Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2616: Here comes the white-haired girl!

Chapter 2616: White Haired Poisonous Girl Is Here!

Rumu was unwilling to die like this, he was really unwilling.

As the Lord of the Beast City, he ordered a million people to obey.

He has a beautiful and beautiful wife, but is the first beauty in the city of rejection.

He Lumu has supreme power, a beautiful wife, what a life so complex, I do not know how many people envy.

He Lumu, want to live for thousands of years!


Shi Feng's right hand moved forward, a violent suction was produced on the palm of his hand, but in a moment, Lu Mu's head rushed into his hand.


Shi Feng squeezed his right hand, the head that was still screaming, burst into a watermelon like a watermelon in his hand, the red blood splashed, the scene was extremely **** and brutal.

Shi Feng once again ran his Jiuyou Gong, and soon, ten headless dried corpses were added in the void, like the dumplings, crashing into the beast city.


After doing this, Shi Feng opened his mouth again and again:

"Well, whoever wants to find death, do that stupid thing as soon as possible, or talk to Ben Shao as soon as possible. Don't waste any less time."

Shi Feng's voice echoed again.

Not only does this void reverberate, but it also reverberates in the beastly city below.

At this moment, in addition to that cold voice, still echoing, no matter the sky or the ground, there is a silence.

For fear of attracting the attention of the killing **** above the skull, many people even held their breath to prevent their bodies from making a sound.

"Let's go!" At this moment, Shi Feng said again, and said to the skeleton under her feet.

The skull's huge body immediately moved, and fell to the city of beasts.

At this moment, many people look at each other.

People also don't know for sure whether the deity killed him at this moment, or, again, used his illusion to deceive himself.

After the last slaughter, perhaps all the warriors in the beast city were deterred, or maybe everyone who had the courage to stand up and want him to die has been killed by him.

Then, all eyes looked at the skull, and once again fell into the space teleportation shrine.

"This time is true, are you leaving?" Someone said doubtfully.

"It's hard to say! Maybe, it's another illusion that was used on us to see who concluded the fingerprints of God and then immediately came out to kill!"

"Well, it's very possible!"

"Let's just wait and see how it turns out! Don't do anything, so as not to catch fire!"

"Well, nothing wrong! Can't be impulsive!"

"This man is insidious and cunning, indeed it may be a trap!"


In the sky and in the city, each warrior secretly heard the sound.

One by one, looking at the huge skeleton body, they fell into the teleportation temple, "Boom!"

A fierce blast sounded, and the entire beastly city shook violently.

However, while watching the skeleton enter the teleportation temple, some people still think it is likely to be a conspiracy.

Until a long time passed, after a little movement in this void, someone whispered, "That one, really, are you going?"

"It seems ... really, it's gone."

"My cousin just told me that the wicked man and his skeleton have left our beastly city in the space teleportation array and headed for Longyang City!"

"Really gone?"


Tianheng continent! East domain!

"White-haired poisoned girl, it is said that the innocent white-haired poisoned girl who has indiscriminately killed in recent years has appeared in our country in Tulou!"

"White-haired poisonous girl? Oh! I remember, a few years ago, there really was such a number! White-haired poisonous girl, cruel and hot, true poisonous scorpion heart!

But it is said that although she has white hair, she looks really beautiful! "

"Extremely beautiful? Is a femme fatale?"

"I heard that white-haired poisoned women are extremely good at using poison and practice unparalleled poisoning! Wherever they go, all living things will turn into poisonous water without leaving alive!"

"Hisse! White-haired poisoned girl, is it so horrible?" After hearing people's introduction to that white-haired poisoned girl, someone took a deep breath and just felt that the body was hairy and the back was cold.

Even secretly praying in her heart, that white-haired poisonous girl, it is best not to appear in the city.

Like today ’s chaos, alien invasion, that white-haired poisonous girl had better die in the hands of those aliens.

"Ka!" Just then, in the tavern, a sound of door opening sounded.

In the pub with arowanas, this kind of door opening is no longer common. Many pubs take care of themselves and ignore them.

But at this moment, a sudden cry came out: "This ..."

The man was sitting just facing the doorway of the tavern. When he saw the figure walking into the doorway, his face changed suddenly, his eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost at this moment.

"Huh? What's wrong with you? Wouldn't you be evil?" A companion at the same table said with a somber voice when he saw him so quickly.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" The other people at the table also spoke, asking him.

At their table, there were four people in total.

The eyes of the three men solidified the man's face and looked at him.

"The door ... the door ... you ... look ... the door!" He began, his voice trembling.

Upon hearing his words, the other three's eyebrows frowned suddenly, then they turned their heads slowly and looked towards the door.

They want to see, what is famous?

Did the alien hit here? Should not be!

If that's the case, it would be too peaceful now!

And the moment the three men turned their heads, immediately after that, they saw the three faces, and suddenly followed Qiqi's fierce change.

"This ... this ... this ..."



The three of them had no other words.

At the door of the tavern stood a white shadow like a fairy, elegant and elegant, like a fairy standing in the dust.

The face is beautiful, but the long, loose hair ... it is, white!

"White-haired girl!"

"Bai ... a girl with white hair!"

"White-haired girl! I ... I ... I depend!"


At this moment, this tavern seemed to explode, becoming extremely chaotic, and the sound of horror continued to echo.

Just now someone was talking about this extremely ruthless white-haired poisonous woman, and someone secretly prayed that the white-haired poisonous woman would not appear here.

However, some people are wondering what would happen if a white-haired poison girl suddenly appeared in this tavern at this moment!

End ... As a result, she really appeared.

The people in the tavern seemed to have seen the advent of death.

Immediately, many Taoists rioted and rushed upward.

I plan to leave the tavern first, and then flee the city as far as possible.






Just listening to the violent violent blast, the dozens of figures have directly breached the roof and flew into the void.

Previously, there were a hundred figures in this pub, but at the moment, there are fewer than twenty people left!

(End of this chapter)

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