Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2671: Son of the Flame (Part 2)

Chapter 2671 Divine Flame Saint (2)

"Don't bother this! The two of us entered the island to rest on our own." Shi Feng said to Li Ya.

Shi Feng had no interest in the Holy Flame saint.

It doesn't make much sense to see or not see.

With Li Ya in it, you can learn more about the situation in the Dragon Blood Sea area from his mouth.

Hearing Shi Feng ’s indifferent answer, Li Ya smiled again and said to Shi Feng: “Son, you do n’t know, my brother Li, I ’ve seen you many years ago. Always mention it to me, he said you, can be called a well-deserved genius demon!

When I returned from the magic fall that time, I also mentioned your matter to him. He said he had a chance and wanted to see you again.

I didn't expect that it was only a few months, and I really saw you there. "

When Li Ya finished this sentence, he immediately opened his mouth at the flame mountain below him:

"Brother Li Zui, this distinguished guest is a bit special, my brother thinks you better come out and see."

Li Ya deliberately sold a passer and did not report his identity. He was shocked to see him when he came out.

It seems that this relationship between Li Ya and their Son of the Holy Flame is also good.

Seeing Li Ya like this, Shi Feng secretly shook his head.

He naturally understood that the Son of Heaven who was once seen by the Son of Flames was the true Son of Heaven, and not his ancestor of Heaven.

"Somewhat special?" A horror came from the Flame Mountain.

Soon after, a few people in Shi Feng saw the fire-like flash of meteor below flashing up, but in a flash, the fire-fire had already arrived.

Huomang retired, and instantly appeared a young man wearing a red flame armor, extraordinary and heroic!

Divine Flame, Holy Son!

Upon seeing him, Li Ya smiled again and again and said to him, "Brother Li Zui, see for yourself, who is this?"

The eyes of the holy flame saint looked at the man in the black robe beside Li Ya, and looked at the woman in red.

Then he turned around and looked back at Li Ya, his frown frowned, and asked, "Who are these two?"

"Huh?" Upon hearing Li Zui's words, Li Ya's face moved immediately, and said, "Brother, don't make a joke about this, you won't, have you forgotten this?

"I can be sure that we have never seen it before." Li Zui said, and when he said this, his gaze was once again looking at Shi Feng.

When he saw him, Shi Feng nodded to him and said, "I haven't seen him."

"No, brother." Upon hearing Li Zui's words, Li Ya quickly said, "This, but the Son of Heaven and Famine!

Didn't you always mention it to me before?

Is it true that the Son of Heaven who you saw in the past is false? "

"Sacred Son of Heaven? He?" I saw that Li Zui's face changed again and again at this moment, he said:

"Master, what's your joke! How could he be the Heavenly Son! The one I saw then was the true Heavenly Son!

In addition to the Son of Heaven, the Lord of Heaven was also present. "


As soon as Li Ya said the word, Li Zui spoke again immediately, forcibly interrupting what he wanted to say.

"What else is there! Brother, you are deceived by him! He is not the Heavenly Son.

Say, who are you? "

The last word of the Holy Flame saint is to Shi Feng.

At the same time, a coldness rose from him.

To him, this person not only lied to his classmate, but also impersonated someone he had always respected.

"Brother, he is indeed the Son of Heaven! I guarantee that he is indeed the Son of Heaven!"

In Li Ya's subconscious mind, at the time of the fall, everyone knew that he was the Heavenly Son.

Talent is transcendent, the combat power is against the sky, and the magical power is vast!

In the same realm, he defeated the Valkyrie, one of the thirteen Taibaos!

Even in that fierce land, surrender the terrible monsters inside!

Those feats are unthinkable, how he did it!

How can such a character pretend to be someone else!

Anyway, he would not believe Li Ya.

And, at that time, the disciples in the Heavenly Harmony obeyed him.

Leng Ruo, the ancestor of the Heavenly Desolation, is also among them.

"I'm not the Son of Heaven."

However, at this time, Li Ya heard the opening and said so.

"Holy Son ..." Li Ya thought this was an angry expression and shouted in astonishment.

When I wanted to explain something to him, I heard the man say again and said, "From beginning to end, I never said that I was the Heavenly Son.

My identity has always been that you wishfully thought that I was too lazy to explain at that time, so I got that title. "

"Master, did you hear that?" Li Zui said to Li Ya.

He didn't think that Shi Feng's words were really that way. He thought that the reason why this man admitted that he was not the Son of Heaven was that he had seen through.

"But ..." Suddenly, Li Ya was still a little dazed. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

The **** Shengli Li said the most: "Okay, brother, let's have a snack in the future. People are so big. Don't be deceived easily!"

That's it, Brother has another martial art skill tonight, don't stop there. "

After saying this to Li Ya, Li most looked at Shi Feng again, and the coldness in his eyes, although he didn't say anything in his mouth, apparently had the intention of giving away customers.

As if a warning had been issued to Shi Feng, asking him to leave here as soon as possible.

The place where his holy flames are stationed, it's not a fake, it can stay.

Immediately after that, Li Zui's body moved fiercely, rushing violently towards the Flame Mountain below.

But then, he fell into the mountains.

Even so, Shi Feng's keen soul still felt that the man had locked his breath.

Li Ya, still don't know what to say.

Shi Feng looked at him and said, "Since the people here do not welcome me, then leave."

In the end, he gave Li Ya a fist.

This is thanks to him for the invitation, although it was a bit unpleasant.

"Holy ... I ..." Li Ya still didn't know how to speak. He had previously called him the Holy Son, but he said that he was not the Son of Heaven, what should he call it?

Even if it wasn't the Heavenly Son, Li Ya still wanted to stay in his heart, but he saw that he and the woman in the red dress immediately moved and flew up.

He came to the place where his holy flame shrine was stationed, and just like that, he was leaving.

"Wait, be careful!" Immediately, Li Ya realized something and shouted upward.

They rushed straight like this, and they will touch the enchantment of Divine Flame laid down by the disciples of their Divine Flame Holy Land.

Although Li Ya looks so relaxed when he enters, the disciples who are not the Holy Flame Holy Place are forcibly touched, that is not a joke!

(End of this chapter)

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