Chapter 2612 Killing!

Suddenly, a large ice and snow sword fell from the sky and landed in front of Qu Lao.

Sword of Ice Judgment!

Immediately after the excalibur, everyone felt that the temperature between the heavens and the earth suddenly dropped, and a trembling chill came straight, making people shiver!

The blizzard storm rolled Shi Feng towards the ice and judgment sword for trial.

The martial artists in this world have already seen the tragic scene that will happen to this man.

However, although tragic, many people still felt a little uncomfortable, and felt that this really made him die too much.

He, but with six lives, those six are heroes guarding the city of rejection of the beast!


Qu Lao's old face was calm, and he could not see sadness and joy.

Although there is a frozen sword in front of him, he can still see the figure of the crazy flying sword.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw the man who was about to be judged by the Frost Excalibur, and he grinned.

He ... he was laughing. This smile was very evil, and it made him feel uneasy.

"He ... why is he laughing?" Qu Lao whispered, faintly, as if he felt something bad was about to happen.

Shi Feng, who is in the midst of snowstorm, must hit the sword of judgment of ice and snow as long as half a meter away.

Just then, he suddenly said, "Since you always want me to die, then you don't need to live!"

The voice is leisurely, echoing this world.

With the sound of this voice, the complexion of many people suddenly changed.

I saw Shi Feng moving her right hand forward casually, and murmured, "Come out, skeleton!"

Suddenly, I saw a majestic blood shining suddenly in front of him.

"Oh!" A roar of incomparable anger suddenly roared in this world.

Bloodlight devoured the half-sword of the Excalibur, followed closely, and saw that the entire snow-sword was suddenly annihilated, and the snow broke through the sky!




The sword of ice and snow punishment was smashed. Suddenly, each face suddenly changed greatly, full of incredible looks.

"Then ... that person! What the **** is going on? How did he make a roar of beasts, and he ... broke Qu Lao's ice and snow sword of punishment!"

"Qu Lao! This ... this is the power of the triple king of God!"

"How can this be! This ... this ... this is totally contrary to martial arts!"

"Muff, this person is a transfiguration of monsters? Even monsters that can't be shown in the mirror of the demon god!"

"But the wild beast mountains, and the mountains near our beast city, these monsters are unheard of!"


Exclamations continued to scream, and many people couldn't believe the scene in front of them, preferring to believe that they were dreaming at the moment ...

Qu Lao and the middle-aged men and women next to him also experienced dramatic changes.

At the moment Qu Lao had his eyes widened, staring at the snow and ice flying in front of him.

At this moment, a huge bone fist blasted out between the broken snow and was bombarded towards Qu Lao and the two **** kings beside him.


With a low drink, he suddenly sang from Qu Lao's mouth.

He and the two **** kings beside him had already felt that it was not a force that the three of them could compete with.

Three figures, suddenly flashed, avoiding the bone fist bombardment.

Not only him, but also the beast city strong men behind him, the body is also crazy retreat, such as a bird and a beast.

And at this moment, the bone fist of the bombardment did not stop, and pursued that old Qu at a rapid speed.

This speed has already surpassed the speed of Qu Lao's violent retreat.



A burst of sound booming and the roar of painful old sounded at the same time.

The huge bone fist has blasted Qu Lao.

Suddenly, I saw Qu Lao's body, flying fiercely under the bone box violence.

Then, the snow fell in the sky, and many people saw it. An immensely huge skeleton appeared, exuding supreme power!

Like the King of Skeletons.

"This ... what is this!"

"Okay ... so terrible creature!"

"This this……"


Many people just can't help trembling just by feeling the supreme power of the skeleton.

Later, people saw the black figure floating and falling on top of the huge skull.

A pair of high looks, wearing a magic armor, like a demon king, looking down at all beings!

"You! You colluded with foreign objects! Attack me and reject the beast city!"

"Yeah! As a human race, you colluded with foreign bodies! What a human race!"

"Our people, your traitor!"


Immediately, I just heard bursts of reprimand continuously coming into Shi Feng's ears.

After hearing their scolding, Shi Feng's mouth twitched and smiled coldly:

"Now you claim that you are a human race? When that old thing was about to kill me, did you treat me as a human race?

Attack your rejection city? Ben Young never thought about attacking you to reject the beast city! There are few books, so I wanted to borrow the space altar in the city.

From the beginning, Ben Shao never thought about killing people in your beast city. The reason why these people were killed by Ben Shao was that they wanted Ben Shao to die and find their own way! "

The cold sounds echoed in this void for a long time.

The more it gets to the end, the colder the sound becomes.

"Huh?" Just then, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved.

"Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh!" Instantly, the sound of sword groaned.

Hundred-handed flying swords, constantly appearing in the void, frantically fracturing, flying and cutting.






Immediately, there were screams of screams and pains, and a total of fourteen screams.

Everything in this world is naturally in Shi Feng's soul induction.

He had just sensed that the fourteen people quietly concluded an ancient handprint with their hands, and that handprint was naturally a handprint that spurred the door of God.

How can the stone maple in control of this heaven and earth make them do what they want, and let them urge God to strike themselves.

He had previously seen the power of God ’s Gate, and he had long noticed the threat of God ’s Gate, and when the fourteen people moved their hands, they shot instantly.

The blood of the true **** is soaring in the void, dyed half flying.

Fourteen violent warriors fell instantly under the killing tactics of the hundred sword gods.

Shi Fengjiu's meditation power began to operate.

People were shocked to see their living companions. At this moment, ...... has become an extremely dry and dry corpse, beyond recognition and unusually infiltrating.

"This ... An Tu! Not long ago I had a good talk with him, now ... all of this is really too sudden!"

"Devil! This is a demon! Collusion with aliens, killing innocents in our beast city!"

"Ah! Overweight! My brother!"

Shouts echoed again and again, with shock, anger, and grief.

(End of this chapter)

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