Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2569: Rebellious!

Chapter 2569 God Rebellion!

Chaos and raging on the ground of the Divine Battlefield, and then in an extremely high sky, the space has become extremely distorted.

The Emperor of Heaven is cold and proud, wearing a purple cyan shirt, with a mighty face and a magnificent look. At this moment, he is fighting with a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was dull and thin, and looked pale as if he was sick.

Although this man's face cannot see the dense scales, but since he fought against Leng Aoyue here, it is enough to prove that he is not a protoss, but a "human" of the protoss!

However, the most shocking and unexpected thing is that he kept blocking Leng Aoyue's attack.

One after another!

When blocking Leng Aoyue's attack, I saw a somber smile on that gloomy face.

"Leng Aoyue, you and I should have fought for thousands of years, right? I have been suppressed by you since this millennium. This time, I must fight against you!

I will kill you this time and let my protoss army successfully invade the gods! "

When it comes to the end, the middle-aged man sneered and drank.

"God!" Hearing the man's words, Leng Aoyue coldly spit out his name.

And at this moment, it can be seen that in the face of the person in front of him, his cold and proud face is extremely serious!

This is one, and Leng Aoyue dares not to despise the existence.

"Jiuyou, the four-pole seal!" Suddenly, only listening to Leng Aoyue's low-drink, and an ancient handprint was concluded with both hands, constantly changing.

"Nine quiet four-pole seal!" The four-pole seal came out, the smile on that middle-aged man's face disappeared instantly, and he became abnormally dignified at this moment.

As he said just now, he has fought with Leng Aoyue for thousands of years, and he knows Leng Aoyue's horror.

Under the seal of Jiuyou Quadruple, I saw a large seal of Sibai Qufang appearing instantly in the higher sky, covering the world.

This space was instantly frozen into ice!

Leng Aoyue and the middle-aged strongman were instantly in the cold.

"Shock!" Shouted again and again, shouting from Leng Aoyue's mouth.

I saw the great seal of the Quartet in the higher sky, carrying the power of destroying the earth and smashing down.

At this moment, it seemed as if the sky had fallen down.


The heavenly Emperor's ancestor was cold and proud, indeed, horrible!

"God inverse!" Just then, just listening to a low drink, he sang from the mouth of the middle-aged man.

I saw very tiny colored light scales constantly appearing on his face.

The scales appeared, proving that he was a protoss?

The appearance of scales means that at this moment, he only showed his fighting form?

The iridescent scales look very different from the scales on other protoss, as if they are more noble and extraordinary.

I saw that the protoss's momentum was rising rapidly, and the whole body of ice continued to burst under this peerless momentum.

Immediately afterwards, I saw this space, suddenly reversing frantically, and instantly formed a reversal vortex!

One of the powerful combat skills of the protoss, the gods are inverse!

In this reversing vortex, the quartet of imprints that were violently shaken were blocked in an instant and could no longer be pressed down!

"Huh, Leng Aoyue! I will let you know that since I will again lead my Protoss army to march into Divinity, there must be my means!

Yes, the means to suppress your cold and proud moon! "

"Now!" Another cold drink drank from the mouth of this Protoss.

And with his shouting, I saw them in all directions, and suddenly there was a tall blue thing.

Flurrying crazy.

This ... is a fan, bronze door!

"This!" The more and more bronze gates appeared, Leng Aoyue, at this time, his face had changed dramatically.


Shi Feng and everyone in Tianhuang have already left Tianshui Minzhou and came to the endless sea.

Shi Feng, still standing proudly on the magic beast, facing the sea breeze, looking forward.

In addition to leading the fierce creatures into the battlefield of the Divine Shard this time, he is also prepared to see Leng Aoyue and ask him that this **** is fighting the continent and practicing the strongest destiny.

The second apprentice Leng Aoyue has been found. What he cares about now is his love, Jin Mo.

The strongest way to fight the destiny of the continent is the power of destiny, which must be extraordinary!

However, Leng Aoyue's existence will know the existence, secrets, and truth of some others who are not aware of it, but others should also have heard some powerful figures on the bright side.

At this time, he opened his mouth and asked all the people in Tianhuang: "You know, who is the strongest in the destiny of the war on the mainland?"

"The strongest person in charge of destiny?" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the old man Zheng Er replied: "The destiny is the strongest, and it belongs to the Lord of Destiny City!"

However, Zheng Er's voice had just fallen, and another old man in the sacred land, Li Xue, said immediately, vetoing: "No! The rumor in the world is that the strongest destiny is the destiny's son at the bottom of the light fountain of destiny!"

"The way of destiny, I think it is the third destiny of destiny!" Leng Ruo had different views.

It is really hard to say who is the first in this destiny.

After all, he is not the same as martial arts. If martial arts is in the first place, he just fists to speak.

However, the way of destiny is fortune-telling!

And those who cultivate the way of destiny have rarely heard of anyone who fights for luck.

"Let's ask Leng Aoyue at that time." After hearing the words of these people, Shi Feng secretly said in his heart.

Endless sea, endless!

However, for the people who ride the fierce beast, and twenty-four fierce creatures, it took only six days to enter the Zhongao Divine Land.

"Oh my God! What is that!"

"Strange! There are monsters attacking our city!"

"Hurry! Run away!"


When Shi Feng led the twenty-four mysterious monsters into a large coastal city, the whole city immediately became turbulent.

It has caused a great panic.

However, Shi Feng didn't care too much and fell into the city strongly.

This kind of situation, they are accustomed to when in Minzhou, Tianshui!

Now entering Zhong Ao Shenzhou, he has not included these twenty-four heads into space.

He didn't think too much.

Soon after, they fell into this Tianhai City forcibly.

Originally, people from all directions in the city swarmed into the space to convey the altar, but now, when they see the horrible creatures falling there, they flee desperately.

Just a moment, no figure was seen in the space where the space altar was.

Even the guards who manipulated the teleportation array have run out.

Really, those monsters feel terrifying to them.

Since no one was there, the old man Zheng Er replaced it immediately, filled in Yuan Shi, and adjusted the coordinates ...


Along the way, the people transmitted one city at a time.


"Heavenly Holy Land, finally back!"

When the desolate crowd appeared in Yuntian City that day, they felt a mysterious feeling.

This is, feeling home.

After going out for so long and going through so many things, now, finally return.

(End of this chapter)

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