Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2688: Weird woman

Chapter 2688 Weird Woman

The beautiful middle-aged woman felt that there should be any other means for the **** devil.

The more he let go of himself, the more her whole body collapsed.

She had held her breath, keeping a strong alert.

However, the figure wearing the black armor still flew farther and farther.

It's not like it will stop again.

"Did this **** devil suddenly show kindness?"

"Or maybe, just because I look so beautiful, he's afraid he will be condemned by doing something to me?"

"This ... probably won't ..."

For a while, the middle-aged beautiful woman was even a little confused, apparently a cruel gore, but she just let herself go.

Anyway! I'm alive.

No, it's more important than this.

Shi Feng flew farther and farther, seeing that it was about to disappear at the end of this void.

Strange to say, previously, if you stayed in this area for so long, you would have been moved to the next area.

However, at this moment, not only Shi Feng, but also the middle-aged beautiful woman, are still in this space, and have not been secretly sent away by the invisible big hand behind.

"It is possible that the space in this dragon's blood sea area has stabilized." The middle-aged beautiful woman murmured secretly.

"What's going on?" But then, her face, which had just calmed down, suddenly reappeared with panic.

She suddenly sensed that an extremely hot, terrifying flame force rushed from behind.

"Murfin's Blood Lord, in fact, has already killed me! Hateful, Blood Lord!" She turned abruptly as she said these words.

All over the body, a majestic power suddenly rose, and the whole person turned into a huge black axe that seemed to have the power to open the mountain.

In the distance in front of her, a blaze of purple flames was burning, like a giant flame beast, "Oh!" A roar snarled and roared out of the mouth of the flame beast.

Unexpectedly, the hot and violent flames he just felt came from such a long distance.

"It's not the Blood Lord, it's the evil beast in the dragon's blood." When she said that, she had no time to think about it. The flame beast was moving fast in the void, and it was coming.

The black giant axe rising from the middle-aged woman suddenly cut off in anger.

At the same time, she immediately turned around, urging her strength and escaping.

She already knew that she couldn't compete with the purple flame monster at all and gathered the strength of her body to cut down the axe, but hoped that she could get some escape time for herself.

"Boom!" The huge axe struck violently, and there was a blast of blast.

However, when it seemed extremely fierce to open the sky with one axe, and cut angrily on that purple flame beast, he saw no response.

The black giant axe collapsed instantly, and the purple flame monster continued to be furious, and in an instant, it looked after the beautiful woman.

At this moment, such a close distance, the middle-aged beauty only felt that her entire body was about to be melted at high temperatures.

The cheek was extremely horrified, she turned her head slowly, turned her side slightly, and looked back.

"Oh!" In another roar, I saw the purple flame beast opened his mouth, and the world in his mouth, the purple flame seemed to be more violent.

Bite down at the middle-aged beautiful woman.

"Ah! No! Don't!" His gaze was so horrified that his eyes widened and hissed out loud.

She knew that this time, herself, was really over!

Unexpectedly, entering the sea of ​​dragon blood, he was doomed to death.

She could not think of the possibility that she could survive.

I thought I was going to die in the hands of the Blood Lord, but the Blood Lord did not kill himself, but was swallowed by this purple flame beast.

Thinking about this, she closed her eyes in despair.

But before her eyes were completely closed, she was surprised to see a black figure flashing.

The eyes just closed suddenly opened wide again.

"How? How could he?" She had no idea that this person would suddenly appear here.

And she was pretty sure that this was not an illusion before her death.

This is, really happening.

The man who was extremely brutal in her heart not only did not kill her, at this moment, he even protruded his right hand up against the power bitten by that purple flame beast with one hand.

With a loud bang, with the bite of wickedness, a violent purple flame rushed first, and instantly swallowed the black figure.

"He!" Looking at this scene, the middle-aged beautiful woman was shocked again.

Then, "Oh!"

This was a painful cry of pain.

"That fiery beast ..."

Just when the middle-aged beautiful woman thought of this, she whispered, and saw the huge body of purple flames bursting at the moment.

Instantly turned into a purple fireball in the sky, dancing violently, in this purple-colored void, I feel more gorgeous and beautiful, the black figure, looming between the fireballs.

The purple fireball splattered the world, and the eyes of the middle-aged beautiful woman still stared tightly forward. In her eyes, the black young figure seemed to be the only one in this world.

Long hair flutters, the young devil comes into the world.

"He ... this is a really powerful man."

Looking at him at this moment, she only felt very relieved in her heart, as if all the dangers could be fearless, even if the sky fell, but this figure stood proud and could stand in her way.

"Over the years, these years, this, isn't it me, the man who is searching hard!"

"This is the true world-heavy power! With the power of the world, even the Son of the Holy Land of Heaven can be fearless."

"He, even if it is the **** devil who everyone fears!"

"He, even if slaughter billions of souls, what then?"

"He, but saved me!"

"As long as he treats me well and loves me, even if he is against the world, then what?"


Resurrected from death, only momentarily, her whole body, her whole heart, has become a piece of softness.

She really wanted to get closer to him, tightly in her arms, and never separated.

Then, she saw the black figure turned slowly, and she saw the young Lengjun's face again.

At this moment, in the eyes, British gas is compelling.

And this young and strong body ...

"Thank ... thank you!" The woman said, thanking Shi Feng, and she lowered her head slightly, looking as if she was a bit shy.

In her mind, some lingering pictures with his beautiful joy involuntarily emerged, as if a thief was guilty and afraid that he would find himself cranky and afraid to look at him squarely.

"It's all right!" Shi Feng said calmly, and returned to the middle-aged beautiful woman.

But he found that the woman suddenly became a little strange.

It's finally updated. Is everyone asleep?

(End of this chapter)

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