Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2496: magic! Evil night!

Chapter 2496: Demon! Evil night!

"No! No! Don't approach me!"

In the violent black thunder, Shi Feng heard the sound of horror from below.

Shi Feng knew that the so-called demon spirit was really scared!

After hearing his voice, Shi Feng naturally wanted to hurry up and destroy this so-called "demon spirit" completely, so as not to cause disaster to the world in the future.

"I am a demon! The supreme devil of the world! My name is, evil night!" Later, Shi Feng heard such a sentence again.

"Shaye!" And when Shi Feng heard these two words, he was startled!

He had to be shocked!

The first name he heard of was the demon's finger from that year.

At that time, there was a residual soul among the fingers, claiming to be evil night!

Then, in the Tianlan Empire, he saw Li Ru, who was possessed by evil things, and claimed to be evil night!

At that time, it was Li Ru and Li Liuxin that broke out a battle of Emperor Wu of the East!

But now, he didn't expect that in this magic war continent, in this magic fall city, he even heard a evil thing awakened from his deep sleep, calling himself a demon, calling himself that evil night.

"In the demon's finger, there was a ray of residual soul, and what is the spirit of the demon?" Shi Feng murmured again.

Obviously, whether it is the magic finger or the remnant soul in the magic finger, the magic eyes, the magic hand, or even the power that Li Ru and Li Liuxin showed at the beginning, they cannot compare with the spirit of the devil.

However, even the Trio of Heavenly Kings did not have the slightest resistance in front of it.

After learning that this mysterious existence is the mysterious monster, Shi Feng even killed her heart even more.

He had personally seen the brutality of the monster possessed by Li Ru, and he still remembered being attacked by the monster when he was in the back of the mountain in Xiuling Village many years ago. He would have to pay that night if it was not blocked by the body Big price.

And because of the monster that night, the unshaken corpse who was loyal to himself, almost died!

"Anyway, this monster must die!" Shi Feng said again and again.

"Ah!" Shi Feng uttered a heartfelt roar again under the dark thunderous thunder.

"Ah!" At the same time, however, a stern, sharp roar rang continuously from below.

The spirit of the demon **** also suffered great pain under the power of extermination Heilei.

"Ah! Lowly creatures, I ca n’t die in the night, just the power of your thunder is useless, you can't kill the great demon!" Then the stern roar resounded.

But the stern roar still contained the voice of extreme pain.

How could Shi Feng believe him?

He does not believe that there are really immortal things in this world. If they cannot be destroyed, it is because the opponent is not powerful enough.

Once, Shi Feng got the demon finger, and the remnant soul claimed to be immortal, but in the end, Shi Feng really could only strip the remnant soul from the devil finger. At that time, the remnant soul could not be destroyed. Today, it is still locked in a space of the blood stone monument, floating lonely.

But that time in the Serpent's Territory, the source of all things came out when they met the demon eye, but in a short time, the remnant soul in the devil eye was wiped out and the demon eye merged with its own evil eye.

Therefore, in the face of absolute power, there is nothing in this world that can't be destroyed. Shi Feng is confident that if he now summons the remnant of the demon floating in the blood stone monument, he will ensure that it disappears in this world in an instant.

Even this undead monster, which is called by the world in the wild continent, is just a name. Under the destruction of absolute power, he still has to die!


"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Shi Feng was still roaring in the dark thunder, and the mysterious monster continued to scream sternly and painfully.

Shi Feng's body is still falling, and the dark altar is constantly being destroyed.

However, Shi Feng still didn't sense where the so-called demon spirit was hiding.

"Not good!" Just then, Shi Feng was suddenly surprised, and exclaimed extremely badly.

He found that it was obvious that the physical extermination black mine who was baptizing himself had weakened.

If at other times he could breathe out a breath, the thunderstorm would finally start to disperse!

But at this critical moment, the "magic" hasn't gotten away yet!

"Ah!" Another roar came out of Shi Feng's mouth, he gritted his teeth, his flesh-faced face looked abnormally haggard, like a blood-sucking evil spirit.

He urged the remaining strength, while continuing to contend with the thunderbolt, the other side accelerated the downward movement speed.

If the so-called spirit of the devil is immortal, when the Demon Demon Ray disappears, it will be the time when the spirit of the devil will kill him.

Therefore, at this moment, Shi Feng was able to say that everything had been cut out.


"Okay, it disappears! It disappears! If you continue this way, it should disappear soon!" The distance from the vanishing Hei Lei, the elder Hao Li of Tianyuan Holy Land, said Qingnan again.

At this time, Hao Li gradually became nervous.

At the same time, there is already a whole body of divine power rising quietly on his body, his right hand is in the palm, a bright white light is constantly swallowing in the meantime, as if there is a peerless divine power ready to go!


Demon Black Thunder, getting weaker and weaker.

However, Shi Feng's downward speed, although slightly faster than before, is still very slow.

Now his physical body was too hurt.

Nine ghost powers in the body, although once consumed, consume blood and death power in the blood stone monument, but often they are replenished, and after a short time, they are depleted and cleaned in the mad thunder.

Those elixir that restored the wounds and restored the vitality did not know how many pills he had swallowed.

Although the scream of screaming below has disappeared, at this moment, Shi Feng still hasn't found the "spirit of the devil".

"Morphine, has it been destroyed in the Devil Black Thunder?" Shi Feng murmured secretly.

But soon, he shook his head and secretly said, "That evil thing shouldn't be so easy to be destroyed! Now, the Demon Black Thunder is about to retreat, maybe, when the evil thing will destroy me!"

When he said this secretly in his mouth, an extremely bad feeling rose quietly in his heart.

And at this moment, I saw that huge dark thunder column, suddenly collapsed, tens of millions of dark electric snakes, roaming wildly in this world, the picture is very beautiful.

Destroy Black Thunder, completely retired!

"Sin barrier!" Suddenly, I heard only the sound of an old wrath, and suddenly it rang from a distance.

Hao Li has been waiting for the moment when the dark mad thunder collapsed. Now the mad thunder has finally disappeared, and he sees the flesh and blood.

Hao Li did not expect that this evil barrier really survived the mad thunder!

And he survived, an extremely bad feeling has risen in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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