Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2672: Another Heavenly Son?

Chapter 2672 Another Heavenly Son?

Seeing that the two black and red figures over the sky were about to collide with the invisible enchantment, Li Ya immediately concluded the magical fingerprints with both hands and opened the enchantment instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the two figures burst into the vast night sky, and soon disappeared into Li Ya's sight.

"Okay!" Li Ya whispered secretly, then withdrew his fingerprints, and the **** flame enchantment over the sky worked normally again.

Just now he wasn't worried that he was injured under the enchantment of the flames, but he was worried that there would be greater misunderstanding and hatred with him.

Li Ya's eyes still looked at the sky, secretly whispering: "But if he is not the Son of Heaven, then who is he?"

"At this age, he has such talent and anti-combat power, and at the time, Leng Ruo really obeyed him."

"Also in that dark space, the second guardian of the Tianhuang Holy Land appeared wonderfully, it is clear that the second guardian had been protecting him secretly!" Li Ya also understood the second protective law of the Tianhuang Holy Land. some.

Someone can make the second guardian protect you, then the identity will definitely not be simple!

"If he is really not the Son of Heaven, then who will he be?" Li Ya muttered the words again.


"Brother Li Zui, the uncle came here! He asked me to come back first to talk, and the Holy Son in the heavenly wasteland is coming to our place with the uncle!"

And just then, Li Ya suddenly heard a young billowing cry from the sky.

"Son of the Heavenly Sacred Land? Son of the Heavenly Sacred Land!" After hearing the words, Li Ya was surprised again.

"Sacred Son of Heaven? Sacred Son of Heaven again?" Impatient words came out of the Flame Mountain below.

Listening to this tone, it seems that after experiencing the counterfeiting of the Son of Heaven, the Godson of the Flame did not take the upcoming Son of Heaven seriously.

"Uh ..." In the sky, the Shenyan disciple levitated alone, looking down, wondering what to do for a while.

Brother Li Zui, didn't he say that he admired the Heavenly Son? Originally, I thought that after reporting the news, Brother Li Zuixi would be very happy and would come out to meet him in person.

However, it's not like that at all ...

"Never mind, anyway, what Uncle Li Que has brought, I have brought it."


After Shi Feng and Jian Tong left the island where the Holy Flame Shrine was stationed, they were suspended in the void very close to the Dragon Blood Sea, just like some casual repairs.

Underneath, it is a tumbling wave, and this is a normal wave.

It is only a hundred meters away from the rolling waves, and the sea water there is a bright red color, like blood.

The sea water is very clear!

The seawater in this area was stained with a bright red color immediately after entering the area of ​​Dragon Blood.

And the water in the Dragon Blood Sea area seems to not flow out at all.

"When are you planning to enter the Sea of ​​Dragon Blood?"

At this time, Shi Feng and Jian Tong suddenly heard a sound of discussion coming from around.

"Look again! After all, it is the sea of ​​dragon blood! The big powers have not yet dispatched, we should better watch it change! Otherwise, if you venture into this fierce land, you may die terribly!"

"It is said that this time, many powerful characters have come from the major forces! This time, I am afraid that they will fight for the dragon!"

"What's that! Heaven and earth are treasures, and those who have fate get it! Those who obtain the treasures of the heavens and the earth won't be able to get it with great strength. Everything is about fate!"

"Hopefully, I will be the one chosen by this treasure! I really want to become strong!"


According to what they said, to this day, no one seems to have entered the sea of ​​dragon blood.

However, it is possible that someone has sneaked in secretly, just they don't know.

However, knowing that Feng Feng, the fierce dragon spirit, knows that those who venture into this area of ​​Dragon Blood will definitely not end well.


"This position is good, we are disciples of Gan Xuanzong, you can go!"

And while Shi Feng was still staring at the rolling sea of ​​blood, a cold voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

Shi Feng frowned slightly, then turned around and immediately saw three young people.

All three of them were very tall, with a toe-like look, looking down at him and Jian Tong.

The two true gods are so heavy that they seem to be completely out of sight of the three.

"What is Xuanzong? Very shy?" Shi Feng asked dismissively.

He didn't even think of Gan Xuanzong.

If it was really a mighty sect, it would have been stationed in those islands long ago.

Moreover, even those Zongmen forces who are eligible to settle in the island and let him Shi Feng go have no such qualification at all.

"I don't know Xuanzong, you will know soon!" The tall warrior standing among the three men grabbed it with one hand, and grabbed Shi Feng's face.

He didn't expect that a true **** was so heavy that he even talked to a few of them in a tone like that, which was just asking for trouble.

The other two didn't move, they looked abusive and looked at the man in the black robe.

"Look for death!" Shi Feng drank indifferently, and then blasted out with a punch, directly banging at the big hand grabbed by the man.

"Look for death?" But hearing the word "Look for Death", the tall warrior showed a cruel smile.

A true **** who dares to resist his own strength, that is the real death hunt!

Originally he just wanted to pinch the person's face, and then flew him directly.

I did not expect that he dared to use his fist to resist, then this fist was crushed.

The big palm and the fist got closer and closer, not only the three of Gan Xuanzong, but also the eyes around him, were immediately attracted.


The boxers collided suddenly!

"Ah!" A painful scream screamed.

The three sneer Gan Xuanzong had sneered on their faces, and their faces suddenly changed at this moment.

The palm that grabbed the fist was exploded.

The fist is still bombarding forward.

Suddenly, he was in the heart that was still suffering and terrifying.

"Well!" Under this punch of Shi Feng, the extremely tall warrior was immediately bombed by his punch.

"His! Real God is so heavy, when did it become so fierce? The one who was bombarded by him just now is in the real God Six, is n’t he?" The person who saw the scene just a moment ago said, startled Ran said.

"This ... this **** is so heavy, it's abnormal!"

"Looks like another master who pretends to be a force! Hiding the treasure, he has hidden the martial arts realm."


Today, Shi Feng hides her realm and indeed uses a treasure.

A few days ago, in Zhanwu City, the people who killed the Yin gods were killed, and a strange rock was found on the first person who provoked him.

At the time, at the bottom of Zhanwu City, when Shi Feng first saw Namei Dream, he saw that his martial arts realm was in the Samsung Demigod Realm.

He, with this strange shaped stone, hides his real state, even Shi Feng, who has the soul power of the true god, cannot see it.

(End of this chapter)

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