Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2568: Divine Invasion

Chapter 2568 Divine Invasion

"Oh, Brother Mu?" Hearing the shouting of the young man with a surname, Wan Min converged the smile on his face and replied to the young man with the surname Mu.

"No ... nothing." The young man with a wooden surname shook his head and said to Wan Yan.

Although he said so, in his heart, he always felt that Wan Wan was a little different at the moment.

As for what is different, he couldn't tell.

"Oh, isn't it?" Wan Ye responded to the young man named Mu, but then, suddenly, he smiled again, saying:

"Brother Mu, there are some accounts, and we should, too, clear and liquidate!"

"Account, what account?" The man with a surname was startled suddenly, his face inexplicable.

And at this moment, I saw Wan Ye's right palm immediately moved, slamming out to the heart of the young man named Mu.

"You ... this ... Brother Wan." Seeing the sudden palm, the young man of the surname Mu did not respond at all.

Brother Wan, who is kind-hearted, why should he take action against himself?

He was kind-hearted, and sometimes even kind-hearted to the point of being intolerable. How could such a 10,000-man brother strike him?

However, "Oh!" A dull blast sounded immediately.

"Ah!" With a painful roar, the young man of the surname Mu faced with extreme pain, his body arched and his body was flying wildly.

"How is it! How is it! Man Ye, why did you hit me?" Until this moment, Mu was still not convinced.

But there was indeed a violent pain in his heart.


"Brother Wan, you ..." At this moment, that sister and heron all looked dumbfounded.

A brother Wan who once rescued an outsider could rescue him regardless of his life.

A brother Wan who was willing to take risks himself and could not bear the trouble of others.

It is said that many years ago, in order to save a fellow, he was willing to kneel to others and begged him to forgive him.

Brother Wan, how can you suddenly attack Brother Mu?

what happened?

In the end what happened?

Could it be that Brother Wan has been possessed by something evil?

The body of the man surnamed Mu has stopped, and his face is still full of pain. Looking at Wan Wan who is not far away, he uttered a painstaking voice: "Wan ... Brother Wan, for ... why?"

"I just tell you that from now on, that stupid man in your mouth is no longer there!

From today on, anyone who provokes me is unhappy, he ... will, regret it! "

When Wan Zheng said these words, he held up the token of the genius that was so cold in the heavens and the Holy Land again with his right hand.

The order of the heavens is out of the question!

Looking at the Mori white token, the young man of the surname Mu and the sister of the heron suddenly realized this idea involuntarily.

At the same time, Wan Ye made a fingerprint on his left hand, and two marks were struck by him.

One flew to the young man named Mu, and one flew to the heron girl.

I saw those two faces, and at this moment they changed together, crying lamentingly:

"no, do not want!"

"Wan ... Brother Wan ..."


Another sky.

"What news came from the heavenly wasteland?" Shi Feng said, asking the old man Zheng Er.

"It is said that the Protoss army has once again emerged in the Battle of the Gods Split, and the sacred ancestor has led me into the Battle of the Gods and the Battlefield.

It is said that the King of Fury appears to be appearing in the Battlefield of Divinity. "Zheng Er said.

"Yue Xie appeared in the battlefield of God split!" For other news, Shi Feng did not have much fluctuation.

When he heard the furious king Yue Yue, his face changed suddenly.

Followed Shi Feng again and asked him, "How is Yue Xian now?"

"The King of Fury is said to have been taken hostage by the Protoss and persecuted the ancestors and the protectors and the Kings.

But for the sake of life in the world, the ancestors are naturally not subject to coercion. Zheng Er said again.

"Everything, let's talk about returning to the heavenly wasteland." Shi Feng secretly said.

Immediately afterwards, only listened to his deep voice and said, "Everyone listens to the orders, and hurries back to the heavenly wasteland at the fastest speed!"




Hearing Shi Feng drinking, everyone responded in unison.

Next, they stopped neglecting, and continued to spur the magic beast under their feet, and continued to run wild in the sky.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Along the way, the roar shook.

A powerful and violent momentum raged, and all nearby creatures avoided one another.

There were twenty-four fierce beasts in the wild, and no one dared to approach.

However, in recent days, some rumors have spread in Minshui, Tianshui.

"Have you heard of the recent mad dance?"

"Crazy Devil Dance? You are talking about a lot of fiendish monsters in many places recently?

I heard about it, but it is said that the crazy devil dance is actually a vision, which predicts that our Tianshui Minzhou may have a great disaster! "


"Crazy demon dance, I heard that there are indeed a lot of terrible fiendish demons all over Minzhou in Tianshui! It is said that in Lanyue City, they also took the space teleport array!"


"It is said that the demon danced wildly and obeyed the command of our tribe, a warrior."

"Observe the command of our human warriors? No, right? Isn't it that one mad monster, or even the King of Gods Triple Mighty is not an enemy?

Who can order that madness? Could it be that we are the first strong man in Minzhou in Tianshui, the one in Tianyuan Holy Land, the Lord of Tianyuan? "

"It's not clear! But these mad monsters that are making a lot of noises these days do listen to people's orders. Some people have seen it for themselves, and some people are reprimanding them."



"Have you heard? I heard that the flamboyant monsters in Minzhou, Tianshui, have something to do with the one in Tianhuang Holy Land!"

"Which one is the Holy Land? Which one?"

"Naturally ... Son of Heaven!"

"Sacred Son! What a Sacred Son!"

"Yeah, I have never heard of the Son of the Falcon before. Why have I heard the rumor of the Son of the Falcon recently.

Hitting Nan Tian Xiao Wang Ye, defeating the Valkyrie ... this ... has something to do with the crazy monsters who have been making a lot of noise these days. "

"The recent incident in Minzhou, Tianshui, why is there always a relationship with this Heavenly Son?

It is said that the other day, the Emperor of the Heavenly Sect was killed for nine days, and in a few days, will he be related to that Heavenly Son? "


These days, Tianshui, Minzhou, indeed from time to time sounded the name of the barbaric saint.

However, Shi Feng did not expect that because of some of his actions under chance, the Heavenly Sage Son had made a name for himself in Minzhou, Tianshui.


Divine war on the continent, Zhongao Dizhou, Divine Battlefield.

"Ah! Kill!"

"Kill the Protoss! Invincible!"



The sound of shouting and shouting has rang out in this battlefield.

I saw two waves of 100,000 troops, like two fierce waves, colliding violently at this moment.

This world suddenly became extremely violent and chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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