Chapter 2689 He Is His Master

After simply saying the word "all right", Shi Feng's figure moved again and she was about to leave.

But as soon as he moved, the heart of the middle-aged beautiful woman immediately trembled, and he quickly said, "Please wait!"

"Huh?" When she heard her shout, Shi Feng was still, looking at the weird woman in front of her, and asked, "What else?"

"I ..." I just said the word, and suddenly she looked more shy, her head lowered, and said, "I want to follow you, let me follow you."

"Follow me? Why? Aren't you afraid I'll kill you?" Shi Feng asked her.

He still remembered that when the woman first saw herself, she looked like a ghost and fled when she saw it.

Now, it's really a weird woman to talk about following her.

"You! I know, you won't kill me. I can see that you are not the kind of cruel person.

I'm really too weak, only by following you can I be safe. I don't want to die in the sea of ​​dragon blood. She replied.

In fact, following Shi Feng, this is the main reason.

It didn't take long for me to enter this dragon's blood, and I encountered such a purple flame fierce beast, and he couldn't run away when he stared at it.

The sea of ​​dragon blood is a famous and dangerous place, and even the King of the Triple Gods is afraid to step in easily.

She knew that, next, such beasts would continue to meet, and even more terrifying things.

"I'm busy!" Shi Feng simply said these three words.

Then the figure moved again, and once again, it disappeared in front of the middle-aged beautiful woman.

"You ..." The middle-aged beautiful woman immediately froze. He did not expect that he saved himself, but was so cold to himself.

"Don't ... he saved me because of my beauty?" The middle-aged woman said blankly.

She absolutely didn't believe that the fiercely named Gore-God was because she couldn't bear to see someone killed, and she saved people for no reason.

Thinking of this, she immediately turned around and looked into the void. The black figure had gone away instantly and was about to disappear at the end of the film.

At this time, I saw the mature and beautiful face, and suddenly appeared extremely firm.

Her body shape also moved, and Fei chased Shi Feng.

She realized that only by following this person closely, maybe she could have a vitality in this dragon blood sea.

There may still be a chance to win that treasure.


Shi Feng, as well as the middle-aged beautiful woman, have all discovered that it is really different now.

Until now, they have not been moved into other areas.

"What exactly does that purple flame beast belong to? The last time in the Dragon Blood Sea, there was no such monster at all!"

Shi Feng murmured secretly as her body flew.

In his hand, he was holding a ball of purple fireball at this moment. This was the fireball with the most pure and powerful flame power in the sky after he killed the purple flame beast.

At this time, he was still feeling wholeheartedly.

That purple flame beast was all condensed from this purple flame, and it was wonderful that it had thoughts.

But it's just thought.

Not yet civilized, beast-like thoughts.

Because just now, Shi Feng didn't sense the soul after destroying the purple flame creature.

"That purple flame creature should be related to the magic lamp mentioned by Tian Guazi?

It may be generated by the flame in the magic lamp!

If that's the case, then what kind of thing is that magic lamp?

Just by using the monster generated by the fire, the attack power can reach the **** king! "

At that time, Shi Feng did sense that the monster opened his mouth to bite the blast of flames and hit God King.

However, despite that, the creature's defense was very weak. After blocking its attack, it only collapsed with a random attack.

The true strength is incomparable with the true God King strong, but under God King, it is difficult to stop its fierce blow.

"Space, really is no longer moving randomly!" Shi Feng added.

As he moved quickly, he was getting closer to the place where the purple glow was the brightest.

Later, Shi Feng gradually saw the distant void in all directions, and there were also soldiers.

The martial arts soldiers also flew towards where they were going.

However, when those people saw him, they immediately avoided it, as if avoiding the plague god, and dared not approach.

Someone even kept an eye on him for fear that he would suddenly fly towards himself.

Fearing that the fierce blood devil lord had a demon hair, he killed himself cruelly and sucked the blood.

For those people, Shi Feng simply didn't bother to care what they thought.

As long as you don't provoke yourself, if you don't have long eyes, then send him back to the West.

"Holy ... this." At this moment, Shi Feng heard another woman shouting, and her voice was familiar.

Then he turned his head to the right, and soon he saw a beautiful purple shadow.

Ye Zifei, one of the top ten aunts of Yin and Yang.

She's here too!

Now the space stops moving indiscriminately, the warriors are all coming here.

Shi Feng was thinking, Jian Tong, should be here too.

Ye Zifei used to call him the Heavenly Son, but shouted the word "tian" and then shut his mouth. If he didn't know how to call him, he called him "this".

Seeing Ye Zifei coming over, Shi Feng intentionally slowed down his flying figure.

Soon, Purple Shadow came quickly.

"Ye Zifei! Yin and Yang taught that **** Ye Zifei, mixed with the Blood Demon Son!"

"Between them, there is an invisible relationship!

Not long ago, Ye Zifei had a face saying that she had not colluded with the blood devil! "

"Oh, how can this woman's words be believed? This woman doesn't know how many times she has been borne by the Blood Lord."


Seeing the two confluent figures, the warrior in the void in the distance whispered.


"I don't know, how do I call you?" Ye Zifei spoke first and asked Shi Feng.

"My name is Nether." Shi Feng said.

"Nether! It turns out that you are the nether!" Ye Zifei was shocked when she heard that title.

Seeing her like this, it seemed that she had indeed heard the name of the ghost.

Following this, Ye Zifei said in a deep voice, and said, "Another peerless genius who was just born in Tianhuang Holy Land, defeated Luo Ningchuan, the master of the Snowflake Palace and defeated Wuxu Palace in Qiwu in Qiling, Guling.

"Well, it's me," Shi Feng admitted.

"Nether! The new generation of evils less than twenty years old comes from the sacred land of heaven, and I really should have thought of you!

However, I have always regarded you as the Son of Heaven, so naturally I filtered you out. Ye Zifei said again.

However, she had many questions.

Let's not say why he didn't know the Son of Heaven.

I heard that the Heavenly Sage Son has always been mysterious, that is, the Heavenly Sacred Land. Few people have seen him.

What Ye Zifei didn't want to understand is that he is really a man in the Heavenly Sacred Land. Why did he say to the Heavenly Sage Son that he is his master?

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(End of this chapter)

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