Chapter 2611: Ice and Snow Trial

The desolate and old drinking swelled, rushing to Shi Feng and Jian Tong.

Sensation of that applause, Jian Tong's body retreat, dare not compete with it.

And Shi Feng, the third magic eyes, magic fingers, magic hands instantly manifested.

Half a month ago, the demon power of the three demon corpses was exhausted under the attack of Long Wu Qing Claw, but after this period, it has already been restored.

The dark mist and mist rushed out from the remains of the three demons, and rushed to this demon armor on Shi Feng's body.

The next moment, the billowing has arrived.

Shi Feng was still standing on the door of God, and the surging rolling sound was quickly blocked by the magic armor on him.





Three surprised voices sounded in the void in front of Shi Feng.

It is indeed surprising that a true God Sixth Heaven has blocked such coercion.

Then, they saw the void, and three figures appeared.

An imposing old man, an extraordinary middle-aged man, and an extremely beautiful middle-aged woman.

Among the three proud, the old man has the highest status, the highest realm, and the strongest strength.

He is actually a warrior in the triple heavens of God King.

Unexpectedly, Shi Feng just encountered this existence just after entering Guling Qizhou.

The middle-aged man to the right of the old man is not simple. The martial arts realm is in the King of God.

The same is true of another middle-aged woman!

In the beast city, as soon as the warriors dispatched, three strong men from the kingdom of God came to show that they attached great importance to the door of God.

When the three **** kings appeared, they kept appearing behind them, but after a few breaths, hundreds of warriors appeared behind them.

The number is still increasing.

"He Fang wicked, come true!" At this moment, the old man pointed his sword and pointed at Shi Feng on the door next to God and drank.

The next moment, above Shi Feng's head, the mirror of the demon **** was reproduced.

A golden divine light shone over Shi Feng again.


Then the three faces changed again!

Listening only to the old man, he immediately said in an angry voice: "As a human being, why kill six of him!

Did you know that they have been guarding the gate of God for generations, and how much energy and hard work they have paid to reject the beast city! "

When the old man said these words, there was a look of grief.

This is saddened by the mutual killing of fellow human beings.

In the mirror of the demon god, he determined that the young man in front of him was indeed a human race!

After listening to the old man's words, countless people in this void warrior have been infected by his sad words, and nodded secretly.

Shi Feng said, "I didn't mean to kill them, but they moved to kill me, and wanted to use this **** to kill me.

They couldn't kill me, so I killed them. "

Shi Feng said this with an understatement.

That's the way it is, and he has a clear conscience.

"Impossible!" However, after hearing Shi Feng's words, the old man immediately rejected his words.

Then he said, "I have seen all these six children, and they are all very good. They will never kill innocent people!

Even if they urge God to deal with you next door, it must be that you have done something that is not good for rejecting the beast city! "

The old man's face was firm, as if everything was as he analyzed.

"Not good for your sister!" Shi Feng said coldly.

"He ... he dare to talk to Qu (Jiu) so old!"


"this person!"

"You dare to insult Qu Lao!"


When Shi Feng spit out the old man "Unfavorable to Your Sister", one by one, his face changed again, and he said in shock.

In their hearts, the old Qu was a respected figure in the whole city. He had always lived here in order to resist the safety of the people in the beast city.

In the beast city, few people know the true origin of Qu Lao, but everyone knows that the origin of Qu Lao is not simple.

And such a character, even a young man said to him "bad for your sister"!



At this time, the middle-aged man and the middle-aged beautiful woman beside Qu Lao also yelled at Shi Feng and were very murderous.

At this moment, many people in this void want to rush out and teach that person.

And that old Mr. Qu seemed to have sensed the emotions of everyone, and then said in a deep voice: "Don't be impulsive!"

After he said this, the emotions of the crowd immediately stabilized.

At this time, I saw Qu Lao's eyes narrowed, and then stared at Shi Feng, saying:

"External young people, even if the six of them are not, you can't kill them!

As for what it is, with the death of the six of them, they no longer know.

However, killing lives is justified! This is the law in our city of rejection.

You killed six of them, you deserve it!

What else do you want to say? "

"That's right! The six of him rejected the beast city for us, and for our tranquility, they put almost all their energy on guarding the gods.

He actually killed six of him, and he deserves to be executed! "

"Well, that's right! It should be executed! According to me, he is dead, and he can't make him die too fast! It should be that the five beasts are divided!

"I think it's still Ling Chi's execution to make people happy! The five beasts divided the corpses to die too fast, it's too cheap for him!"


When Qu Lao's voice sounded again, the people behind him rang out again.

The middle-aged man and woman beside Qu Lao also nodded secretly at this moment and agreed with Qu Lao's approach.

But after hearing the old man's words, Shi Feng grinned, showing a sneer, saying:

"Ben Young has made it clear to you just now! It was they who wanted me to die before I killed them!

When they want to kill me, they must be prepared to be killed by me!

Want me to die? It's ridiculous! "

"They kill you, get ready to be killed by you!

However, if you kill them, you should also be prepared, killed, ready! That old Qu said again, he borrowed Shi Feng's words.

While saying this, he turned his right hand into a claw, facing Shi Feng far away.

A frost-like air flow circulated in his palm.

Suddenly, I saw Shi Feng's whole body, and suddenly appeared the extremely chaotic snow storm.

Shi Feng suddenly felt that this power was to push himself towards the old man.

The next moment, she saw Shi Feng's body frantic, rushing forward.

This pair looked as if there was no resistance at all under the power of that blizzard.

"Ice judgment sword, punish sin!"

Everyone in this world immediately heard Qu Lao's murmur.

But hearing that voice, many people's faces instantly appeared disappointed.

"This man killed six of our warriors in the Beast City, but Qu Lao only killed him with his ice and snow judgment sword!

Such an evil person, hey, this, it is too cheap for him! "

(End of this chapter)

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