Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2673: Purple glow is here!

Chapter 2673: Purple Xiaguang Appears!

When a punch punched the warrior of Gan Xuanzong, the other two warriors stepped back involuntarily.

Of the three, the one standing in the middle was the highest in nature. Even he was abolished and bombarded with a punch. The two of them had clearly reached the iron plate.

"I don't want to see you again! Get me out! Immediately, immediately!" Shi Feng said coldly.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, the two men's stature slammed back, and they were far away from Shi Feng and Jian Tong.

How dare they stay here again.

"Purple Xiaguang appears again!" But at this moment, I don't know who suddenly shouted.

"Sea of ​​Dragon Blood! Purple glow!"

"Muff, Chongbao has a change!"


After hearing the shouts, Shi Feng and Jian Tong turned around immediately and looked in the direction of the Dragon Blood Sea.

Soon they saw that in the sea of ​​dragon blood, very far away, the purple glow was soaring into the sky. Such a heaven and earth vision was really a strange treasure born!

The blood-colored sea has become a purplish red, sparkling, and the scenery is beautiful.

But at this moment, no one is enjoying the beautiful scenery, and all people's attention is focused on that purple glow.

But soon the purple glow disappeared.

"Disappeared! Disappeared again!" Just as the purple glow disappeared, someone shouted.

"But do you feel that the purple glow this time is slightly longer than usual!" Someone said.

"Well, this time, it's obviously longer than the previous few times! The purple glow comes again and again, and the time is longer than once."

"Not only that, the purple light is now appearing more and more frequently. Today, it should be the seventh time."

"It seems that the treasure is about to be born!"

"I don't know, who is such a treasure, who will be lost at that time!"


"Is this purple glow coming from the magic lamp that Tian Guazi said?" Although the purple glow had disappeared, Shi Feng's eyes were still staring at the other side.

He still stood proud of the void, listening to the sounds coming from all around.

Now it seems that here you can also get some news you want to know.

"You already want to enter the Dragon Blood Sea?" Jian Tong seemed to have seen something from Shi Feng's face and asked him.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded at Jian Tong's words, without denying it.

At this moment, he really wanted to rush into the sea of ​​dragon blood.

"I just heard someone say that this time the major forces have come to many strong men, and some of them are very terrible! We should enter with everyone as well." Jian Tong suggested .

She knows about Shi Feng's situation nowadays, and with his current strength, it is difficult to deal with that dragon spirit.

The best way is to enter with all the major forces and be safer.

But the disadvantage at that time was that the competition was too great!

What's still unknown is, to what extent are those terrifying strong people in the population!

For these true **** martial arts, the realm of the **** king is also a terrifying existence.

"Look again!" Shi Feng answered.

"Brother Xi, that's him!" At this moment, Shi Feng and Jian Tong heard, and another voice came from not far away.

The power of Shi Feng's soul was instantly felt, and two tall youths flew towards him with an imposing young man.

Those two men were the two martial artists who had let them go.

Unexpectedly, they came for a stronger person.

"Brother Shiling, although this person's realm only seems to be in the real God, but definitely not, you must be careful at that time."

"Yes, Brother Ling! Don't take care. The non-brother just looked down on this person just now, and was scrapped by him!"


The two warriors of Gan Xuanzong kept talking to their brother Xing.

However, after hearing the two people reminding themselves constantly, Brother Shi Ling looked more and more impatient and finally spoke: "Well, you two shut up for me! It ’s because he is weak, don't take me and him Compare them!

In my eyes, that is not a cricket ant! "

Brother Shiling talked about the disdainful expression of disdain, and at the end, his face was full of pride.

He was only about thirty years old, but entered the nine heavens of the true god, becoming the first genius of Gan Xuanzong, and indeed had his proud capital.

"That person seems to be Xuan Yu of Gan Xuanzong!"

"That's right! It's Chen Yu! That person just hit a disciple of their Gan Xuanzong. I didn't expect Gan Xuanzong to come here!

"Xing Yu! I've heard of this person's name, and the true **** Nine Heavens is truly terrifying."

"Sing Yu is here. That man, his woman, is going to suffer now!"



"You! Turn around!" At this moment, a cold voice suddenly rang from behind Shi Feng.

The person who made this sound was naturally one of the two who had previously been "rolled" by Shi Feng.

In the face of Shi Feng, he and the two fled, but now, it looks like a strong man has returned.

After hearing his words, Shi Feng and Jian Tong turned at the same time again and looked at the three.

The elder brother Ling Yu was originally indifferent, but when he saw the woman in a red dress turning around, his eyes suddenly straightened.

"Beauty! So beautiful!" The brother Ling started smiling.

And Jian Tong also looked at him, and suddenly smiled at him, the look of laughter, more beautiful, almost hooked.

At this moment, this fellow Brother Xing seemed as if his soul was about to come out. Then, he saw a grin and smiled coldly. At this moment, his face turned slightly, looked at Shi Feng, and said:

"You hurt my disciple Xuanzong and committed the crime of treason! I kneel down and talk to me."

In the end, this sparkling Yu commanded him with an irresistible tone.

He Xingyu, already see him unhappy!

Just him, why with such a stunning woman.

He also wanted the stunning woman beside him to see how the man who was with her was in front of himself.

He wanted her to know what kind of man was worth her to really follow.

"Who gave you the courage to make you dare to speak to me like this?" Shi Feng sneered and asked him.

He killed many people in his life. In fact, it is not really that he likes to kill people, but that there are too many people who think that his life is too long. He came to die!

"He! He was so arrogant in the face of Ling Yu? Could he have the strength to fight against Ling Yu?"

"Have the strength to fight against Rong Yu? What a joke! Rong Yu is the genius of the true **** Jiuzhong Realm. To have the strength to fight against Rong Yu, you must have the power of Jiu Zhongtian!

What age is he? Less than twenty! Don't you think he is the kind of genius that is impossible? "

(End of this chapter)

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