Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2495: Demon Spirit!

Chapter 2495 Demon Spirit!

Upon hearing Hao Li's uncertain answer, Mo Mi felt more and more disturbed.

If so many strong men do not die, he knows that by then Li Hao will not be able to fight it.

Apart from Hao Li, they have no other helpers at all.

In the fall of the magic city, although many people suspected that in the early period, it was the genius warrior that the dark cult tampered in the dark and plundered all the major forces.

Some even suspect that there are many people in the Dark Cult lurking in this magic fall city, waiting for a certain time to launch an evil plot.

However, in fact, the dark cult is the only one in this black robe in this magic fall city, urging the dark altar to secretly capture the powerful warriors in the magic fall city.

It is said that the affairs of the demon spirit are also a secret among the dark cults.

Although this man in black robes is a member of the Dark Cult, he has great ambitions.

Awakening can not put the power of the spirit of the devil in the sight of the Lord of Heavenly Sources. At that time, he will become the spokesperson of the demon!

However, all this is now reduced to ashes with the death of the man in black.


"I ... still, let's go!" Mo Mi said at this time, and said to Hao Li beside him.

"Well, let's go!" Hao Li said, without any intention of blocking.

Mo Mi turned, and at this moment, he just wanted to get farther and farther away.

He had no regard for the destroyed Mo family. After leaving here, he still had to leave the magic fall city, and then go to a place where no one knew him, and start again.

"Eh!" But just as Mo Mi turned around, a sharp pain came from his back.

On Mo Mi's old face, his eyes were so wide that he slowly turned his head and looked towards the rear. I saw Hao Li's eyes still staring at the black thunderstorm over there.

Mo Mi slowly lowered her head and saw the man's left hand, which had now pierced into his back.

Bright red blood was flowing continuously along his hands.

He secretly killed himself, but he didn't even look at himself!

He, this is not looking at himself at all. He looks like this and kills himself, but it is like fanning a mosquito.

"Hao ... Hao Li, you ... you ... why ... so ... venomous!" Mo Mi said coldly at Hao Li.

Hao Li still didn't bother. He looked at the hand that stabbed into Mo Mi's back casually and gave a slight shock. Then he made the Mojia owner become nothing.

From now until now, Hao Li seems too lazy to talk to him again.

But also, if he wanted to kill Mo Mi, he didn't deserve him to tell him why.

It's like when you pinch an ant, why should you tell the ant why I pinch you?

After letting the ink dust fly out, Hao Li slowly stretched his hand back and wiped it with his right hand.

Hao Li felt that some of his hands were stained with his own blood.

But for Hao Li, this Mo Mi had to die!

He knows too much!

This Mo School seems to have a very mysterious relationship with the Heipao people.

It is said that many years ago, this Mo Mi's father rescued the black robe man in an accident. After that, the black robe man was in the Mo family and found the dark space hidden in the Mo's hall.

Therefore, the secret of the demon spirit in the dark altar was discovered.

The man in black robe, despite being a well-known pervert, is also a man of good faith. Over the years, he has always taken care of this Mohist.

Even after Mo Mi's father died in an accident, he has also taken care of Mo Mi, the son of a life-saving benefactor.

Moreover, Mo Mi has always been regarded as his confidant. What secrets he will tell him is that Hao Li and his secret cooperation, he let Mo Mi know.

If the Heipao people are still alive, Hao Li will have some scruples about this Mo Mi.

However, the Heipao people are dead now, how can Hao Li let this waste, who knows his secrets, live in this world again.


"Who are you? Who am I? Why am I here?" During the thunderstorm, Shi Feng, who was constantly bombarded by demons, suddenly heard such a voice.

"What man!" After hearing that voice, Shi Feng's body shook, and he suddenly gave a cold drink, then he lowered his head and stared down.

He could feel the sound coming from below him.

"Below is the dark altar! Could it be ..." At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly thought of something again.

The man in the black robe had a bite of the spirit of the devil, what sacrifice them, and what made the spirit of the demon awaken.

In other words, was the voice just made by the spirit of the devil?

In other words, under the Devil Black Thunder, the so-called demon spirit has not been destroyed yet?

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the low voice sounded again: "I forgot who I am, my mind is blank, who am I? Who am I?"

Shi Feng could hear that this sound sounded weak, as if she had just woke up from a deep sleep.

"No matter who you are, you have to die!" Shi Feng said, staring grimly, still staring down.

Just then, his body moved violently and moved down.

Destruction Black Thunder was originally centered on him, and was meant to destroy his undead demon body, so his location is the most violent place of Destruction Black Thunder.

Now that he has found the trace of the demon spirit, Shi Feng naturally does not want to subject himself only to the most violent thunder.

In the mad thunder, his speed of movement was still extremely slow, submerging slowly.

"Ah!" At this time, Shi Feng suddenly heard a painful voice, and it seemed that the spirit of the demon had tasted the pain in the Demon Devil.

"You think, kill me?" Then, Shi Feng heard another unusually cold voice.

"What is it!" Shi Feng, still moving, responded coldly.

And as he continued to move down, "嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭!" Just listening to the sound of violent sounds, and then echoed.

It was the dark altar that had not yet been completely destroyed, and as the stone maple moved down, it was continuously destroyed.

"Ah! Don't! Don't come over!" The "Spirit of the Demon" seemed to have felt a dangerous approach, and then, facing Shi Feng, made an extremely angry sound.

"Oh!" And after hearing that voice, Shi Feng just smiled, moving at a speed that seemed to be a little faster at this moment.


As time passed by, violent thunderstorms finally reached the end of this moment.

However, Hao Li's old face became abnormally dignified at this moment.

He knows that all endings are about to be known.

"Those people, can you survive this thunder? Huh! I hope all of them will die in this mad thunder. Only when they die will they be one hundred and will not be so troublesome!" Hao Li said coldly .

At this time, as the triple king of the King of God, he even secretly prayed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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