidly on the body of the black robe. The body of the black robe trembles in the mad thunder, and at this moment, the disappearing black light finally rises from his body.

And just at this moment, Shi Feng retracted his fist, and on top of that **** face, a bloodthirsty cruel smile appeared.

"You! You! Damn it!" The man in the black robe suffered Shi Feng's blow, even before being killed by the unmatched thunder, he spit out loudly at Shi Feng.

In addition, the black robe on his body was not completely destroyed in the mad thunder, but at the heart of his heart, Shi Feng was blasted out by a punch, and blood continued to flow out.

Nevertheless, the material of this black robe should not be simple.

"Huh?" But for Shi Feng, the Heipao people did not die.

Shi Feng's blow spurred all-round magic thunder, and it is estimated that even Leng Aoyue's existence would be extremely uncomfortable.

Not to mention, a triple king of gods.

However, Shi Feng is not in a hurry. Now in this Devil and Black Thunder, he is God, the Thunder God who controls the thunder and lightning. He wants this humble creature to be destroyed, and he must die!

Shi Feng, waiting again.

While the man in black robes now has the power shield of the spirit of the demon god, he knows that it is useless.

The power of the spirit of the demon **** can't withstand the mad thunder all over him. He will sooner or later be destroyed in the mad thunder.

The man in black robes knows that when the power of the demon spirit disappears again, it is when this person attacks himself again.

But it's true!

Shi Feng waited for the opportunity again, and at this moment, the black light on the black robe man was annihilated once more, and at the same time, carrying the punch of the peerless mad thunder, it had again exploded.

"No! No! Don't!" At the final moment of life and death, this person who had been in a black robe like a pervert all the time was finally scared.

At Shi Feng, he tried his best to send out a wailing, as if begging.

And his figure is also backing away, trying to avoid that punch attack.

However, could Shi Feng allow him to live again, and his body moved forward suddenly, followed closely, his fists blasted into the heart of this black robe man again, and penetrated his flesh again.

Then, a furious start!

"Ah!" A terrible scream screamed, and then, the strong man in the triple world of the God King was shattered and shattered by the mad thunder!

Shi Feng immediately operated Jiuyou Gong, and wanted to devour.

However, the thunderstorms in this world are too violent, the death force, blood, soul of that God King triple-strength power is instantly turned to ashes!

"Ah!" Shi Feng sighed, but although it was a pity, it was actually what he expected.

Once again, a large amount of elixir was stuffed into his mouth, and once again he devoured the blood confined in the stele in a frantic way.

"Ah!" A roaring sound like a wild beast, roared out of his mouth again, screaming in the air, as if frantic.


Inside the blood stele space.

The forces are still waiting.

"I don't know, what's going on outside now!" Said a genius warrior from the Black Forest.

"Now, almost half a day has passed, there is still no situation!" Followed by Li Ya, the genius of the Holy Flame Holy Land.

"Now that we are all right here, it means that the Son of Heaven has not been in an accident." Salomon's Juesha said.

"The Heavenly Sage Son is truly extraordinary." Hearing their words, the middle-aged beautiful woman in the Nine-Star Holy Land was full of appreciation for that one.

At this moment, all of them have realized what a true genius is.

They once heard of the mysterious Son of Heaven, and only knew that the talent was amazing, and he entered the realm of God King when he was less than twenty years old.

But now when they saw that one in person, they realized that he was more upset than in the rumors and in their imagination.

Now only about twenty years old, he has stepped into the King of Gods!

Then, with the King of God's second heaven, against the peerless Thunder that the King of God's Triple can't compete with.

Ask this world, who can do it?

It is here that the five true gods of the Triple Triple Realm admit that they are extraordinary.

And the more the evil, the more powerful Salomon was, the more ugly his old face became, and he became more and more gloomy.


Outside the dark space, the magic thunder is still non-stop, but more and more fierce than before.

In the distant darkness, Hao Li and Mo Mi are still suspended there.

But at this moment, I saw Hao Li's complexion suddenly change suddenly: "Not good!"

"What's wrong?" After hearing Hao Li's startled voice, Mo Mi immediately realized that it was not good.

"That pervert, dead!" Hao Li Shen Shen said, and returned.

"Ah!" Mo Mi opened his mouth wide and issued a shock "Ah"!

He naturally knew who the pervert in Hao Li's mouth was to sleep!

But how could he just die like that!

He Mo Mi has heard that the spirit of the demon **** often mentioned by him over the years can be fully awakened soon.

It is said that the spirit of the demon **** is extremely powerful. As long as he wakes up, that is, the Source Lord that day, he can completely ignore it.

Anyway, the man in black robe said that to them.

However, he did not expect that at the time when the spirit of the devil was about to wake up, the man in black robe was dead!

This also means that the spirit of the demon **** who can wake up soon will not be able to wake up?

Everything that has been done over the years has given up all its achievements?


"How can this be good!" Mo Mi lamented.

If they can't use the power of the spirit of the demon god, it means that when the magic thunder disappears, they will inevitably face the anger of the powerful and powerful.

Unless, the strong men of the major forces are all dead.

"So what about those people? Are they dead?" Thinking of this, Mo Mi immediately spoke again and asked Hao Li.

As a result, he saw that Hao Li slowly shook his head at him and said, "I don't know! This thunder is too strong, and I can't sense the situation at all.

The reason I learned that the metamorphosis was dead was that I had quietly passed an invisible secret mark on him. "

(End of this chapter)

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