Chapter 2687 Fear!

Shi Feng's figure stopped directly, suspended in the void, and looking forward.

"No! There is that dragon-evil evil spirit out of it, I just can't go there for a lifetime!"

"Today, there are so many warriors entering this sea of ​​dragon blood. If I were dragged down like this, that secret treasure will be acquired by others sooner or later!"

"What should I do?" As he said these words, Shi Feng's fists clenched tightly. At this moment, he really wanted to punch the Dragon Wuling with a punch.

"Try again!" Then he said again, the suspended figure violently urged to rush forward at full speed.

But with three breaths, the stormy figure stopped again, and Zhang Lengjun's face suddenly became colder.

He was once again moved into another sky.

Then he turned around and saw the most dazzling, bright place in the eyes, farther away.

It's almost like an invisible hand, playing with himself in secret.

Shi Feng, suddenly became extremely uncomfortable.

Without killing the dragon-evil spirit, he really won't get the magic lamp, he won't be able to return to Tianheng, and he won't be able to find the spirit.

"Long Wu! There is a way to get out of Ben Shao, don't make a ghost in secret!" Shi Feng yelled.

Drinking billowing, making the void in all directions violently stirred.

"Ah!" But at this moment, a sudden shout came from behind Shi Feng.

He immediately turned his head, looked over, and immediately saw a woman in the void not far away.

This is a middle-aged woman with high skin, beautiful and dignified skin, fair skin, beautiful appearance, and full of mature and full charm.

However, when she looked at this empty stone maple with her eyes, a look of extreme fear appeared on her face, as if she saw the most terrible thing in the world.

Immediately afterwards, she turned around, flew through the air, and escaped.

She naturally knew who the man in the black armor was.

It was the Blood God, the ferocious Blood God.

The most important thing is that this Blood Demon Son is so powerful that even the famous Heavenly Son has failed to kill him.

"Sister, it's like seeing a ghost when you see Ben Shao. Ben Shao, is it really so scary?" Shi Feng said.

The next moment, I saw that his body was also moving. He chased after the beautiful middle-aged woman.

"Oops! Oops!"

"God of Gorefiend!"

"Don't chase it! Don't chase it!"

"Ah! Quickly move me to another space. Quickly keep me away from the **** saint!"


The middle-aged beautiful woman was praying in her heart while urging her body to fly quickly.

In my mind, the Baiyin King involuntarily emerged. Elder Gan Xuanzong Yin was sucked by the little devil's head and turned into an infiltration picture of the dried up corpse.

Thinking of it, she felt hairy.

If you are also ...

Immediately after that, she shook her head violently and let the horrible thoughts go away.

If that's the case, you must smash your soul before you die, and you must not let yourself see the ugly picture of your body.

"No! Definitely not! In this sea of ​​dragon blood, the space is constantly changing. After a while, I can enter other spaces and escape from the murderous little devil."

The middle-aged beautiful woman said secretly in her heart.

However, at this moment, she found that she was still in this space, and had not been able to change the world as before.

Earlier, she rushed towards the direction where the purple glow was the brightest, and wanted to approach the peerless treasure as quickly as possible.

However, three times, she flew and flew into another space unknowingly.

At that time, she was reluctant to be moved into other areas, and at this moment, she was extremely eager to stop being in this void.

However, Destiny seemed to make a joke with her. The more she didn't want to be here, she never left here.

The mature and glamorous face became increasingly anxious, restless and shocking, and the flying body was fluttering, and breathing became very rapid.

Her heart was filled with fear.

The next moment, her face changed wildly, and she showed extreme horror.

The shape of the rapid flight also stopped suddenly at this moment.

The little devil suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking her way.

She was so close to the **** saint, she already felt the cold chill from him.

"Blood ... God of Blood Devil, you ... don't kill me!" Her voice was trembling, begging him for mercy.

Shi Feng grinned and asked her, "When did I say I was going to kill you?"

Although he said so, the middle-aged beautiful woman became more disturbed when she saw the sneer on his face.

As if, he was despising himself in a playful manner.

"I ... Oh, it's my fault. I don't speak very well. Don't be angry." She said.

At this moment, she didn't dare to act lightly. She just wanted to delay time in this way, hoping that she would immediately enter another void.

Now, to survive, that's all!

"God bless you!" She prayed again.

She didn't even think that the savage Gore-God would let herself go.

"I'm so scary?" Shi Feng said secretly, looking at the woman in front of her.

At the same time, he said, "How did you appear here?"

He wanted to confirm his guess.

"Me?" When she heard Shi Feng asking that, she made a slight mistake and immediately answered:

"I originally flew into this area of ​​dragon blood after following you and the Heavenly Son. At that time, you were the first to disappear in that space, and then someone was constantly inexplicable. Eventually, so was myself.

When I realized it, there was no one in the Dragon Blood Sea, and it didn't take long before I unknowingly entered another area!

Three times later, I came to this area and let me meet you. "

After hearing what she said, Shi Feng knew that not only herself and Jian Tong, was secretly manipulated by the dragon vicious spirit, and constantly moved in the sea of ​​dragon blood.

It seems that all warriors who entered the sea of ​​dragon blood suffered the same.

"Long Wu fierce spirit has a great hatred with me. I entered the sea of ​​dragon blood. It has not killed me yet.

"If so, how about everyone else? How many people have been killed by that dragon now?"

Secretly thinking about this, I got the message I wanted to know. For this middle-aged beautiful woman in front of her, Shi Feng was too lazy to bother.

The figure fluttered slowly, and immediately passed the middle-aged woman, and then he continued to fly forward.

Once again, it flew in the direction of the most purple glow.

"He? He just let me go?" Suddenly, the middle-aged woman was shocked again.

Some are incredible.

It's getting late, everyone should go to bed earlier.

Go to bed first, good night everyone! Have a good dream!

(End of this chapter)

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