Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2617: Vicious female!

Chapter 2617 Vicious and Poisonous Woman!

The rest of the taverns were not warriors, they were just ordinary people.

Just now, those who have the power to break the air have left, and the figure without the power to break through has jumped out through the large holes on the roof.

From start to finish, I saw the white-haired poisonous girl in people's mouth did not move at all, stood quietly at the door of the tavern, and looked at everything quietly.

All these things, she has been accustomed to it all these years!

Since practicing that poisonous practice, all this has been destined!

Immediately after, I saw the white-haired poisoned woman's feet move towards the counter.

Turning slowly, she saw that due to her arrival, the second child in the shop and the shopkeeper had been curled up together, and her body was trembling constantly.

She said quietly, and said to them, "Give me a great room."

The tone was extremely calm.

However, her voice fell, and the two men were still curled up in trembling without any movement.

"Give me a good guest room." Followed her voice, but the two people behind the counter didn't move, as if they didn't listen to her.

"No more preparation, die!" Then the cold voice sounded.

When they heard this voice, their bodies shook.

The middle-aged shopkeeper quickly stood up, bent over to her, and nodded again and again: "This will be arranged! This will be arranged! Small, this will be arranged!"

In response to these remarks, the shopkeeper quickly turned around and said to the second child who was still squatting, "Little second, don't hurry up!"

At the same time, he knelt towards the second errand and slumped heavily on his ass.

"Ouch", Xiao Er just got up and nodded again and again towards the white-haired poisoned girl:

"Our first-class guest room has just moved and we are not in a hurry!

Let's arrange for the smaller ones! Here I'm going to clean up the best room for you. Please wait here and use wine first! "

"Huh!" The white-haired poisonous girl nodded softly when she heard the words of the shop second.

Then he said, "Lighter meals are fine!"

"Yes! Yes! Little understand!" At this time, the shopkeeper should answer "yes"!

After saying that, the white-haired poisoned woman turned slowly and walked towards the lobby.

At this moment, there was no one in the lobby, and those who had not fled before had quietly slipped out of the room when the white-haired poisonous girl talked with the shopkeeper.

The white-haired poisonous girl found Zhang in the corner of the lobby and sat down quietly, whispering: "It is said that the master has been looking for me during this time. That is the infamous, white-haired poisonous girl. "

"Master, Wushuang is not filial, I am ashamed of you! If you have a future life, Wushuang will definitely be a cow and a horse, and I will repay you for the kindness of your teaching!"

"Master, haha!" When it came to this, I saw the beautiful but pale face of the white-haired poisonous girl grinning suddenly and smiling.

But the smile seemed bitter.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" But then, just listening to the sound of a cough, she kept coughing from her mouth.

With this coughing sound, she saw her face pale again, she could not see a trace of blood, all of a sudden, it seemed to be very emaciated.

"Body ... my body, more and more ... no more!

Of course ... However, the last weight of poisoning, I ... never knew what to do!

No! In this way, my life is really going to ... dried up, and before I dry up, I must put that poison ... to success!

I want to report before I die! hatred! blood……"

Talking, I saw that beautiful and calm face suddenly and fiercely changed, a touch of extremely fierce look, and instantly appeared on this face.

"Dead! Dead! All dead!"

"To die!"

"Everyone, die!"

I only heard the cold voice, vomiting from her mouth, the figure sitting down suddenly stood up at this moment.


The tavern counter, the shopkeeper was calm at this moment, looking at the beautiful white figure in the lobby, murmured secretly:

"The vicious white-haired poisonous girl in the rumor is not so terrible! Just now, it even made me feel very friendly.

Could it be that rumors are false?

It should be, after all, the rumor is a rumor. It seems that such a thing really cannot be believed. Ah. "

When speaking these words, the shopkeeper even made a chuckling smile.

Then at this moment, he saw the white shadow suddenly stood up.

The shopkeeper was shocked, and wanted to ask her what else to tell, and suddenly a purple-black mist burst out from her.

"This ..." The shopkeeper's eyes widened immediately, his face changed suddenly and suddenly, his face was extremely horrified and painful.

Then, I saw the body of the tavern's body melted quickly, but with a breath, it turned into a pool of purple and black blood.

The white-haired poisoned girl was cruel, and indeed, terrible!


Soon after, a message swept the entire East Region.

"The white-haired poisonous girl appeared in Tianlu City, and the entire city of Tianlu was shrouded in a rolling purple and black poisonous mist. It is said that 220,000 people in the city were killed by the white-haired poisoned female poisonous hand!

"Two ... two thousand two hundred thousand! This white-haired poisonous girl is really sinful! How vicious!"

"White-haired poisonous girls, these vicious demon girls, have lost their humanity and will be condemned!"

"Now there are alien invasions outside and white-haired poisoned women inside! Hey, this world is really not peaceful!"

"White-haired poisonous girls like these evil demon girls, our strong human race, should be killed first! Otherwise, they will suffer endlessly!"

"Over the years, this white-haired poisonous woman has been killing innocent people. Her hands have been stained with blood!

But this demon girl is very strong. It is said that many powerful Emperors of the Emperor have fallen to her hands! "

"White-haired, poisonous girl, hateful pole! Maybe you need a hidden family, or Jiuyou Yimai, who surpass the power of the emperor to kill them!"

"A woman with white hair is poisoned!"


In the Eastern Regions, when it comes to that vicious white-haired poisonous woman, everyone is indignant, can't wait to chop its skin and cramp, eat its flesh, and bone its bones!

Nowadays, there are many strong men who threaten to kill the vicious witch who indiscriminately kills the innocent!

Among them, even the warriors of the hidden family threatened to kill the world.

The strong men who threatened to kill white-haired poisoned women were immediately loved by people.


There was a distant void outside the sky, and three figures were suspended.

In the Tianheng continent, if anyone recognizes these three people, they will be extremely shocked.

They are three disciples under the seat of the Great Emperor Jiuyou!

Emperor Xiaoyao, Mo Xiaoyao!

The First Master of the World, Xiao Tianyi!

Qin Rufan!

"Really, injustice! Hey!" At this time, only listening to Qin Rufan, he sighed deeply.


(End of this chapter)

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