Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2601: Fabulous request


The gurgling drinking echoed.

However, the huge black body shivered more violently.

It wants to control it as much as possible, but not at all.

At this time, Shi Feng, Yan Miao, still stunned herself, knowing that the constant trembling of this scorpion was related to the creature who made the sound.

What the **** is this ...

Let the skeletons run away twice!

Let the grandma tremble after entering the Scarlet Palace!


Later, Shi Feng, Yan Miao, and Xun saw a huge but cyan phantom appearing above them.

This shadow is like a giant blue dragon lying on its back, but ... it's a little different, like a tadpole? Like a snake? Like a giant lizard? Like a giant crocodile? Like a giant turtle?

There are some similarities with these beings, but ... not!

This is a creature that Shi Feng can't say, never seen.

Then it gave him a very scary feeling.

An extremely fierce femur, extreme resentment, and extreme wickedness enveloped the ferocity.

This is the soul of a mysterious creature!

"God fights against the ancient and evil beasts, Wu Wu!" At this moment, Yan Miao stared at the phantom in the sky, slowly speaking.

This was the first time Shi Feng had seen him, and the man showed such solemn looks.

It has been proven that the evil beast named Long Wu is indeed not simple!

And that phantom didn't bother to talk about the words. He might be powerful, but he didn't see the words in his eyes, just like the ants.

Two pairs of dim green glowing eyes kept staring at the cricket.

"A evil soul dare to beat this body and die!"

Staring at that phantom, I just felt more and more uncomfortable all over my body, a roar, the sound of waves rolling, and the storm surged upward.

At the same time, among the black strange eyes, the black beam of light was continuously blasted out, blasting upward.

"Is this beast strong?" Shi Feng said at this time, asking wonderful words.

"This is a heaven and earth heterogeneity, and it is extremely rare between heaven and earth, and only exists in the legend of the ancient times.

It is said that whenever you grow up, you will be very strong, very powerful, and you can tremble to the top to make the extreme power! "

Replied wonderfully.

"A roar can tremble to the top!" Shi Feng was really shocked when he heard that.

Ascending the summit creates the polar realm, which is the existence of Leng Aoyue and so on. As far as he knows, today's climber is the strongest on the continent.

However, the evil beast called Long Wu is even more against the sky. With a roar, you can scream Leng Aoyue's existence!

It's almost unthinkable!

In the presence of this kind of existence, even if you are wearing this invincible magic armor, it is undoubtedly dead!


When Yan Miao just talked about Long Wu's roar, Shi Feng heard the blue figure emit a strange, sinister and evil roar.

Under this roar, the violent sound roaring from the pout disappeared instantly.

The black beams of light bursting from the strange eyes on its back were also constantly annihilating.

"Holy ancestor, retreat!" At this moment, Yan Miao immediately drank Shi Feng.

Before Shi Feng's body moved, she felt a wild force covering herself, and then pulled fiercely, her body suddenly flew backward.

Just at this instant, Shi Feng and Yan Miao flew out of the back of the cricket, and at this time, only heard the painful roar of the cricket.


The whole body is twitching violently, rolling on the ground!

He should be struggling, but the power under the blue roar of imaginary shadow is not what he can resist at all.

It's just terrible to make me do it just momentarily!

And Shi Feng knew that it was just a grudge.

If the living beasts such as Yan Miao said just now, it is estimated that the roar has already turned the puppets into ashes.

"The sea of ​​dragon blood! It is rumored that the dragon was slaughtered! This dragon does not seem to be the real dragon, but this one, Long Wu!" Shi Feng said in a deep voice, speaking to the words.

"It must be!" Yan Miao nodded, "The movement of this sea area seems to be the evil spirit of this dragon Wu!

Long Wu, rumored to have the ability to move the world! And although this Dragon Wu turned into resentment, there are still such terrible magical powers! "

"The ability to move the world!" Shi Feng was surprised again when she heard Yan Miao's words.

What a terrible magical power!

It is hard to imagine that there are such terrible creatures in the world.

However, in the previous scene on the Dragon Blood Sea, he did see it with his own eyes. The sea and the sky were moving at the same time.

"What should I do now? If I go on like this, I will die!

Or, the beast will be taken away by this evil spirit. "Shi Feng said.

"Let's think about how to escape first!" Yan Miao said.

"I can sense that this evil spirit has always locked us! The reason why he did not attack us should be that he is now interested in the puppet beast. If we escape, he will be attacked by it!"

Shi Feng said.

"I know!" Yan Miao said.

Then, the words were wonderful and said: "Sacred ancestor, a subordinate has a bold request."

"Request? Come on," Shi Feng said.

"This thing is a resentment! A subordinate has an exorcism technique that can drive away evil spirits!

However, it takes a long time to urge, and during the procuring period, you cannot be disturbed ... "

"I see, you want me to protect the law for you!"

Before the words were finished, Shi Feng knew what he meant and said.

"Exactly!" Said Yan Miao.

"You enter my mysterious space. If that resentment strikes, I will resist everything! Let me be happy." Shi Feng said to Yan Miao.

The mind was released momentarily, and Yan Miao's body rose with a burst of blood, then disappeared, and entered the blood stone.

After Yan Miao entered, Shi Feng has been paying attention to his movements in the monument and the blue imaginary shadow.

Although the phantom didn't do anything to him, he still twitched violently and painfully.

Shi Feng had already seen that the reason why the ghost had not launched an attack on the puppet was that the beast would suffer severe damage.

Under the roar of that cyan voice, the most severely suffered was the soul.

Now if it continues to twitch like it does now, the soul will be destroyed. At that time, it will be the evil soul that completely occupies this beast.

蜈蚣 The soul was destroyed and the body was taken away. This is definitely not what Shi Feng wants to see.

But ... I can only wait for words.

However, Shi Feng's soul thoughts saw that the words in the blood stone stele sat cross-legged.

Like him, he didn't seem to be encouraging any secret method. It was more like entering a state of cultivation.

"This ... should be urging some kind of mysterious secret method." Shi Feng murmured secretly, even if he saw the appearance of Yan Miao, they were not quite sure.

And he had sensed at this moment that it wouldn't be long before that cricket was really going to be destroyed!

(End of this chapter)

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