Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2602: Dangerous situation!

Chapter 2602 Danger!

Shi Feng listened to the pain, and the more he heard it, the more he was shocked.

He later found that not far from himself, the skull that had previously fallen to the ground had risen.

At this moment, the skeleton did not go mad, there was no roar of pain, but it stood there, staring blankly at the painful rolling cymbals.

"Skull, help me!" Shi Feng immediately yelled at the skeleton with an irresistible drink.

He still believes in words and is prepared to let the skeletons delay time and let nothing happen to him.

"This ..." However, after hearing Shi Feng's words, the skeleton appeared hesitant.

"Huh? How? You dare to disobey my orders?" When Shi Feng didn't follow the order, Shi Feng looked cold, and then he sneered at it again.

"No ... don't dare!" Feeling Shi Feng's coldness, the skeleton immediately returned.

The next moment, he saw the huge bone axe, which appeared in its hands again, and a very powerful force of destruction suddenly rose in the bone axe.

Obviously, at this moment, the skeleton regaining consciousness is much stronger than it was just now.

Immediately afterwards, the skeleton's hands moved violently at the same time, throwing the bone axe out, and flying towards the blue imaginary shadow.

"Huh? Huh! I have a broken bone on my body, and even dare to attack me when he listens to the orders of lowly creatures? It's just my shame!"

A cold hum hummed from the phantom, and then a green claw protruded from the phantom and grabbed it fiercely towards the stalk axe, even turning the axe in his hand.

The next moment, the green claw shook suddenly, "Oh!"

The huge bone axe with heavy destructive power was crushed directly by the green claw.

The power of that green claw is simply terrifying!

What surprised Shi Feng was that the sound of the dragon's ghostly shadow just now.

"A piece of bone on me?"

Is this skull really related to that dragon?

Recalling the previous scenes of the abnormal skeletons, combined with the words of Long Wu resentment ...

But soon, those thoughts were abandoned by Shi Feng. Now, when I do n’t think about those things, alas, I really wo n’t be able to hold them anymore.

Wonderful words, still no movement!

The words in the blood stele are still sitting cross-legged in a state of cultivation.

And when Yan Miao entered the blood stone monument, he told him that he couldn't be disturbed. Shi Feng's heart was no matter how urgent he was, and he didn't send a message to him.

"Dying ants, dare to point at my broken bones and die." At this time, listening only to the blue imagination, then made an understatement sound.

As the voice sounded, Shi Feng suddenly felt a shivering force covering him.

Suddenly looked up, and suddenly saw the big blue claw!

It was this cyan big claw, which was pinched violently just now, and it crushed the skull's large axe.

A sense of extreme danger came from Shi Feng's heart.

Then he saw the green claw slamming down at him.

"Resist!" A roar roared in Shi Feng's mouth, "Boom!" A thunderous roar rang through the hall.

Shi Feng, urged Thunder God of War.

Earlier, he had already operated the Nine Nether Force and the Demon Slayer's armor, and at this moment, the Thunder God of War broke out. It was really difficult to break such defenses with ordinary power.

However, under the green claws, the Demon Black Thunder and the Nine Nether Power were instantly destroyed. The stone maple wearing the magic armor suddenly appeared again.

Then, the blue claws grabbed immediately, and then violently bombarded him.

"Boom!" A loud echo echoed.

However, although Shi Feng's body shook fiercely, she showed pain.

However, the power of the green claws was all resolved by the magic armor.

"Huh? What's the matter!" Such a powerful green claw gave him a critical hit on the ants it thought, and he was blocked by him, and the virtual shadow was shocked.

"Dead!" Then Xingying drank again.

Green Claw shook violently at Shi Feng, shaking out a force of unparalleled destruction, and wanted to completely destroy it.

"Ah!" An extremely painful roar roared from Shi Feng's mouth.

However, in the end, the shock of Greentalon was blocked by him.

Once again blocked, the blue cyan shadow was completely uncertain, and the green claws had rioted, and Shi Feng was continuously violently bombarded.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The burst of violent sounds and the painful shouts echoed continuously in the hall.

At this moment, only Shi Feng is roaring in the hall, the sorrow of the previous painful roar. At this moment, he has passed out and is dead or dead.

"No ... continue this way, sooner or later, the armor will be broken!"

In extreme pain, Shi Feng said in his heart.

At this moment, there was a bodyguard of the magic armor. Although the power of the green claws was constantly being dissipated, he found that under that kind of crit, the magic power flowing from the magic eyes, the fingers, and the hands was extremely fast .

After all, these are just the remains of the devil.

He didn't understand the magic, the magic power on the remains, and he could not recover by the power of death and blood.

When it can only be used, let it absorb the vitality of the world and recover slowly.

It's like the mortal's damaged body slowly recovers over time.

"Yanmiao!" At this time, Shi Feng's mind entered the blood stone monument again, and went to see Yanmiao's movement.

"This!" Shi Feng's extremely painful complexion immediately moved, and he saw that at this moment's words, his hands folded, his body was shining with an incomparable golden light, shining in all directions.

The bright golden light looks sacred, as if it can dispel all evil spirits in the world.

In terms of wonderful complexion, solemn and solemn!

Seeing such words, and feeling so powerful in him, in the mind of Shi Feng, a figure of missing thoughts appeared.

Mangless continent, evil abyss, different children!

That good brother who once shared life and death with himself!

That one, for his own sake, he did not hesitate to burn his own destiny and blood, to fight the attack of the evil three old demon!



Although it is said that the power of the once launched is not comparable to the second guard law.

But the two forces are really ... very similar!

"Is the inheritance of Mo Fei Zi Yi related to this second protection law?"

Just when Shi Feng was thinking of this, a thought suddenly came into his mind, "Holy ancestor, it's okay!"

"That's it!" Shi Feng was shocked again when he heard the voice, and then her heart moved again.

Under the destruction of Blue Claw, Shi Feng's face was distorted by the endless pain.

It won't be long before the demon power of the three demon remains is really exhausted.

At this moment, I saw a blood light shining on him. When the blood light disappeared, it was replaced by a sacred golden light.

In the light of the god, Shi Feng felt a dense seal of seals again!

"This ... this is ... what is this power?" The blue imagination yelled in shock as soon as it saw the power of golden light.

Its sound can be heard, it can no longer be calm.

(End of this chapter)

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